豐光溫體羊肉爐 Lamb Hot Pot 》如果不點全羊大餐那推薦點什麼
Last Updated on 2024-05-02 by Foodelicious
(Closed Down) 豐光溫體羊肉爐 是台北羊肉爐推薦之一, 也在濱江市場美食推薦名單, 這次是吃豐光溫體羊肉爐菜單上的全羊大餐
(Closed Down) Fong Kwang Lamb Hot Pot is one of the Taipei Lamb Hot Pot recommendation. This time, my friends and I tasted their Whole Lamb Feast Set Menu.
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Fong Kwang Lamb Hot Pot Reservation
豐光溫體羊肉爐離行天宮捷運站 3 號出口約 15 ~ 20 分鐘路程, 離中山國中站也是 15 ~ 20 分鐘. 豐光溫體羊肉爐在濱江市場美食圈內. 室內寬敞, 也沒有像其他台北羊肉爐餐廳有藥膳味, 有大桌 ( 10 ~ 12人) 也有小桌 ( 6 ~ 8 人), 不僅適合家庭聚餐, 也適合朋友聚餐. 平日營業時間只有晚上, 週末則是有營業中午.豐光溫體羊肉爐訂位是用電話 02-2507-8877 , 並不是像 “ 牛肆 ” 是用網路訂位.
Fong Kwang Lamb Hot Pot is about 15 ~ 20 minutes from both Xingtian Temple MRT station or Zhongshan Junior High MRT station. The restaurant is large and without any usual Chinese medicine smell. There are large table for 10 ~ 12 people and also small table for 6 ~ 8 people. It is tunable for both friend’s gathering and family gathering. The weekday operation time is only at night. As for weekend, they operate during lunch time. Unlike “Niu Si Taiwanese Beef Hot Pot” , You would need to call to reserve seats (02-2507-8877)
延伸閱讀: 牛肆 Beef Hot Pot 》關於這家訂位困難台北溫體牛肉火鍋的五件事
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 2022 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
Fong Kwang Lamb Hot Pot Whole Lamb Feast
Price: NTD $8888
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
Lamb Hot Pot Broth
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍
全羊大餐菜單上的鍋是大 Size, 適合 8 ~ 10 人, 大鍋單點是 NTD $500, 中鍋是 NTD $400 6 ~ 8人, 單點小鍋 (NTD $300) 則是適合 4 人以下. 圖片裡的手工福州丸是有包括在全羊大餐裡, 單點菜單上的手工福州丸是兩顆NTD$80. 豐光的羊肉爐湯頭與其他家藥膳湯頭不同 (例如: “岡山羊肉爐”) , 豐光的湯頭是屬於微清爽卻有肉的鮮美, 店員解釋是用羊骨頭肉,羊筋肉, 羊皮等食材與白蘿蔔熬煮而成, 羊肉盤還沒上來, 我就已經先喝了兩碗.
The Whole Lamb Feast Pot size is large (NTD $500), which is suitable for 8 ~ 10 people. The medium size is NTD $400 and the small size is NTD $300 for under 4 people. Unlike other Chinese medicine base hot pot (such as “Gangshan Lamb Hot Pot”, Fong Kwang Lamb Hot Pot broth is stewed with lamb skin, bones and other tenderloin along with reddish. I already had two bowls before they serve the lamb meat.
延伸閱讀: 南京復興美食》岡山羊肉爐 | Gangshan Lamb Hot Pot
延伸閱讀: 台北火鍋推薦懶人包 (分區) 》TAIPEI HOT POT GUIDE (By District)
羊肉爐- 川燙類
Lamb Hot Pot – Blanch
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
豐光溫體羊肉爐有名是因為他們採用每日產地直送台灣本土溫體羊, 網路上是寫未交配過的公羊, 沒有羊羶味是大家都喜歡的原因!全羊大餐裡的川燙類別有包括羊瘦肉,羊五花, 羊肝與羊舌. 我個人最喜歡的是羊五花, 因為很軟嫩, 羊瘦肉也不錯吃, 我推薦羊肉各點一盤來試試, 喜歡再多點即可.
Foodies like Fong Kwang Lamb Hot Pot mainly because they use daily fresh Taiwanese lamb. There isn’t any usual classic lamb aroma. The blanch category includes lamb meat with marble fats and lamb brisket without fats. I prefer the lamb belly because it tastes very tender. I would suggest to order both lamb meats and decide which one you like.
羊肉爐- 熱炒類
Lamb Hot Pot – Stir-Fried
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
全羊大餐有包括薑絲羊肉, 沙茶羊肉, 炒羊雜, 涼拌羊肚, 我們有加點咖哩羊肉,沙茶羊肉應該是台灣人在羊肉爐餐廳常點的菜餚, 實際上, 我個人比較喜歡他們的薑絲羊肉, 因為沒有羊羶味, 薑絲香氣完全展現, 而且羊肉口感非常嫩.
The Whole Lamb Feast includes several stir-fried dish – ginger flavor meat, satay sauce flavor…etc. We also add extra for its stir-fried curry lamb meat. I prefer the stir-fried lamb meat with ginger flavor. And the meat texture is very tender!
羊肉爐- 麻油類
amb Hot Pot – Sesame Oil
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
全羊大餐有包括麻油羊腰, 麻油羊心與麻油羊寶貝, 內臟類並不是我的首選, 純粹個人喜好.
The whole lamb feast includes several parts of Lamb edible offals with sesame oil flavor. It is just personal preference. It is not my top choice though.
羊肉爐- 蒸籠類
Lamb Hot Pot – Steam
Foodelicious: N/A
豐光溫體羊肉爐受歡迎因為他們也有較稀少的部位- 例如羊腦, 羊眼睛與羊鞭. 單點皆是限量需預訂. 我沒吃這些部位, 都給其他人吃.
This restaurant is popular because they use rare parts – lamb brain, lamb eyes ..etc. Most limited dishes need to reserve in advance. I didn’t try those parts though.
羊肉爐- 澱粉類
Lamb Hot Pot – Starch
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍
全羊大餐有羊油麵線與羊油飯.圖片是全羊大餐的份量, 我兩道都非常喜歡. 單點皆是一人份, 價格皆很平價, 羊油比較少見, 都推薦點一份來吃.
The Whole Lamb Feast includes vermicelli and rice with lamb oils. I like both dishes. The picture shows the portion in the Whole Lamb Feast menu. However, the single-order dish is one person portion. Since the lamb oil is rare, I would suggest to order both dishes to try.
羊肉爐- 滷類 (滷羊頭)*
Lamb Hot Pot – Braised Lamb Face
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
全羊大餐需要 “預訂加購”羊頭 (NTD $500 ), 別擔心, 實際上是滷羊臉的部分, 沒有骨頭, 店員先端上完整滷羊臉讓大家拍照, 在端回去協助切. 吃起來非常地嫩且Q 彈, 就是所謂的膠原蛋白, 如果你們有 8 人以上, 我個人會推薦預訂這道滷羊頭.
If you already order whole lamb feast menu, you would need to reserve and pay extra (NTD $500) for this particular dish -Braised Lamb Face. It is boneless with lots of collagens. It tastes very tender. If you have 8 people+, you can consider this surprising dish.
羊肉爐- 滷類 (滷羊腳)*
Lamb Hot Pot – Braise Lamb Shank
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
因為羊肉部分偏少偏瘦, 我個人並沒有很喜歡.
I don’t like the lamb feet since there isn’t much meats and toward thin texture.
結論 Conclusion ⭐
豐光溫體羊肉爐採用每日產地直送台灣本土溫體羊, 沒有羊羶味, 湯頭不是藥膳, 餐廳也沒有藥膳味! 餐廳也有四人套餐菜單與六人套餐菜單, 不用再擔心選擇困難. 如果你們有 8 ~ 10 人且有探險個性 (?!), 我個人會建議全羊大餐 (NTD $8888) , 如果你想單點, 我會建議以下
📣 我個人會建議「 初訪」4-6 人, 推薦點的菜餚
✅ 羊肉爐中鍋 x 1
✅ 火鍋配料依照個人喜好
✅ 羊五花 x 2
✅ 羊瘦肉 x 2
✅ 薑絲炒羊肉 x 1
✅ 羊油麵線 x 1
✅ 羊油飯 x 1
其實我份量都沒有寫很多, 建議可以先吃, 喜歡再加點
Foodies like Fong Kwang Lamb Hot Pot mainly because they use daily fresh Taiwanese lamb. It doesn’t have the classic smell. The broth is not chinese medicine base, so, there is no chinese medicine smell in the restaurant. There are also 4-people set menu and 6-people set menu. You don’t need to worry about choosing. If you have 8 ~ 10 people with adventure interest, I would suggest the Whole Lamb Feast (NTD $8888) . If you want to single-order, the suggestion is as following.
📣 I would suggest 4 ~ 6 people for the FIRST visit. I would recommend the following dishes.
✅ Lamb Hot Pot (Medium Size) x 1
✅ Other hot pot ingredients per your preference
✅ Lamb Meat with marble fats x 2
✅ Lamb brisket without fats x 2
✅ Stir-fried lamb meat with ginger x 1
✅ Vermicelli with lamb oils x 1
✅ Rice with lamb oils x 1
I would suggest to taste the above dishes first. If you like it, you can order more.
Fong Kwang Lamb Hot Pot Information
店名: 豐光溫體羊肉爐
地址: 台北市中山區建國北路三段93巷4號 (Map)
捷運站: 行天宮捷運站 or 中山國中站
電話: 02-2507-8877
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fongkwanglamb/
Restaurant: Fong Kwang Lamb Hot Pot
Address: No. 4, 93th Lane, 3rd Section, Jianguo North Road , Zhongshan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Xingtian Temple MRT station or Zhongshan Junior High School MRT station
Tel: 02-2507-8877
Fong Kwang Lamb Hot Pot Restaurant Menu
Menu Link: https://www.facebook.com/fongkwanglamb/menu