台北東旅 Hotel East Taipei 》台北商旅飯店住宿推薦 | Taipei Hotel

Last Updated on 2020-03-21 by Foodelicious

2017年6月新開幕的台北東旅 ( Hotel East Taipei ) 位於南京三民捷運站附近, 是台北松山區南京東路上的商旅之一. 這次有這個榮幸可以體驗一晚住宿.
Newly-opened Hotel East Taipei is one of the hotels near Nangjing Sanmin MRT station. It is also one of the business hotels at Taipei Songshan District.Now, I have the honor to live there for one night.


交通資訊 Traffic Information

台北東旅的交通相當便利, 拉著行李箱的旅客們直接從南京三民捷運站1 號出口右轉走三分鐘即可抵達, 附近有 1/2 Cafe, 御蓮齋素食Buffet 和全球知名的佳德鳳梨酥, 坐一站到松山捷運站即可逛饒河街夜市.
The traffic near Hotel East Taipei is very convenient. The tourist can walk from Nangjing Sanmin MRT station exit 1 for about 3 minutes. The nearby restaurant/cafes are 1/2 Cafe, Regal Lotus Vegetarian Buffet, and the world-famous Chiate Pineapple Pastry Shop. You can also take the MRT to the last station -Songshan to have a foodie tour at “Rao-he Night Market”.



飯店 Hotel

跟接待員聊天得知 “東旅休閒集團” 在宜蘭礁溪有渡假會館, 湯宿與東旅Hostel, 在經營飯店這方面有豐富經驗. 台北東旅房客來自日韓居多, 其次則是港澳中, 也不時有歐美商業人士入住.
The Hotel East Corporation has other hotels/hostel at Yilan. They have quite a few experience at the Hotel and Recreation Industry. Hotel East Taipei customer base is from Japan, Korea, China (Hong Kong & Macau) , US and Europe.


走進飯店挑高的大廳, 左邊的咖啡櫃位飄來咖啡香味與製作Expresso 的機器聲響, 拉著小行李走向櫃台, 右邊有一張長木座椅可讓等待的客人稍坐, 也有兩台電腦可上網, 左邊則是有販售“茶籽堂”品牌沐浴品的專櫃, 櫃台後方設計則是以中藥店的藥櫃作為靈感, 櫃台人員除了中英基本語言外, 也可以韓日文溝通.
At the right side of High-ceiling Lobby, there is a small coffee shop. Walking toward the counter, there is a store that sell “Cha-Tzu-Tang” brand shampoo, lotion..etc. At the back of the counter, the design is more like Chinese medicine store shelf. The counter staff is fluent in both Chinese and English. They can also communicate through Japanese and Korean.



二樓休息空間與一般商旅相比, 坪數大非常多, 可容納15~ 20人, 非常適合開商業會議,若是嚮往開放式空間, 也可到頂樓的座位區, 一邊聊天一邊可欣賞台北日夜景. 地下一樓午晚是日本料理, 早上則是房客吃早餐的地方.
The 2nd floor resting room is larger than any other business hotel in Taipei City. It is suitable for team meeting. If you prefer Taipei view at the open area, you can visit the top floor (more likely sky garden) to chat with your friends and enjoy the moment. B1 is actually a Japanese restaurant by lunch and dinner. During morning, it is a dining area for breakfast.




經典東旅客房 Classic Double Room

Travelcomfy 舒適程度: 👍👍👍👍

飯店櫃台交給我一張頗具設計感的房卡, 牆上的房號也是以麻將為設計主軸, 穿上飯店舒適高級的拖鞋觀察房間四周, 免費 Mini Bar 與 Nespresso 已成爲台北各個商旅的基本的房間配備. 木質色系在視覺上相當舒適, 較為特別的是兩張 Double Bed 是在挑高地板上, 衣櫃裡的褐色浴衣則是充滿日式風格, 此款客房將東方美學風格發揮漓淋盡致.
Both room card and room number designs are similar with Chinese Mahjong. The room has free mini bar and Nespresso machine. The wooden color visual is very comfortable. The most interesting part would be two double beds are at the higher floor. “Oriental Aesthetics” theme is the best to describe this room.




泡澡浴缸跟乾濕分離淋浴是商旅的基本配備, 沐浴用品配置則是一樓販售的台灣文創品牌 “茶籽堂”, 與其他飯店較不一樣的是台北東旅有 “洗手乳”, 其他飯店則是小肥皂, 吹風機則是用Philips, 記得要插在 220V, 而非 110V 插座, 吹風力會較強.
The showering and bathing tub area are separated. The bathroom counter has Cha-Tzu-Tang brand shampoo, conditioner, lotion, washing gel. It also has washing gel for hands instead of small soap. The hair dryer brand is Philips, which takes only a short time to dry hair.



住房心得 Review

Travelcomfy 舒適程度: 👍👍👍👍
由於交通相當方便, 當天安排許多活動, 參加 御蓮齋素食Buffet 記者會, 逛饒河街夜市, 和 凌晨到溫柔鄉吃宵夜喝威士忌. 回房時間已是凌晨三點左右. 跟 台中藍天飯店 Blue Sky Hotel 一樣蓮蓬頭的水壓夠, 我朋友最愛茶籽堂的乳液 -青蜜茶油乳液, 有薰衣草和橙花香味, 我則是喜愛茶籽堂的金盞花茶油護髮素, 不僅有基本的荷荷笆油, 也有苦茶油, 頭髮非常滑順, 檸檬香味則是大加分. 床也頗為舒適夠鬆軟, 溫控也準確且空氣也不至於太乾燥, 唯一的缺點就是我踢到挑高地板不只一次.
Due to the convenient traffic, I arranged quite a few activities – attend Regal Lotus Buffet Press Conference, Rao-he Night Market Tour and late night dining and drink at “The Tender Land”. It was 3am when my friend and I return the bedroom. Same as Taichung Blue Sky Hotel, the shower has enough pressure to ease my shoulder and back. My friend preferred their lotion, which has lavender aroma. I prefer their conditioner, which has enough jojoba oil and bitter tea oil to smoothen the hair. It also has lemon aroma. The bed is comfortable enough. The A/C room temperature control is stable and the air wasn’t too dry. The only concern is that I seemed to be too clumsy to kick the high floor more than expected.





用餐 – 免費早餐

Dining- Free Breakfast
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

早餐時間是 7 am 開始, 比其他飯店晚, 地下一樓的用餐空間不擁擠, 餐盤則是九宮格設計, 中式早餐稀飯煮得不會過於軟爛, 可惜的是當天沒有肉鬆, 西式早餐則是有常見的麵包和麥片, 由於原本就是日式餐廳, 飯店也提供毛豆,黑豆和味噌湯作為早餐的一部分. 蒸蛋是當天較為出色的餐點, 味噌湯的美味則是喚醒味蕾.
The breakfast time starts at 7am, which is later than other hotels. The B1 dining area is not crowded nor small. I placed several small dishes on the special design plate. The Chinese style breakfast has porridge, which is cooked above average. As for Western Breakfast, it has oatmeal and breads. The most special part would be they also offer Japanese black bean, miso soup and edamame (green bean) for breakfast. The steamed egg is smooth and delicious.



延伸閱讀: 其他飯店 Other Hotels


♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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Hotel Name 飯店名稱: 台北東旅飯店 Hotel East Taipei
Address: No. 97 , 5th Section, Nanking East Road, Taipei City 台北市松山區南京東路五段97號 (MAP)
Website: http://www.hoteleast.com.tw/index.php
Fan Page: https://goo.gl/puv2us
Tel: 02-2766-3889



