永康街咖啡店比比皆是, 有一家名為 8% Ice Bistro的複合式咖啡店在2017年悄悄地在永康街開幕, 它的姐妹店則是眾所皆知的 8% 冰淇淋專賣店. 較為不同的是除了冰淇淋外, 8% Ice Bistro也販售麵包與火鍋. There are a lot of coffee shops in Yongkang section near Dongmen MRT station. And ye...
論美味水餃, 台北東區有巧之味手工水餃, 南港展覽館捷運美食非北大荒水餃莫屬. 午餐時間的顧客幾乎都是南港科技園區新貴. As for delicious dumpling category, “Chiao Chi Wei Dumpling Shop” is the winner in Taipei East District. In the further east near Nankang E...
長勝君捲蛋餅新開幕早午餐店位於台北市民生社區附近, 附近也有許多辦公室, 此店專攻捲蛋餅, 也就是大家所熟悉的中式蛋餅做成類似墨西哥捲的造型, 東西合併概念相似美國知名餐車賣韓國BBQ牛肉墨西哥捲餅. This newly-opened “Champion Omelet Pastry Shop” is located near Ming-Shen Community near Nangjing F...
在大安區仁愛國小旁的巷弄裡, 有許多深藏不露的咖啡店, 小驢館選擇開在安靜的敦安公園旁, 可讓客人有種暫時與世隔絕的感覺, 自2016年11月新開幕以來, 附近居民紛紛已成為常客, 但卻鮮少有人在網路上介紹. There are many great coffee shops near Rei-Ai Elementary School. Newly opened “Little Donkey C...
手泡咖啡和手泡茶 在台灣已逐漸轉化成時尚簡約的象徵, ”雨田先生“則是在台北東區新開幕的手沖飲料吧, 這是一家開放式小咖啡店鋪, 只販售外帶飲料與點心, 包括手泡咖啡, 手泡茶和蝴蝶酥. Hand-drip brewing coffee and tea are becoming major trends in Taiwan. Mr. Rdrinks is one of the newly-open...
松菸轉角處出現了一間新開幕裝潢全白的店家, 名為 “十間茶屋”, 就如愛琴海旁的燈塔吸引著往來的人群, 走進店家才發現這是一間裝潢簡約帶有優雅的時尚茶屋. New Restaurant replaces the old ones down at the memory lane at “SongShan Cultural Park”.However, there is a new white co...
台中魯肉莊曾是街頭路邊攤, 最初是在人來人往的第三市場裡享受著溫熱滷肉飯. 經營40多年的魯肉莊已搬至整體環境乾淨的店面, 店家皆保持原本的傳統食譜和熟練廚藝的手法, 美味依舊不變. This restaurant was once a food booth by the street located in Taichung City. Now, they become a new restaur...
走進位於華視附近“Okaeriお帰り吃碗拉麵吧”, 就如傳統的拉麵店有日本設計風格但只有少許位子, 廚師在吧台後的開放式廚房忙碌地烹煮拉麵,隨而散發出微微的豬骨湯底香味. Entering Okaeri ramen restaurant, you can immediately see the traditional design with a few seats. You can see the...
街頭巷弄其實有很多傳統但是美味的餐聽, 但是因為用餐很方便, 人們容易忘記他們的料理是所謂的巷口美味, 利長春就是台北東區CP值極高的一家餐聽. There are quite a few traditional yet delicious restaurants in between lanes. Because it is too convenient to dine in these res...