IL MERCATO TAIPEI 101 》台北 101 世貿捷運站下午茶單杯酒
Last Updated on 2021-10-29 by Foodelicious
(2021.10 更新) 台北信義區下午茶有很多選擇, 義瑪卡多餐酒咖啡館是台北 101 美食之一, 也是少數有販售單杯酒的Cafe.
(2021.10 Update ) There are lots of Xinyi District Afternoon Tea Cafe. IL MERCATO Cafe is one of the Taipei 101 Restaurant. It also offers single glass wine.
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目錄 / Table of Contents
關於義瑪卡多 101 店
IL MERCATO CAFE TAIPEI (義瑪卡多餐廳) 這次並非像新光三越 “Caffé Florian Coffee 福里安花神咖啡館” 一樣有餐廳店面, 而是類似有座位的百貨獨立櫃位 (文末有影片). 店面與天母店設計主軸顏色相同, 在銀白色招牌的Dior 精品概念店襯托下, 視覺上更加高雅. 不僅有蛋糕甜點,咖啡,輕食與乳酪拼盤, 也販售單杯酒, 二訪時開始販售整瓶酒. IL Mercato 只賣來自義大利的酒, 不拘限於葡萄酒和氣泡酒, 也有我上次在萬豪酒店 “IL Mercato Cafe Loison Panettone 新品發表會“喝到的義大利白蘭地 (Grappa).
Unlike “Caffé Florian Coffee”, it doesn’t have a restaurant front. It is more like a cafe with opened seating area (the video has the surrounding area). The design is also similar with Tianmu branch with elegant theme. IL MERCATO CAFE TAIPEI offers desserts, coffee, light food and cheese. It also sells single glass wine. At my second visit, they start selling wines in bottle unit.
延伸閱讀: Loison Panettone 》義大利聖誕麵包 | IL MERCATO 餐飲通路銷售新計畫
♛ 台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List
連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)
連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation
連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康 No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health
訂位 & 低消
IL MERCATO CAFE 101 Reservation & Minimum Charge
IL MERCATO CAFE 台北 101 店建議打電話訂位 ( 0906-381-316 ) , 低消則是 NTD $200.
I would suggest to call in advance to reserve seats (0906-381-316). The minimum charge is NTD $200.
點單杯酒 SOP
Order Single Glass Wine SOP
義瑪卡多餐酒咖啡館改變營業方式, 之前幾乎菜單上的每一款酒都有單杯酒選項, 現在的單杯酒選項非常少, 那天到訪只有四款酒. 點單杯酒 SOP 也需要店員輔助.
✅ 店員會解釋需要 NTD $1000 才能有圖一裡的卡 , 建議給現金.
✅ NTD $1000 不用全部花完, 當天沒用完可以退還剩餘金額. 那張卡基本上只是操作單杯酒機器的步驟
✅ 需要到單杯酒機器展示推車, 店員會介紹酒款與示範操作機器, 單杯酒價格都在機器顯示螢幕
IL MERCATO Cafe changes its operation method. Long time ago, all wines on the menu used to be sold in single glass wines. However, nowadays, the selections only has four wines. The store staff would assist you operating the single glass wine machine.
✅ The staff explains that you would need to pay NTD $1000 to get the card (pic 1). I would suggest to pay in cash.
✅ You dont need to spend all NTD $1000. If you didnt spend all NTD $1000, you can get a refund. This card is just a “step” to operation the single glass wine machine.
✅ You would need to go to the machine. The store staff would introduce the wines and teach you how to operate the machine. The price of the single glass is on the machine display screen
IL Mercato 甜點
IL Mercato Dessert
Price: NTD $250
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
這是我三訪點的 Sgroppino, 我朋友是點 Affogato (NTD $150), 我點 Sgroppino (NTD $250), 其實就是義大利氣泡酒倒入檸檬 Sorbet, 一倒完我就很快地把Sorbet吃掉, 剩下氣泡酒慢慢喝. 我之前在其他分店就已經吃過 Affogato, 我個人還是比較喜歡Affogato.
My friend ordered Adffogato (NTD $150). I ordered Sgroppino (NTD $250). It is basically lemon sorbet topped with Prosecco. Oh well, I prefer their Adffogato.
IL Mercato 餐點
IL Mercato Dish
火腿 Montasio 高山起司土司
English Name: Ham and Montasio Cheese Toast
Price: NTD $135
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
那天我選擇的是出錯率低的火腿起司吐司. 切半土司的Size 跟在麵包店看到的土司相同, 表層有著烙印痕跡. 用牛乳製作的高山起司 (Montasio Cheese ) 產區為北義, 最初是修道士開始製作, 將製作方式傳給 蒙他西歐山 ( Montasio Mountain) 附近的居民, 於是直接命名為 Montasio Cheese, 店家直接翻譯為 “高山起司”. 在溫熱酥脆土司夾層中的火腿有適量煙燻風味, 起司奶香風味絲毫不會搶走火腿的風采. 少數客人認為價格過高, 但台北101挑高用餐氛圍相當不錯, 建議可帶客戶來這裡一邊享受輕食下午茶一邊開會.
I select “Ham and Montasio Cheese Toast”. The Montasio Cheese is originated from northern Italy. This kind of Cheese was produced by the monks. Later on, the monks taught the residents near Montasio Mountain how to produce this particular cheese. Therefore, this type of cheese is named after the mountain name.The hams , which is between the warm and crispy toast, have fair amount of smoky aroma. The milky flavor from the cheese is also quite attractive. Most customers might think the price is higher than expected. But the dining environment at Taipei 101 is very pleasant and not noisy. It is suitable to bring customers or guests to enjoy the afternoon tea/coffee/wine.
單杯酒- 紅酒
Single Glass Wine – Red Wine
Giacomo Fenocchio Langhe Nebbiolo 2016
ABV: 14.5%
Price: NTD $215
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
一訪時, 這支酒是 2015 年, 一杯價格是 NTD $255, 但是我並沒有點, 這次二訪則是點了這款單杯酒. 來自 Giacomo Fenocchio 酒莊的 Langhe Nebbiolo 2016 是100% Nebbiolo , 公認的年輕巴洛洛 (Barolo), 淺紅寶石般色澤, 入口時有草莓和櫻桃混搭討喜風味, 看似輕盈的酒體, 單寧極高, 但卻不會抵觸到整體酒款平衡表現, 我喜歡喝 Barolo, 但是因為單價較為昂貴不常喝, Langhe Nebbiolo 通常是我第二個選擇. 我會推薦這款給初飲者.
When I was here on my first visit, I didn’t order this wine, which is stated the year of 2015. I decided to order one glass for the second visit, but stated the year of 2016. This 100% Nebbiolo wine is from Giacomo Fenocchio winery. Shiny red ruby color wine color is quite attractive. The flavor is full of mixed strawberries and cherries. Even though the wine body looks light, but the tennis is higher than expected. But, this wine is still balanced with great performance. I like drinking Barolo, but honestly, it is a bit expensive. So, Langhe Nebbiolo is usually my second choice. I would recommend this to the first-time drinker.
La Tosa Vignamorello Gutturnio Superiore 2015
ABV: 14.5%
Price: NTD $245
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
這是我二訪點的第二杯紅酒. 混釀葡萄包括 60% Barbera 和 40% Bonarda, 深紫紅色酒體帶有著濃烈辛香料和黑胡椒香氣, 第一口時能感受到李子等黑色水果風味, 單寧薄弱, 以如此顯著的特色, 老實說, 我不會推給剛開始學喝葡萄酒的人, 但是我會推薦給有豐富喝酒經驗的人.
The blend includes 60% Barbera and 40% Bonarda. Dark purple-red color wine carries strong spices and black pepper aroma. The first taste can sense the plum and other black fruits flavor. The tannin is not strong but overall with strong character. I wouldn’t recommend this wine for the first-time drinker. But, I would recommend for the drink with more wine drinking experience.
♛ 酒類列表 Alcohol List
延伸閱讀: 葡萄酒列表 》Wine List
延伸閱讀: 威士忌列表 》Whiskey List
延伸閱讀: 啤酒列表 》Beer List
延伸閱讀: 其他酒類列表 》Other Alcohol List
警語: 警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康 No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health
單杯酒 – 白酒
Single Glass Wine – White Wine
Monte Fiorentine Soave Classico 2015
Winery: Ca’Rugate
ABV: 12.5%
Price: NTD $250/glass
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
當天觀察, 白天時段 80%是旅客, 一致都點咖啡, 可理解當時店內無侍酒師, 若要餐搭酒, 服務生可協助詢問天母店, 我點了一杯來自義大利的Monte Fiorentine Soave Classico 2015 搭配餐點. 與天母店一樣使用 Corvain 品牌葡萄酒取酒器, 由於桌面較小, 服務生會在櫃台倒好酒再端上. 此款酒為 100% Garganega 釀造的蘇瓦維 (Soave), 淡金色酒體輕盈, 帶有清新酸度, 也有少許礦石風味與鹹味.
80% of the customers are tourists during the day. There isn’t any sommelier during the time since most customers order coffees. If you would like the wine to pair with the foods, the waitress/waiter would assist by calling the Tianmu branch store. I ordered Monte Fiorentine Soave Classico 2015 as suggested. Since the dining table is a bit small, they opened the bottle at the counter instead of the table. This light-golden color wine is made with 100% Garganega. The wine body is light and crisp with fair amount of acidity. The flavors are mixed with mineral and salty flavor.
結論 Conclusion ⭐
這次 2021年10月三訪時, 才知道義瑪卡多餐酒咖啡館 101 店改變經營方式, 以前義瑪卡多的魅力就是義大利酒單杯酒選項多, 可惜現在單杯酒選項變得非常少, 甚至比市面上某些餐廳還要少, 變得沒有特色. 除非你剛好在台北 101 吃飯, 要不然所以不用特別來喝單杯酒.
I just realized that IL MERCATO Cafe 101 store changes its operation style. Previously, IL MERCATO offers lots of Italian wine single glass option. Now, it turns out only fewer than expected (Four to be exact). Overall, it becomes less attractive. Unless you dine in Taipei 101, you don’t need to come here for single glass on purpose.
延伸閱讀: 台北單杯酒懶人包 (分區) 》Where to Drink Single Glass Wine in Taipei City?
短秒影片 Short Video
IL MERCATO CAFE 101 Information
店名: 義瑪卡多餐酒咖啡館
地址: 台北市信義區信義路五段7號4樓 (Map)
捷運站: 世貿 101 捷運站
電話: 0906-381-316
Restaurant: IL MERCATO CAFE 101
Address: TAIPEI 101 4F (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Taipei 101 MRT station
Tel: 0906-381-316