聖誕派對甜點與禮物推薦懶人包 》Christmas Party Desserts and Gift Guide

Last Updated on 2024-12-01 by Foodelicious

這一篇 聖誕派對禮物與聖誕甜點推薦懶人包, 實際上是 “ 到朋友家裡過聖誕派對 , 除了酒之外 , 還推薦買哪些東西可以大家一起分享. 也可以當作聖誕禮物的選擇”
This article is a guide for Christmas party gifts and Christmas dessert recommendations. Essentially, it’s about “what to bring to a friend’s house for a Christmas party, aside from alcohol.” It also includes recommendations for items that everyone can share together or that can be given as Christmas gifts.


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延伸閱讀:  台北聖誕節餐廳 2024 》Taipei Christmas Restaurant Guide



前言 Preface – Must Read ⭐

近年來, 許多朋友們都會以聖誕節理由邀請大家到家裡作客, 除了葡萄酒之外 ,還推薦買哪些東西可以大家一起分享. 也可以當作聖誕禮物的選擇. 我整理出來幾家特別的店面現場買或是網購來給你們做參考.


✅ 聖誕派對禮物 – 甜點
✅ 聖誕派對禮物 – 前菜與食材

In recent years, many friends have used Christmas as an occasion to invite everyone over to their homes. Aside from wine, what other items would be great for sharing with everyone? I’ve put together a list of a few unique stores where you can shop in person or online as a reference for you.

This guide is divided into two main sections:

✅ Christmas Party Gifts – Desserts
✅ Christmas Party Gifts – Appetizers and Ingredients



聖誕派對禮物 – 甜點

Christmas Party Gift – Dessert

露 LooL Canelé Pâtisserie

LooL Canelé Pâtisserie

產品: 經典可麗露禮盒 ,鹽之花起士奶蓋焦糖布丁禮盒
訂購方式: 網購, 網購店面 Pickup
Website: https://www.loolcanele.com/products

a. 露 LooL Canelé Pâtisserie 11/29 ~ 12/19 在 Sogo 台北復興館 B3 中央手扶梯旁有快閃櫃位, 可現場買
b. 店面無內用, 無法 Walk-in 在店面購買, 只能在快閃櫃位 Walk-in購買
c. 好吃的布丁比較受大家歡迎 , 好吃的可麗露則是比較少見且讓人印象深刻

Products: Canelé , Flan
Purchase Method: Online Shopping and Home Delivery. Online Shopping and Store Pickup.
Website: https://www.loolcanele.com/products

a.LooL Canelé Pâtisserie has a pop up space at Soho Fuxing B3 on 11/29 ~ 12/19. You can purchase products on site.
b.You are not able to dine in nor walk in to purchase in the store. However, you can purchase products on the pop up store.
c.Delicious Flan is very popular among people. Delicious canelé is rare and leaves a great impression.

Review Link:
1. Link: 台北可麗露禮盒推薦 》露 LooL Canelé Pâtisserie ( 內有下單方式 )
2.  Instagram Reels: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CriISQXAwTS/
3.  Instagram Reels: https://www.instagram.com/reel/C2R5KnCvqSI/
4.  Instagram Reels: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CwkcHs4A4o-/



產品: 玫瑰花形檸檬塔 , 三溫糖蝴蝶酥, 司康 ..etc
訂購方式: 網購, 網購店面 Pickup , 店面選購
Website: https://www.creamtea.com.tw/tw/product/index.aspx

a. 店面可以現場選購與內用是優點
b. 蝴蝶酥有分裝一小盒, 適合送給同事們或是朋友們. 檸檬塔適合帶去朋友家分享

Product: Rose Shape Lemon Tart ,Palmier and scone …etc
Purchase Method: Online Shopping and Home Delivery. Online Shopping and Store Pickup. Walk-In and purchase at the store.
Website: https://www.creamtea.com.tw/tw/product/index.aspx

You can walk-in purchase or dine at the store front
Palmier is packed in small boxes. It is perfect to give away to co-workers or friends. The lemon tarts are suitable to share with friends at their homes.

Review Link:
1. Link: creammm.t 》檸檬塔與三溫糖蝴蝶酥
2. Instagram Reels: https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cw3_PyUPgtO/
3. Instagram Reels: https://www.instagram.com/reel/CnL-FklhHeJ/



coco.Brownies 可可布朗光復店


產品: 各式各樣的布朗尼, 也有聖誕節裝飾的布朗尼
訂購方式: 店面選購 , 網購
Website: https://www.cocobrownie.com/

a.店面可以現場選購與內用 , 有特別的聖誕節裝飾布朗尼.
b.布朗尼適合帶去朋友家分享, 大人小孩都會喜歡

Product: Various brownie. They also have brownies with christmas decoration.
Purchase Method: Walk-in purchase at the store , online shopping
Website: https://www.cocobrownie.com/

a.You can walk-in and purchase at the store front. They also have brownies with special Christmas decoration.
b.Brownies are suitable to share with friends and families, for both adults and kids.

Review Link:
1. Link:  coco.Brownies 可可布朗光復店 》甜點搭葡萄酒的新開幕台北甜點店
2. Instagram Reels: https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cl5tNXwDiwv/


聖誕派對禮物 – 菜餚食材 & 前菜

Christmas Party Gift – Cuisine Ingredient & Appetizer


Good Food You

產品: 多款聖誕麵包, 乳酪 , 進口生火腿, 葡萄酒 …etc
訂購方式: 網購, 店面選購
Website: https://www.goodfoodyou.tw/collections/all

a.店面可以現場選購 , 店員們也有專業知識

Products: Various Panettone , Iberico Ham, Wine..etc.
Purchase Method: Online shopping, Walk-in and purchase at store front.
Website: https://www.goodfoodyou.tw/collections/all

a.You can select products at the store. The staffs have professional knowledge.
b.They offer various Panettone

Review Link:
1. Instagram Reels: https://www.instagram.com/p/DCtTCHvzWz_/
2. Instagram Post: https://www.instagram.com/p/DCu6389Pwko/?img_index=1
3. Instagram Reels: https://www.instagram.com/reel/Cyir8BiPYdU/



布夫 La Bonne Bouffe

La Bonne Bouffe

產品: 各式各樣乳酪 , 綜合乳酪禮盒 , 自製香腸 , 起司火鍋…etc
訂購方式: 網購, 店面選購
Website: https://www.bonnebouffe.tw/

a. 店面可以現場選購
b. 有少見到的起司火鍋 與 綜合乳酪禮盒與自製香腸

Products: Various cheese, mixed cheese gift box , self-made sausages ,Cheese fondue …etc.
Purchase Method: Online shopping, Walk-in and purchase at the store.
Website: https://www.bonnebouffe.tw/

a. You can walk in at the store and purchase
b.They offer rare cheese fondue, mixed cheese gift box and self-made sausages.

Review Link:
1. Link: 布夫 La Bonne Bouffe 》綜合瑞士起司盤值得點 (內有菜單)
2. Instagram Reels: https://www.instagram.com/p/Cs44l3SuOBS/




康拓洋行 Le Comptoir

Le Comptoir

產品: 各式各樣乳酪 ,葡萄酒 , 生火腿 …etc
訂購方式: 網購, 店面選購
Website: https://www.lecomptoir.tw/zh-TW

a. 店面可以現場選購 , 店面可內用
b. 有三家店面 , 請查詢: https://www.lecomptoir.tw/zh-TW/pages/about-us
c. 信義微風 4 F (S&W 旁邊) 有快閃櫃 , 除了可協助切乳酪, 也有販售切好且附多樣堅果, 餅乾與果醬的綜合乳酪探索盒. 帶去朋友家, 非常適合直接當作前菜.

Products: Various Cheese, Wines, Iberico Ham ..etc
Purchase Methods: Online Shopping , Walk-in and Purchase at the store
Website: https://www.lecomptoir.tw/zh-TW

a. You can purchase at site. Also, you can dine-in at the store front.
b. There are three stores in Taipei City. Please check : https://www.lecomptoir.tw/zh-TW/pages/about-us
c. There is a pop-up store at Xinyi Breeze 4F (Near S&W). The staff can assist cutting the cheese, they also offer mixed cheese boxes, which include sliced cheese, mixed nuts, cookies and jams. It is perfect for appetizer.

Review Link
1. Link: Le Comptoir 康拓洋行起司吧 》推薦內用各種特別的起司搭葡萄酒






Da Shine

產品: Joselito 品牌西班牙伊比利豬生火腿 , 乳酪, 巧克力..etc.
訂購方式: 網購, 超市選購
Website: http://www.da-shine.com.tw/

a. 超市就買得到, 臨時要買很方便

Product: Joselito brand Iberico Ham, Cheese, Chocolat ..etc
Purchase Method: Online Shopping, Shop at the supermarket
Website: http://www.da-shine.com.tw/

a. You can purchase at the supermarket, which means you can purchase any time you want.

Review Link:
1. Instagram Post: https://www.instagram.com/p/CK2rIUKHjlR/?img_index=1
2. Instagram Reels: https://www.instagram.com/reel/BszQGowAZQ8/



Gourmet Boutique

產品: 魚子醬
訂購方式: 網購
Website: https://gourmetboutique.com.tw/

Gourmet Boutique 魚子醬可網購, 也可在微風超市買到

Product: Caviar
Purchase Method: online shopping
Website: https://gourmetboutique.com.tw/

You can Gourmet Boutique brand caviar online and also at Breeze Supermarket.

延伸閱讀: 魚子醬 Review


