香頌私宅洋樓 》2017 聖誕套餐 | 松江南京捷運站預約制餐廳
Last Updated on 2018-02-11 by Foodelicious
香頌私宅洋樓位是少數台北中山區高檔預約制餐廳之一, 因季節或節慶會推出不一樣具有特色的料理, 這次有這個榮幸可以品嚐到他們的聖誕套餐.
Chanson Bistro is categorized as Fine Dining Restaurant at Taipei Zhongshan District. This restaurant only takes reservation. This time, I have the opportunity to try out their 2017 Christmas Menu.
這棟別墅風格像極我在美國紐奧良的法國區 (French Quarter) 看到的歐式建築.唯一不同是 ”香頌私宅洋樓” 駐立在車水馬龍的建國北路高架橋旁, 不管是白晝或是夜晚時, 都讓人摸不著頭緒. ”香頌私宅洋樓” 大門永遠只為預約的客人敞開.抵達別墅時, 只需按電鈴, 西裝筆挺的服務生即會開門, 前院有一張木製長桌, 台北人永遠嚮往戶外饗宴. 走進屋內, 一樓呈現奢華藝術風格, 二樓則是屬於較為高雅的裝潢, 會建議六人以上可以訂二樓靠窗位置, 聊天較不受拘束, 若是約會, 建議一樓位置 (請看以下用餐環境影片).
The restaurant architecture is similar with the French Quarter architecture in New Orleans. The difference is that it is located near busy street. Chanson Bistro only takes reservation instead of “walk-in”. The guest would need to ring the bell near the wooden door, and the waitress will welcome you in person. Outside of the little yard, there is a long table for outside dining. The second floor seemed to be more casual and the ground floor is more elegant with fine-dining atmosphere. (The video down below shows details of dining area)
聖誕節菜單 Christmas Set Menu
Price: NTD $2500 / 人
Promotion Days: 12/24 , 12/25, 12/31
備註: 推廣期間只賣聖誕節套餐, 並沒有賣其他餐點
Remark: During Promotion Days, they only offer Christmas Set Menu
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
服務生端上兩款溫熱佐餐麵包, 搭配抹醬有香草奶油(左)與洋蔥奶油 (右), 洋蔥奶油風味品嚐相似 “Alra Buko Cream Cheese” 紅色辛香料口味, 稍微會暄賓奪主. 我跟朋友都比較喜歡 “香草奶油”, 也一致認為若能搭配濃湯會更好.
There are two types of breads along with two types of butter. The left one is vanilla butter and the other one is onion butter. The onion butter is similar with “Alra Buko Cream Cheese” spice flavor, which is a bit stronger than expected. My friend and I both like the vanilla butter flavor. However, during the cold winter season, it would be great if there is hot soup to pair with.
Appetizer: Fresh Huitre Gillardeau Oyster and Caviar
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍
當前菜端上桌時, 我眼中只有頂級法國吉拉朵 (Gillardeau) 生蠔, 晶華酒店主廚也指定採用同款生蠔. 如黑鑽般的魚子醬顆粒分明, 鮮美海鮮風味在口中盤旋, 在生蠔咕溜滑入口中之前已經吃掉一半的魚子醬, 生蠔品嚐起來鮮甜, 肥美多汁程度也不在話下, 光是前菜已經品嚐到傳說中西方三大珍味中的兩種. 其他配置如哈密瓜與晶瑩透徹魚卵更是讓這道前菜相當精彩, 可以說是豪華的開場.
This appetizer is definitely a grand start of this Christmas Menu. The chef uses Fresh Huitre Gillardeau Oyster as the Regent Hotel. The black diamond (Caviar) is full of sweet seafood flavor. The oyster is fresh, juicy with tender texture. It is great appetizer considering all the high-cost ingredients.
Salad: Snowing Jamon Iberico Salad
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
深紅色薄切伊比利生火腿搭配適量芝麻葉, 放置在懷石料理黑色擺盤, 再撒上乳白色起司碎片, 紅綠白三大聖誕顏色元素完全呈現在此道料理. 起司並不會掩蓋住淡淡肉香風味, 油醋同時也緩和了芝麻葉的苦味, 若是能用熟成肉會更優.
Large quantity of dark red thin-sliced Iberico ham pairs with fair amount of arugula. The chef drizzles a bit of balsamic vinegar and decorate with small amount of Cheese flakes. Red, green and white color represent three major colors at Christmas. The cheese flavor doesn’t cover hints of meaty aroma from the ham The vinegar neutralize the bitterness from arugula. If they can use the aged Jamon Iberico, it would add more complex flavor into this dish.
Soup: Golden Fish Fin Pumpkin Soup
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
因講求環保, 這道料理用的食材並不是真魚翅, 當天用餐是採用竹笙. 喝著熱騰騰且濃稠南瓜湯, 不時會吃到不同口感軟嫩的竹笙相當有趣, 黑松露醬更是有加分的效果.
Due to environment-awareness, the restaurant doesn’t use the real Fish Fin. Instead, the chef uses “Bamboo Fungus”, which is only appears in Chinese cuisine. Its texture is soft, and more sponge to absorb soup broth. The pumpkin soup broth has thick texture and full of pumpkin flavor. The black truffle paste is definitely a plus.
主菜- 香煎菲力牛排配牛肝菌
Main Course: US Prime Fillet Steak with Boletus
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
聖誕套餐主菜共有五款選項, 只能選擇一款且是兩人共享, 這次我跟朋友共一次品嚐三種主餐 (香煎菲力牛排配牛肝菌, 乾煎地中海明蝦與北海道干貝, 現烤法式鄉村脆皮春雞) .
Christmas Menu main course has 5 options. However, both parties would need to select one main course to share. This time, my friend and I try three main course-US Prime Fillet Steak with Boletus, Pan-Fried Mediterranean Prawn & Hokkaido Scallops and Crispy Chicken in French Style.
擺盤如大地饗宴, 鮮綠香菜如同藤蔓放置在石盤上, 米色馬鈴薯泥與炙烤玉米增加不少亮度, 西方三大珍味之鵝肝完全奪走深褐色菲力牛排的光彩. 石盤一端上桌, 服務生拿起噴槍炙燒一旁的牛肝菌佐醬, 間接讓醬汁能與牛排融合. 菲力牛排可以選熟度, 但主廚建議五分熟, 最佳口感則是菜單上沒有提到的鵝肝, 建議一小塊牛排搭配一小塊鵝肝一起入口, 豐腴油脂包覆著菲力牛排, 不僅更加鮮嫩, 也是相當有趣的口感, 我會推薦這一道料理.
The Foie Gras, which did not mention at the menu, on the top of the Fillet Steak grabs our attentions. I would suggest to eat small cube of steak along with small piece of Foie Gras together. The taste would sense more meaty flavor because of the Foie Gras Fats. Surprisingly, the creamy and soft mash potato is our second favorite side dish. I would recommend this dish among all 5 main courses.
主菜- 乾煎地中海明蝦與北海道干貝
Main Course: Pan-Fried Mediterranean Prawn & Hokkaido Scallops
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
這也是一道菜兩人分享, 共有兩隻手掌大的明蝦和比兩個50元硬幣大的北海道干貝. 明蝦中間已剝殼, 以馬鈴薯絲緊緊地綑綁住, 蝦肉品嚐起來更加紮實. “香頌私宅洋樓”的干貝表面有著適度的焦痕, 厚實口感但吃起來並不會有嚼勁, 最讓我驚艷的是反而是一旁的小蛤蠣泡泡, 如此細節的部分, 主廚也願意花時間製作提升整道料理的完整度.
This is also for sharing. My friend and I share two prawns and scallops. The size is large as expected. The shrimp texture is firm. The scallop has grilled marks, which tastes also taste firm. The most interesting part would be the small clam foam. The chef is willing to spend time for the foam in order to upgrade the cuisine.
主菜- 現烤法式鄉村脆皮春雞
Main Course: Crispy Chicken in French Style
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
這是一整隻全雞兩人分享, 馬鈴薯泥, 蜜香地瓜和球芽甘藍則是配置. 服務生會詢問客人是否要切一半, 我會建議將雞腿與雞胸分開, 而非只切一半. 雞肉越切到中間難免會微乾, 盤中有少許油脂可以沾, 增加風味與香氣, 球芽甘藍的部分並不會硬而是偏軟.
The whole chicken is meant for sharing. The side dish includes the brussels sprout, mashed potato and sweet potato. The waiter would kindly cut the chicken for you in half. However, I would suggest to separate the chicken thigh and the chicken breast. The meat is a bit dryer than expected. But since there are small amount of chicken oil on the plate, it would increase its flavor and aroma. The brussel sprouts are not firm, instead it is a bit in the soft side.
酒 – Crios De Susana Balbo Malbec 2016
Wine – Crios De Susana Balbo Malbec 2016
ABV: 13%
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
這款酒並沒有包括在 NTD $2500/人內. “香頌私宅洋樓”有自己的侍酒師 ( Sommelier). 這款酒是侍酒師推薦搭配香煎菲力牛排配牛肝菌. 接近紫紅色的飽滿酒體, 來自阿根廷的 Malbec有明顯煙燻風味, 可以說是個性十分明顯, 單喝會讓平常只喝輕盈酒體的人招架不住, 若平常有在喝 Syrah / Shiraz, 這支酒非常適合.
This wine is not included in the NTD $2500/person menu. Chanson Bistro has its Sommelier. Crios De Susana Balbo Malbec 2016 has purple-red color full-bodied wine body. This Argentina Malbec has strong smoky flavor. It is great pairing with steaks.
甜點 – Lemon Tiramisu 檸檬提拉米蘇
Dessert- Lemon Tiramisu
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
檸檬與提拉米蘇兩者通常不會放在一起相提並論, “香頌私宅洋樓”將兩者結合成一款意想不到的甜點, 呼應聖誕節慶主題, 正方形檸檬提拉米蘇放置在石盤上, 有著鮮紅色的乾覆盆子和金色跳跳糖最為點綴, 是今年最佳甜點擺盤. 最初只會感受到檸檬酸味, 在綿密馬斯卡彭起司的襯托下, 檸檬風味變得較為柔和, 此外, 並不會有提拉米蘇經典的蘭姆酒味, 這是一道適合大眾的甜點.
Chanson Bistro combine Lemon with Tiramisu, which is not typical in Taiwan. In order to promote Christmas, they also decorate this dish with red dried raspberry flake and golden color jumping candy. This is the best plate displaying of the year. At the beginning, the taste is full of lemon acidity. The mascarpone cheese neutralizes the acidity. However, since it doesn’t have strong rum flavor, it is suitable for everyone.
飲料 – 唐寧茶
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
“香頌私宅洋樓”的飲料有唐寧茶與咖啡, 皆可做成熱飲或冰飲, 基本上我會建議點茶, 因為服務生會將唐寧茶樣品讓客人先聞香, 客人會有種被重視的感覺. 我跟朋友都點“薄荷圓舞曲茶 Medley of Mint”熱茶, 清新茶香非常適合在吃完大餐後品酌.
Besides Twinnings brand Tea, they also have coffee. My friend and I both select “Medley of Mint Twinnings Tea”. It is refreshing after such feast.
*此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受
Restaurant Name 店名: 香頌私宅洋樓
Address: No. 52 , 2nd section, Jianguo North Road , Taipei City 台北市建國北路二段52號 (MAP)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/chansonbistro/
Nearby MRT station: Songjiang Nanking MRT station 松江南京捷運站
電話: 02-2501-8252
營業時間:12 noon ~ 10 pm