新開幕的大師兄銷魂麵舖為中山捷運站美食之一, 藍白色的布製招牌則是紛紛出現在IG與FB上. Newly-opened “Master Spicy Noodle” is located near Zhongshan MRT station. Its blue and white sign often shows up at social media.
Musée Kitchen & Bar 為台北世貿附近上班族商業午餐選擇之一, 午餐提供的營業時間也拉長至3pm. Musée Kitchen & Bar offers Business Lunch Menu for the nearby 101 or World Trade office workers. They provide lunch until 3pm in the a...
台北中正區南陽街美食比比皆是, 2017新開幕的北北車滷肉飯與大稻埕魯肉飯則是其中少數有在經營Facebook 跟環境乾淨的台式小吃店. There are many great restaurants/shops at Taipei Zhongzheng District Nangyang Street. Newly-opened “Braised Pork Rice Shop” and "D...
台北中山區美食 “POPINA” 是台北餐酒館裡少數回客率高的餐酒館, 也常被饕客拿來跟附近的台北晶華酒店與大倉久和裡的餐廳做比較, POPINA 通常是處於優勢. POPINA Bistro, which is located near Taipei Zhongshan District, is one of the bistros that has high customer return r...
台北天母SOGO日本美食餐廳眾多, 勝政日式炸豬排則是這些餐廳裡我比較感興趣的. There are many Japanese restaurants at Taipei Tienmu SOGO department store. Katsumasa Tonkatsu restaurant is one of a few restaurants that I am interested in.
台北榮總附近的石牌捷運站美食名單不能少了品鮨日本料理, 除了知名的握壽司外和海鮮丼飯, 也有季節性料理. Pin Chi Japanese Restaurant is located near Shipai MRT station at Beitou District. Besides “nigiri” and “don” (rice), they also have seasonal limit...
印象中的客家菜是像“閤家小館”合菜, 台北中山捷運站美食之一的“六堆伙房”則是定位在一個人跟家庭聚會皆可吃客家菜料理. Most Hakka cuisine size is large portion, which is perfect for family gathering (For example: Ho-Gia Hakka Restaurant). 6 D Kitchen, which i...
台北市大安區西班牙美食餐廳名單又一枚, El Marqués Tapas Bar除了海鮮飯外, 也提供正統西班牙Tapas, 西班牙紅酒和西班牙啤酒. Newly-opened El Marqués Tapas Bar now is one of Taipei City Da’an District Spanish restaurants. Besides paella, they also of...
Coffee Smith是台北市北投區石牌捷運站咖啡和早午餐店家之一, 也非常適合平日下午茶輕食的聚會地點. Coffee Smith is one of the Brunch restaurant near Shipai MRT station at Beitou district. This is also a great location for weekday afternoon te...
“忠南飯館”是 LOUIS VUITTON旅遊指南推薦餐廳之一, 位於台北空軍總部對面, 也就是仁愛路三段和建國北路高架橋附近, 是一家在適合家庭聚會的平價中式料理餐廳. Many people didn't know that this restaurant is at LOUIS VUITTON Taipei City Travel Guide. Chungnam Restaurant is...