台北鰻魚飯 》江戶川鰻魚飯 | Taipei Eel Rice
Last Updated on 2019-04-26 by Foodelicious
2019 新開幕的台北江戶川鰻魚飯是中山區鰻魚料理餐廳, 也是中山捷運站美食之一, 當天用餐我是選鰻魚三吃套餐.
Edogawa Eel Rice Restaurant Taipei Branch is one of the newly-opened Japanese restaurant near Zhongshan MRT Station. It is one of the eel rice restaurants at Taipei Zhongshan District.
台北江戶川鰻魚飯菜單在文末 Taipei Edogawa Eel Rice Menu is at the end of article
台北江戶川鰻魚飯餐廳最靠近中山捷運站一號出口, 往中山北路的方向走, 右轉至天津街, 台北江戶川鰻魚飯離 “肥前屋”只有一條街的距離, 餐廳布簾招牌顏色與 “柏克金啤酒餐廳”的藍色招牌有些相似, 由於新開幕, 排隊人潮眾多, 需要先拿號碼牌, 踏進餐廳可看到各款套餐的模型 (在文末), 店內明亮的用餐環境與 “梅子鰻魚餐廳“截然不同, 比較可惜的是座位稍微擁擠, 入座後, 台北江戶川鰻魚飯餐廳店員端上熱茶, 可惜沒有明顯茶香, 若是像 “鳥哲”一樣的麥茶會更好.
Edogawa Eel Rice Restaurant Taipei Branch is near Exit One of Zhongshan MRT station. The restaurant sign color is as blue as “Buckskin Beer House”’s sign. Since the restaurant is newly-opened, you would need to get the number card in order to get in. The bright dining environment is different from the dim dining environment at “Umeko Eel Rice Restaurant”. However, seats are a bit crowded. The staff then serve the tea, however, it is not barley tea like at “TORI TETSU Restaurant”.
延伸閱讀: 信義區啤酒餐廳 》柏克金啤酒餐廳 Buckskin Beerhouse
延伸閱讀: 台北鰻魚飯 》梅子鰻屋不僅有鰻魚飯也有日本料理 | Taipei Eel Rice
延伸閱讀: Tianmu Restaurant 》鳥哲有桂丁雞串燒也有限量鳥哲拉麵
Eat Eel Rice 3-ways
Price: NTD $550
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
我點的是鰻魚三吃, 就跟我在台中南屯區 “大江戶町鰻屋”點的一樣. 目測鰻魚份量與價格成正比, 飯也相對地多, 先來說最重要的主角- 鰻魚.台北江戶川鰻魚飯餐廳採用活鰻, 以關東地區烹飪手法- 先烤,後蒸.再沾醬再烤一次, 因此台北江戶川的鰻魚口感偏軟綿而不是酥脆, 風味不會過於鹹香. 相較之下, 台北 “小倉屋”的烹飪手法則來自關西地區, 預切鰻魚串上鐵籤, 直接火烤, 因此口感酥脆且帶有適量鹹度, 兩家餐廳皆有特色, 需要看自己比較愛哪一種口感.
I order “Eat Eel Rice 3-ways”, just like the one that I ordered at “Edo Machi Eel Rice Restaurant”. Both quantity of eel and rice are fair amount. The information states that the eel goes through the process of grill, steam and grill again. Edogawa’s eel is tender and soft. As for “Kokuraya Restaurant”, the eel is crispy since it is grill directly. Both restaurants have its selling point. It is up to you to decide which texture that you like.
延伸閱讀: 大江戶町鰻屋 》台中南屯區鰻魚飯美食 | Taichung Eel Rice
延伸閱讀: 小倉屋 Kokuraya 》國父紀念館捷運站鰻魚飯日本料理 | Taipei Eel Rice
所謂的三吃: 第一吃是單純的鰻魚和白飯, 第二吃加上山葵與蔥花, 第三吃是加入高湯做成茶泡飯的概念. 值得一提的是這道鰻魚三吃套餐有附上一小壺鰻魚淋醬, 讓第一吃增添鹹甜風味, 我個人相當愛吃這款淋醬加飯, 吃得十分過癮. 第二吃則是搭配山葵與蔥花, 鹹香之餘, 辛辣感也刺激著味蕾, 讓第二吃不再單調, 第三吃則是將高湯注入飯裡, 也許是因為鰻魚蒲燒醬與淋醬適量鹹香, 讓我感受不到柴魚高湯的風味, 比較可惜. 此外, 台北江戶川鰻魚飯餐廳的附湯是鰻肝湯, 與其他鰻魚餐廳的味噌湯不同, 可能是因為吃完第三吃的湯泡飯, 再喝湯感覺有點重複. 總結就是我會等人少一點再來吃大的鰻魚飯(NTD $480).
Eat Eel Rice 3-ways: 1st way is to eat original eel and rice. 2nd way to eat with wasabi and green onion. 3rd way is to add broth to become Ochazuke. This particular set has extra eel sauce, which has mixed salty and sweet flavor. I personally like the sauce very much. As for 2nd way, the stimulation from the wasabi and onion is perfect. However, the 3rd way is a bit disappointed. I was expecting the broth has bonito flake flavor. However, it doesn’t have much flavor. Also, the soup is eel liver soup instead of miso soup. The conclusion would be that I will visit again for the large size of original eel rice.
ღ 台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
餐廳: 台北江戶川鰻魚料理餐廳
地址: 台北市中山區中山北路一段105巷14號 (Map)
捷運站: 中山捷運站
電話: 02-2511-0993
營業時間: 看 Facebook
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/近鐵餐飲-鰻-江戶川-627556007687983/
Restaurant: Edogawa Eel Rice Restaurant Taipei Branch
Address: No. 14, 105th Lane, 1st Section, Zhongshan North Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Zhong Shan MRT station
Tel: 02-2511-0993
Operation Hour: Check Facebook
台北江戶川鰻魚飯菜單 》 Edogawa Eel Rice Menu
Menu Link: https://www.facebook.com/近鐵餐飲-鰻-江戶川-627556007687983/menu/