(二訪 2018.08; 5/20/2019 搬家) 有著招牌私房花椒麵的饞食坊是一家大安區深夜食堂, 多頁的酒菜單與氛圍已有點像中式居酒屋. Zen Food restaurant, which is next to Da’an MRT station, offers the signature thick Sliced Noodle with Peppercorn Powder. dish...
台北新開幕咖哩飯餐廳又一家! Noname咖哩專門店是台北大安捷運站附近的餐廳, 除了咖哩飯外, 唐揚炸雞也是招牌料理之一. Another curry restaurant opens at Taipei City. No Name Curry Restaurant is one of the restaurants near Da’an MRT station. Besides curry r...
Le Blanc 是台北大安區餐酒館之一, 最為特別的是特級肋眼牛排套餐價格只有NTD $1000元, 龍蝦套餐$1400元. Le Blanc is one of the Bistros in Taipei Da’an District. Their dish is price-friendly. For example, their 10oz Prime Rib Eye Steak Set i...
“感謝您鹽酥雞路邊攤”是台北信維市場美食之一, 位於信義路四段與大安路二段轉角處, 從大安捷運站走過來只需約十分鐘的時間. “Thank You Street Vendor” is one of the vendors at Taipei XinWei Market. It is located at the corner of Xinyi 4th section and Daan 2nd sec...