淡水漁人碼頭薑母鴨火鍋 》沙崙薑母鴨王 | New Taipei City Ginger Duck

Last Updated on 2019-11-09 by Foodelicious

淡水漁人碼頭沙崙路 “承億文旅 – 淡水吹風” 巷弄裡有一家深藏不漏的火鍋店-沙崙薑母鴨王, 與連鎖店一樣, 營業時間大約在冬季.
There is a Ginger Duck Hot Pot near “Hotel Day”, which is located very closed to Dansui Fisherman Wharf.Dansui Ginger Duck Hotpot“ only opens during winter season.

菜單在文末 Menu is at the end of article


通常是晚上7 點開始營業, 餐廳內與多數薑母鴨連鎖店不太一樣, “沙崙薑母鴨王”是乾淨明亮, 半開放入口暗示客人到餐廳外抽煙, 坐在矮小桌椅依舊不太習慣, 點完薑母鴨與配菜後才發現隔壁桌的薑母鴨鍋具不太一樣.店家運用無煙碳火以保持恆溫, 黑色砂鍋裡的沸騰湯頭讓人感受到莫名的震撼.
Its operation hour is 7pm ~ 2am. You can enjoy the hotpot at the freezing midnight. Unlike other ginger duck hot pot restaurants in Taipei, customers would need to go outside to smoke. Also, their pot and charcoal are different from others, they use Chinese Casserole and smokeless charcoal.



English Name: Ginger Hot Pot
Price: NTD $450
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

與其他連鎖店最大的不同就是湯頭顏色, 普遍湯頭幾乎都是烏黑色, 但這家餐廳卻是淡褐色, 迫不及待先勺起ㄧ大匙薑母鴨湯底等待溫度稍降, 原本以為會是濃厚八角風味, 但卻是意想不到的薑茶風味, 也隱約品嚐到胡椒辛香料, 後來才得知原來老闆娘是用大量新鮮蔬果長時間熬煮, 尤其是高麗菜可增加甜味, 鴨肉也是出乎意料之外地嫩, 顏色也不會像烏骨雞般黑, 完全顛覆我對薑母鴨火鍋的認知, 建議喜歡在冬天喝薑茶的人可以嘗試這家店的薑母鴨火鍋.
The broth color is light brown, which is absolutely different from the dark brown that we had in other restaurants. Most ginger duck soup broths are full of star anise aroma. However, their soup broth are almost like drinking ginger tea with hints of black peppers. The staff explained that they use fresh vegetables (especially cabbage) to increase the broth’s sweet flavor and enhance the ginger aroma. Their duck meat is tender as well. I would recommend to people who like to drink ginger tea during winter season to try out their food.




English Name: Corn
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍

玉米與高麗菜是這家餐廳的薑母鴨鍋配置, 由於玉米的顏色並不是市面上看到的純黃色, 但是又感覺似曾相識, 原來我在台北的御蓮齋餐廳也吃到同樣的甜度極高的玉米 – “白龍王水果玉米”, 成本高, 是在一般餐廳看不到, 更別說巷弄內的薑母鴨餐廳.
Corn and cabbage are the soup base. But, they use high-cost Taiwanese sweet corn, which is the exact same corn that I ate at Regal Lotus Restaurant in Taipei City.




English Name: Vermicelli
Price: NTD $30
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

我吃薑母鴨火鍋跟羊肉爐 (例如台北的岡山羊肉爐) 總是要點上一份麵線, 通常都是自己霸佔一盤, 簡單地加上麻油與油蔥即可滿足, “沙崙薑母鴨王”的麵線則是不會過於軟爛且香氣十足.
I always order vermicelli for myself while eating ginger duck hot pot and lamb hot pot (for example: Gangshan Lamb Hot Pot). The chef drizzled fair amount of the sesame oil and shallots to make the perfect vermicelli.



其他配置- 鴨肉丸, 凍豆腐

English Name: Duck Meatball & Tofu
Price: 請看文末菜單 Menu down below
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

鴨肉丸與凍豆腐是薑母鴨火鍋不可缺少的配置, 豆腐吸收薑味十足的湯頭別有一般風味, 鴨肉丸的Q彈會讓人想多點一盤.
Duck meatball is only seen at Ginger Hot Pot Restaurant. Tofu absorbs fair amount of ginger broth.




延伸閱讀: 台北宵夜餐廳 》Taipei Midnight Diner Guide

延伸閱讀: 台北火鍋懶人包 》TAIPEI HOT POT GUIDE




Restaurant Name 店名: 沙崙薑母鴨王 Dansui Ginger Duck Hotpot
Address: No. 16-1, 25th Lane, Sha-Lun Road, Dansui, New Taipei City 新北市淡水區沙崙路25巷16-1號 (MAP)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/沙崙薑母鴨王-343316192681938/
Nearby MRT station: N/A (近漁人碼頭 Near Fisherman Wharf )
電話: 0908-120-585
營業時間: 6pm ~ 2am



