北投泉源閣餐廳不僅是台北台菜餐廳推薦, 也是適合宴客的北投美食推薦.泉源閣是晶華國際酒店集團所屬餐飲品牌之一, 位於北投晶泉丰旅飯店裡 Bando Club Restaurant is one of the Beitou Restaurant recommendation, which offers delicious Taiwanese cuisine. Bando Club brand bel...
豆咖啡 ( Bean Cafe ) 是北投咖啡店之一, 被台北人號稱隱藏版極佳咖啡, 孰不知, 港澳日韓遊客到 北投的 To-Do List 裡上都有 “到豆咖啡拿預約好的冰釀咖啡”. Bean Cafe is one of the Beitou Coffee Shops. Taiwanese called this shop as hidden gem in Beitou. However, t...