12MINI鍋位於南京復興捷運站旁的慶城街一號B1美食街, 為台北松山區平價小火鍋餐廳之一, 我這次有這個榮幸可以品嚐到他們的小火鍋料理. “12 Mini Hot Pot” is located at the food court of “Urban One Department Stores” near Nanking Fuxing MRT station. It is one of the ...
Libido Wine Gallery 是台北遠企附近的酒吧, 離信義安和捷運站大約 15 分鐘路程, 這次有這個榮幸可以到這家酒吧品酌. Libido Wine Gallery is one of the bars near Shangri-La's Far Eastern Plaza Hotel. It is about 15 minutes walking from Xinyi Anhe M...
南村 私廚‧小酒棧屬於台北忠孝敦化捷運站美食, 也是少數公認台北東區眷村菜餐廳代表之一, 這次有這個榮幸可品嚐到餐廳雙人套餐 (NTD $1200/人). 44 SV Bistro is one of the Taipei Zhongxiao Dunhua MRT station restaurants. It is also one of the Military Kindred Village...
(二訪有新文章) 2017 新開幕 Oli 餐廳是一家位於新店大坪林捷運站附近的西班牙餐酒館, 不僅有傳統西班牙海鮮飯與伊比利豬肉, 也有各式調酒與雪莉酒. 這次有這個榮幸可品嚐店家精心製作的料理. Newly-Opened Oli Spanish Restaurant bar is located at Xindian District, New Taipei City. It offers p...
香頌私宅洋樓位是少數台北中山區高檔預約制餐廳之一, 因季節或節慶會推出不一樣具有特色的料理, 這次有這個榮幸可以品嚐到他們的聖誕套餐. Chanson Bistro is categorized as Fine Dining Restaurant at Taipei Zhongshan District. This restaurant only takes reservation. This t...
2017年6月新開幕的台北東旅 ( Hotel East Taipei ) 位於南京三民捷運站附近, 是台北松山區南京東路上的商旅之一. 這次有這個榮幸可以體驗一晚住宿. Newly-opened Hotel East Taipei is one of the hotels near Nangjing Sanmin MRT station. It is also one of the busine...
1969 藍天飯店 ( Blue Sky Hotel ) 為台中市中區飯店之一, 也是日本【H.I.S】旅行社網站“最想造訪的台灣景點或美食” 票選活動中唯一上榜的飯店, 這次有這個榮幸可以體驗到此家飯店. 1969 Blue Sky Hotel is one of the hotels at Taichung Central District. It is also the only Hotel...
台中 1969 藍天飯店 (Blue Sky Hotel) 開幕滿一週年, 與 萬寶龍 (Montblanc) 和 美國夢露葡萄酒台灣總代理 合辦一場精彩的《就在今夜 ‧ 我與夢露有約》派對, 也特別打造一間《瑪麗蓮夢露》主題客房. Taichung Blue Sky Hotel hosted a hotel birthday party with Montblanc and Marilyn Mo...
新開幕的大稻埕魯肉飯是台北大同區平價美食之一, 不僅販售魯肉飯, 也有豬腳與控肉, 也有搭配好的便當可外帶與外送. 這次有這個榮幸可以品嚐到以上三種招牌菜餚. Newly-opened “Dadaocheng Braised Pork Rice” is one of the low-cost restaurants at Taipei Datung District. It has braised...