foldie 蔬食餐酒館 》菜單除了松露百花臭豆腐還推薦點什麼
Last Updated on 2023-11-22 by Foodelicious
foldie 蔬食餐酒館 是 2023 新開幕的台北餐酒館, 也是吃葷者會選擇的台北素食餐廳. 文章裡有 foldie 菜單 , 低消, 評價與訂位等重點.
foldie Bistro is a 2023 new Taipei Bistro, which only offers vegan cuisine, vegetarian cuisine , cocktails, and mocktails. The article includes foldie menu, minimum charge , review and reservation.
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目錄 / Table of Contents
前言 Preface – Must Read ⭐
我不是素食者, 我是葷食者, 但是我不會排斥去蔬食餐廳. 我去過少數台北素食餐廳 – 例如 Fine Dining 的 “Curious “, 小小樹食 , 中式餐廳 “祥和蔬食慶城店 ” , “Herbivore” 與 “Miacucina” . 之前也與 “NO MEATING 一植肉品牌”合作過. 總結是對台灣素食餐廳不陌生也品嚐過.
I am not a vegetarian, however, I feel comfortable dining at vegetarian restaurant. I dined in a few Taipei Vegetarian restaurant – For example , “Curious” , Little Tree Food , “Serenity Chinese Restaurant” , “Herbivore” and “Miacucina”. I also cooperated with “NO MEATING “ brand before. The conclusion is that I am familiar with Taiwan Vegetarian restaurants.
延伸閱讀: NO MEATING 一植肉 》在 Miss Green 餐廳品嚐素食檸檬優格雪羽堡
延伸閱讀: Curious Taipei 》套餐制菜單裡的蓮花綻放瞬間令人驚艷
延伸閱讀: Taipei Vegetarian Restaurant 》吃完祥和蔬食慶城店的非業配感想
延伸閱讀: Herbivore 》 新光三越A4餐廳 | Taipei Vegan Restaurant
延伸閱讀: Miacucina 》 新光三越西式素食餐廳
foldie 蔬食餐酒館 訂位
foldie Bistro Reservation
foldie 蔬食餐酒館地址為台北市大安區忠孝東路四段205巷7弄11號 , 位於台北東區, 離忠孝敦化捷運站二號出口只有3 分鐘路程. 餐廳空間頗大. 座位區也分為 2 ~ 4人座與長桌區 ,非常適合朋友聚餐. 開放式廚房是個不錯的設計. foldie 蔬食餐酒館可用電話訂位(02-8773-6020 ) 或是 inline 訂位 ( inline link ) .
foldie Vegetarian Bistro address is No. 11 , 7th alley, 205th Lane, 4th Section, Zhongxiao East Road, Daan District, Taipei City. It is about 3 minutes walking distance from Zhongxiao Dunhuan Metro Section Exit 2. The restaurant is quite large with different section of seating area. It is suitable for friend’s gathering. Open kitchen is a good design. You can reserve via phone call (02-8773-6020 ) or inline ( inline link ) .
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
延伸閱讀: 台北東區美食推薦 》Taipei East District Food Guide
foldie 蔬食餐酒館 低消
foldie Bistro Minimum Charge
foldie 蔬食餐酒館低消是 NTD $250/人 , 完全是近期我吃過有最合理的餐廳低消, 開瓶費也只有 NTD $200/瓶.
foldie Vegetarian Bistro minimum charge is NTD $250/person. It is the most reasonable and lowest minimum charge. The corkage fee is NTD $200/bottle.
foldie 蔬食餐酒館 菜單
foldie Bistro Menu
foldie 蔬食餐酒館菜單為單點, 有提供酒與無酒精調酒, 名符其實的台北餐酒館.
foldie Vegetarian Bistro menu is al carte. They also offer alcohols and mocktails. It is categorized as Taipei Bistro.
Menu at inline link:
♛ 台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List
連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)
連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation
連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康 No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health
foldie 蔬食餐酒館 評論 ⭐
foldie Bistro Review
Truffle Flavor Stinky Tofu French Toast
Price: NTD $290
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍
松露百花臭豆腐是餐廳的招牌菜. 一道有五片. 這款創意料理展現了類似於 “九記” XO 百花釀油條的設計概念, 臭豆腐取代油條 , 蝦漿改成絞細的植物肉末與松露醬結合而成的內餡. 外層的台式臭豆腐酥脆, 切得時候有脆響. 品嚐一小口, 驚豔爆汁. 味蕾可感受到松露蕈菇風味與臭豆腐經典風味融合. 這應該就是所謂的黃金比例秘密配方.如果覺得偏重口味, 可沾一旁的松露胡麻醬與高麗菜絲. 這一道是連葷食者都會覺得好吃的餐點. 我推薦點.
Truffle Flavor Stinky Tofu French Toast is foldie Bistro’s signature dish. One dish has 5 slices. This creative dish showcases a design concept similar to “Jui-Ji Seafood Restaurant” . Replacing the Chinese donut with stinky tofu. The shrimp paste is changed to finely minced plant-based meat combined with truffle sauce for the filling. The outer layer of Taiwanese stinky tofu is crispy, providing a satisfying crunch whiling cutting. With each bite, there’s a burst of amazing flavors. The taste buds can experience the fusion of truffle and mushroom flavors with the classic taste of stinky tofu. This is likely due to the secret formula. If you find the flavor a bit intense, you can dip it in the accompanying truffle sesame sauce and shredded cabbage. This dish is recommended, even for those who usually prefer meat dishes.
延伸閱讀: Taipei Cantonese Restaurant 》香港九記港式海鮮菜單推薦 (內有預訂桌菜)
Minced Pork Gyoza with Chive Flowers and Salted Black Bean Sauce
Price: NTD $280
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍
一道有六個煎餃, 屬於小辣的餐點. 我上次吃 葷食蒼蠅頭 菜餚是在 “花娘小館”. 而這次在 Foldie 蔬食餐酒館,他們以脆爽的韭菜花、植物肉和豆鼓醬結合成主要內餡。此外,加入了一些辣椒和蒜頭,模擬蒼蠅頭菜餚的風味. 口味偏鹹香與微辛香, 很適合成為下酒菜. 雖然少了肉香, 餐廳一次提供三款沾醬 – 韭菜青醬 , 是拉差美乃滋, 素魚露. 讓用餐體驗更有趣. 我個人喜歡單吃蒼蠅頭煎餃不沾醬,感受其獨特的風味.
A dish of six pan-fried dumplings, considered a mildly spicy dish. The last time I had the original dish (meat version) at “Flower Restaurant” . This time, at Foldie Bistro, they use crispy garlic chives, plant-based meat, and fermented black beans to create the main filling, simulating the flavors of the original dish. Additionally, they add some chili and garlic to enhance the taste. The flavor leans towards savory with a hint of spiciness, making it a great accompaniment for drinks. Although it lacks the meaty aroma, the restaurant provides three dipping sauces – chive pesto, vegan mayo with mustard, and vegetarian fish sauce, adding an interesting dimension to the dining experience. Personally, I enjoy eating the pan-fried dumplings without dipping sauce to savor the unique flavor.
延伸閱讀: Flower Restaurant 》花娘小館菜單除了蒼蠅頭還點哪些菜餚
foldie 招牌漢堡
folder signature burger
Price: NTD $350
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
最值得一提的是 foldie 布里歐漢堡包皆是自家製作. foldie 的布里歐吃起來與 “Lay Back 餐廳”的布里歐漢堡包有些不太ㄧ樣. Lay Back 偏濕軟, foldie 偏乾脆, 都不錯吃. 連同植物肉漢堡排, 神秘醬料, 番茄與生菜ㄧ起入口, 吃起來就像充滿肉香的漢堡, 完全聯想不到是素食漢堡. 跟老闆聊天時, 才知道神秘醬料配方是模擬 Shake Shack 醬料. 建議點來跟朋友分享.
One noteworthy aspect is that Foldie’s brioche buns are all homemade. The brioche at Foldie has a different texture compared to the brioche buns at “Lay Back Restaurant“. Lay Back’s tends to be moist and soft, while Foldie’s is drier and crisp – both enjoyable in their own way. Paired with the plant-based burger patty, mysterious sauce, tomato, and lettuce, the burger gives the impression of a flavorful meat burger, completely defying the expectation of it being a vegetarian burger. During a chat with the owner, I learned that the secret sauce is formulated to mimic the sauce used at Shake Shack. I would recommend ordering it to share with friends.
延伸閱讀: 信義安和站美食推薦 》 Lay Back 餐廳的花生醬培根牛肉漢堡與義大利麵不錯吃
Tagliatelle Alla Demi-Glace Bolognese
Price: NTD $350
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
由於前菜都是點了無國界融合的菜餚 , 麵食類我只想吃經典的菜餚 – 例如這一道素食肉醬義大利麵. 我吃過很多台北餐廳的波隆那肉醬義大利麵 ( 例如 “La Piola Cucina Italiana“ 與 “花滔廚房” ) , 搭配的都是像 “鳥巢麵”的寬麵. 葷食版本的法式多蜜醬汁(demi-glace sauce) 有著濃郁的肉香. foldie 蔬食餐酒館的素食版蔬菜多蜜醬汁依舊有鹹香. 建議攪拌義大利麵食, 吸收足夠醬汁再入口. 不錯吃, 我會建議與朋友分享.
Since the appetizers were diverse fusion dishes, for the pasta course, I opted for a classic dish, such as this vegetarian Bolognese spaghetti. I’ve tried Bolognese spaghetti at various Taipei restaurants like “La Piola Cucina Italiana” and “La Cucina di Flora ,” where they typically use wide noodles. The non-vegetarian version with French demi-glace sauce has a rich meaty flavor. The vegetarian version with demi-glace sauce still carries a savory taste. I would recommend mixing the spaghetti well to absorb enough sauce before taking a bite. It’s quite delicious, and I suggest sharing it with friends.
延伸閱讀: 台北東區餐酒館 》 La Piola Cucina Italiana 義大利餐廳 | 國父紀念館捷運站
延伸閱讀: 花滔廚房 La Cucina di Flora 》二訪這家台北義式餐廳推薦
Cheesecake Croffle Sandwich with Vanilla Ice Cream (Matcha , Chocolate Dressing )
Price: NTD $290
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
當我看到甜點照片時, 一開始的反應是這是個網紅蛋糕, 拍起來很上相. 殊不知細節在食材裡. 第一次聽到 Croffle, 原來是可頌 (croissant ) 與鬆餅 (waffle ) . 現烤可朗芙鬆餅熱騰騰將香草冰淇淋緩緩地融化. 乳酪蛋糕遇熱後, 有著更加濃郁的起司風味. 餐廳會讓客人選擇一款抹醬 – 抹茶醬 或是 巧克力醬 , 兩款醬都要則是要多加價 + NTD $30. 甜度都不會過高. 適合很多人一起吃.
When I saw the dessert photos, my initial reaction was that this is an Instagram-worthy cake. However, the surprising part lies in the details of the ingredients. The term “Croffle” was new to me, a combination of croissant and waffle. The freshly baked croissant-waffle hybrid is served warm, allowing the vanilla ice cream to slowly melt over it. The cheesecake, when warmed, develops a richer cheese flavor. The restaurant will let the guests choose one drizzling sauces — matcha sauce or chocolate sauce. If you want both, there will be extra charge +NTD $30. The sweetness is not overly pronounced, making it suitable for a diverse range of palates. It is a dessert that can be enjoyed by many.
Millefeuille with Taro, Salted Egg Yolk , and Pandan Cream
Price: NTD $280
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
上次吃到滿意的法式千層派蛋糕是 “畬室巧克力千層派” . 以餐酒館 Level , foldie 蔬食餐酒館的千層派皮很驚艷. 這款甜點是由甜點師傅手工製作,具有酥脆的口感. 搭配自製芋泥冰淇淋和斑斕鮮奶油, 非常搭配且不會過於油膩. 喜歡芋頭的饕客們應該會很喜歡, 建議上桌後趕緊品嚐.
The last time I had a satisfying French mille-feuille pastry was at “Yu Chocolate“. Considering the level of a bistro, the mille-feuille pastry at Foldie Vegetarian Restaurant is truly impressive. This dessert is meticulously handmade by the pastry chef, resulting in a delightfully crispy texture. Paired with homemade taro ice cream and vibrant buttercream, it’s a harmonious combination without being overly greasy. Those who love taro are likely to appreciate this creation. I recommend savoring it promptly once it’s served.
備註: (圖二) 餐廳提到慶生甜點是生日當日與前後兩天先告知, 餐廳可附贈蠟燭在店內慶生
Remark: (Picture 2) The restaurant mentions that for birthday celebrations, if you inform them in advance, you can receive complimentary candles for an in-house celebration on the day of your birthday and two days before or after.
延伸閱讀: Yu Chocolatier 畬室 》台北甜點推薦之頂級法式巧克力甜點
Tomato Wonton with Creamy Chili Dressing
Price: NTD $240
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
foldie 蔬食餐酒館的手工製作的炒手 Size 比 “美景川味” 小一些. 微酸番茄與植物肉成為內餡. 淋上的醬料並非單純的辣油, 而是結合麻辣醬,番茄與鮮奶油的醬汁, 香氣依舊迷人. 視覺感類似我在 “Bencotto 義大利餐廳” 吃到的義大利麵餃醬汁. 但並不會像庫利 (Coulis) 如此濃厚. 加入油條碎增添酥脆口感. 整體偏酸爽.
The handmade dumplings at Foldie Vegetarian Bistro are slightly smaller in size compared to those at “Mei Jing”. The filling consists of slightly tangy tomatoes and plant-based meat. The sauce is not just simple chili oil but a combination of spicy sauce, tomatoes, and fresh cream, creating an aromatic blend. The visual presentation is similar to the pasta dish with sauce that I had at “Bencotto Italian Restaurant.” However, it doesn’t have the thickness of a coulis. The addition of crushed dough fritters adds a crispy texture. Overall, the dish leans towards a sour and refreshing taste.
延伸閱讀: Taipei East District Food 》紫琳蒸餃與美景川味皆是頂好名店城美食
延伸閱讀: Bencotto 》二訪文華東方酒店義大利餐廳品嚐義籍主廚的新菜單
Porcini Risotto with Assorted Mushroom
Price: NTD $390
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
foldie蔬食餐酒館選用進口的義大利米, 並在燉飯刨了些許素乳酪. 聽朋友說, 很多素食者在餐廳經常點野菇燉飯. foldie蔬食餐酒館的燉飯並沒有完全收汁,每一口皆入味.
Foldie Vegetarian Restaurant uses imported Italian rice for their risotto, and they add a bit of vegetarian cheese to it. I’ve heard from friends that many vegetarians often order the mushroom risotto at the restaurant. The risotto at Foldie Vegetarian Restaurant is not completely dry, ensuring that every bite is flavorful.
Guai Wei Fried Chicken with Dried Tangerine Peel
Price: NTD $280
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
此道並不是冷菜 , 炸植物肉看似韓國炸雞的金褐色, 再搭配年糕, 充滿韓式風格. 炸植物肉與年糕有著兩種截然不同的口感. 除了陳皮的微苦外, 花椒的微麻與芝麻風味最為明顯.
This dish is not a cold dish. The fried plant-based meat resembles the golden-brown color of Korean fried chicken, paired with rice cakes, giving it a distinct Korean style. The fried plant-based meat and rice cakes offer two completely different textures. Apart from the slight bitterness of tangerine peel, the numbing sensation of Sichuan peppercorns and the flavor of sesame seeds are most pronounced.
Asparagus and Brussels Sprout with Porcini Mashed Potato
Price: NTD $280
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
所有食材都吃過, 但是很少湊在一起吃. 孢子甘藍並沒有多加調味, 而是維持微苦與脆爽. 無纖維感的蘆筍不錯吃. 牛肝菌泥與馬鈴薯泥綿密細緻, 蕈菇香氣誘人, 會不知不覺吃完.
Having experienced each ingredient separately, it’s not common to have them all together. The spore kale is not heavily seasoned, maintaining a slight bitterness and crispiness. The asparagus, without fibrous texture, is enjoyable. The porcini mushroom puree and mashed potatoes are smooth and delicate, with the enticing aroma of mushrooms. It’s easy to finish the dish without even realizing it.
De-alcoholized House Wine
Price: NTD $200
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
微酸. 建議點 Mocktail.
Hints of acidity. I would suggest to order mocktail.
De-alcoholized Whiskey / De-alcoholized Cabernet Sauvignon
Price: NTD $280
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
我與朋友共四人分別點了酒單上最美的四杯無酒精調酒. 這一杯是這四杯裡我最喜歡的. 微甜葡萄的風味在每一次品酌呈現. 喜歡的程度與上次在 “一時無酉 Abvless Bar “ 喝到的碧螺春香檳一樣, 都是會想推薦給別人喝的 Mocktail.
My friends and I tried one of the four most beautiful non-alcoholic cocktails from the menu, and this one stood out as my favorite. The subtle sweetness and grape flavor were evident with each sip. I enjoyed it to a similar degree as the Birocracy Champagne I had at “Abvless Bar” last time. It’s a mocktail that I would enthusiastically recommend to others.
延伸閱讀: 一時無酉 Abvless Bar 》日式老宅裡的台北無酒精酒吧推薦
Apple /Orange Flower / Citrus /Tonic
Price: NTD $250
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
喝起來蘋果風味為主. 我們四人都公認此款調酒拍起來最美.
It has a predominant apple flavor with citrus notes. All four of us agreed that this cocktail was the most visually appealing.
Matcha/ Yuzu/ Tonic
Price: NTD $280
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
If you like Matcha and Yuzu combination, you can consider ordering this drink.
Roselle / Early Grey / Orange Flower
Price: NTD $280
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
If you like drinking Roselle Tea, you can order this mocktail.
結論 Conclusion ⭐
身為一位葷食者, 也常在西式餐酒館用餐, foldie 蔬食餐酒館的菜餚比預期地美味許多. 建議找可接受吃素食的朋友一起去.
建議 3 ~ 4 位朋友, 推薦點以下菜餚分享
✅ 松露百花臭豆腐
✅ 蒼蠅頭煎餃
✅ foldie 招牌漢堡
✅ 一款麵食 (我個人是喜歡多蜜肉醬鳥巢麵 )
✅ 一款甜點 (可朗芙乳酪三明治 or 金沙斑斕芋泥千層 )
✅ 無酒精調酒 (看個人喜好)
Being an meat eater and also often dined in Bistro, foldie bistro’s dishes are much more delicious than expected. I would suggest to find friends that can accept eating vegetarian cuisine.
I would suggest 3 ~ 4 friends to dine here. I would recommend the following to share
✅ Truffle Flavor Stinky Tofu French Toast
✅ Minced Pork Gyoza with Chive Flowers and Salted Black Bean Sauce
✅ foldie signature burger
✅ One Starch – Pasta or Risotto ( I personally prefer the Tagliatelle Alla Demi-Glace Bolognese )
✅ One Dessert ( Cheesecake Croffle Sandwich or Millefeuille with Taro)
✅ Mocktail (Personal Preference )
ღ 台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受
♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.
♛ About Me | Front Page
foldie 蔬食餐酒館 資訊
foldie Bistro Information
店名: foldie 蔬食餐酒館
地址: 台北市大安區忠孝東路四段205巷7弄11號 (Map)
捷運站: 忠孝敦化捷運站( BL16 )
電話: 02-8773-6020
Restaurant: foldie Bistro
Address: No. 11 , 7th alley, 205th Lane, 4th Section, Zhongxiao East Road, Daan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby Metro Station: Zhongxiao Dunhuan Metro Station (BL16 )
Tel: 02-8773-6020