Bando Club Taipei 》關於北投泉源閣餐廳的三個重點 (菜單在文內)
Last Updated on 2025-01-16 by Foodelicious
北投泉源閣餐廳不僅是台北台菜餐廳推薦, 也是適合宴客的北投美食推薦.泉源閣是晶華國際酒店集團所屬餐飲品牌之一, 位於北投晶泉丰旅飯店裡
Bando Club Restaurant is one of the Beitou Restaurant recommendation, which offers delicious Taiwanese cuisine. Bando Club brand belongs to “Wellspring by Silks” and is located inside the Hotel.
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目錄 / Table of Contents
北投泉源閣 訂位
Beitou Bando Club Reservation
北投泉源閣地址是台北市北投區泉源路19號 ( 北投晶泉丰旅 3 樓 ). 離新北投捷運站只需走路 5 分鐘.
✅ 預約制 Only . 至少三天前訂位
✅ 營業時間只有晚餐時段 5:30 pm ~ 9:30pm
星期一有營業, 只是週末中午應該要營業, 會比較多人會願意去
✅ 皆是獨立包廂形式, 並沒有散客座位區
這次我跟朋友們是坐 10 人包廂.
✅ inline 訂位連結 (Link)
網路可訂 8 位坐 10 人包廂. 我認為包廂低消可到, 6 人訂 10 人包廂即可. 建議打電話問餐廳 (02-6610-0100) 討論人數與菜單
Beitou Bando Club is located at No. 19, Quanyuan Road, Beitou District, Taipei City (Wellspring by Silks 3F). It is just a 5-minute walk from Xinbeitou MRT Station.
Here are some key points to note:
✅ Reservation Only: Reservations must be made at least three days in advance.
✅ Operating Hours: Dinner service only, from 5:30 PM to 9:30 PM.
It Open on Mondays. However, it would be better if they offered lunch service on weekends, as it could attract more customers.
✅ Private Rooms Only: All seating is in private rooms, with no general seating area. This time, my friends and I were seated in a 10-person private room.
✅ Online Booking Link (Link): Online reservations allow booking for up to 8 people for a 10-person private room.In my opinion, the minimum spend for the private room is achievable, so 6 people could book a 10-person room. I recommend calling the restaurant directly (02-6610-0100) to discuss the number of people and the menu.
北投泉源閣 包廂
Bando Club Private Dining Room
inline 訂位連結 (Link) 提到北投泉源閣只有包廂, 沒有散客座位區.
✅ 包廂可容納10-30人 . 圖一與二是 10 人包廂. 圖三是20人包廂
✅ 包廂低消為NT$25,000~NT$70,000/間
備註: 建議打電話問餐廳 (02-6610-0100) 討論人數與菜單
inline (Link) website stated that Beitou Bano Club only has private dining rooms. It does not have general seating area for 2 ~ 4 customers.
✅ Their private room can fit 10 ~ 30 people. Pic 1 and 2 is for 10 people. Pic 3 is 20 people private dining room.
✅ Private Dining Room minimum charge is NT$25,000~NT$70,000/Room
Remark: I would suggest to call the restaurant for discussing menu details and numbers of customers Tel: 02-6610-0100
北投泉源閣 菜單
Bando Club Menu
訂位網站文末有包廂菜單 (Link) . 我個人是建議與餐廳討論菜單與價格. 圖片是當天聚餐的菜單, 菜餚有與餐廳討論過. 此款菜單是 NTD $4000+10%/人 (包括開瓶費 /共開三瓶) .
The inline website has the menu (Link). I recommend calling the restaurant directly (02-6610-0100) to discuss the number of people and the menu. The picture shows the menu of the day. My friend discussed the dishes with the restaurant. The menu is NTD $4000+10%/person (including corkage fee x 3)
Appetizer – 4 Dishes
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
泉源閣是晶華國際酒店集團所屬餐飲品牌之一. 我對晶華集團的餐飲品牌都頗有信心 , 例如我最喜歡的 “晶華軒”.
✅ 山椒鳳爪
✅ 燒椒海螺
✅ 蜜汁腰果
✅ 炒四季豆
去骨山椒鳳爪 並沒有明顯的雞爪形狀. 入口時, 山椒賦予不同層次辣香刺激感. 不錯吃, 推薦要在迎賓四小品裡. 最意想不到的是燒椒海螺. 海螺片外型類似關廟麵, 口感爽脆. 燒椒醬賦予的辛辣帶給味蕾刺激感. 我推薦這一道也在迎賓四小品裡.
Bando Club is one of the restaurant brands under the Regent International Hotel Group, a name that inspires a lot of confidence when it comes to dining experiences. For example, one of my personal favorites is their “Silks House “.
This time, the four welcoming appetizers included:
✅ Sansho Marinated Chicken Feet
✅ Grilled Pepper Sea Conch
✅ Honey-Glazed Cashews
✅ Stir-Fried String Beans
The boneless sansho chicken feet didn’t resemble the typical shape of chicken feet. Thesansho pepper brings a layered, spicy, aromatic sensation to the palate. It’s quite delicious, and I would recommend keeping it as one of the four appetizers. The biggest surprise was the grilled pepper sea conch. The sea conch slices resembled the shape of Guanmiao noodles, with a crisp and refreshing texture. The grilled pepper sauce added a spicy kick that was wonderfully stimulating to the taste buds. I would also recommend this as part of the welcoming appetizers.
延伸閱讀: Silks House Taipei 》N訪後的晶華軒菜單推薦排行榜 (包括桌菜與港點)
Daily Catch Sashimi Boat
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
泉源閣的菜餚發想是 “台式辦桌菜 ”. 這一道有乾冰裝飾的漁港海龍船在端上桌時 , 頗有台式辦桌主菜的奢華視覺感. 不僅有常見的鮭魚, 鮪魚與干貝, 也有紅甘與軟絲. 漁品都很新鮮無腥味. 記得要搭配漁船裡的山葵才會更有台式生魚片的感覺.
The dishes at Bando Club are inspired by the concept of “Taiwanese banquet-style cuisine”. As the daily catch sashimi boat is brought to the table, the dry ice shows the dramatic effect. It reminiscent of the luxurious centerpiece dishes often seen at traditional Taiwanese banquets. In addition to the usual selections like salmon, tuna, and scallops, this dish also includes red snapper and squid. All the seafood is exceptionally fresh. To truly capture the essence of Taiwanese sashimi, remember to pair the fish with the wasabi provided in the boat.
Assorted Deluxe Taiwanese Cuisines Dish
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
此道拼盤有蟳肉丸, 溏心烏魚子與醬漬九孔鮑. 蟳肉丸並不是圓型, 而是條狀 (圖片的上方). 這是我第一次吃蟳肉丸, 紅蟳肉與鹹蛋黃意外地美味. 烏魚子與九孔鮑台式料理 在 “儂來會館” , “請客樓 “ 與 “金蓬萊” 很常見. 如果要做得令人印象深刻, 溏心烏魚子可以切更厚 , 也需要提升更軟的口感.
This platter features crab meat rolls with salted egg yolk, soft-centered mullet roe, and marinated abalone. The crab meat rolls are not round but rather strip-shaped (as seen at the top of the photo). This was my first time trying crab meat rolls, and the combination of crab meat and salted egg yolk was unexpectedly delicious. Mullet roe and abalone in Taiwanese cuisine are common staples at restaurants, such as “Nong Lai Restaurant” ,”The Guest House” , and “Golden Formosa Restaurant ”. To leave a stronger impression, the soft-centered mullet roe could be cut thicker and have a softer texture.
延伸閱讀: 儂來會館 Nong Lai Taipei 》二樓可當大包廂的台北台菜餐廳
延伸閱讀: The Guest House 》喜來登請客樓菜單推薦 ( 內有預訂桌菜)
延伸閱讀: 台北米其林一星餐廳 》金蓬萊 遵古台菜餐廳 | Taipei Michelin Restaurant
Taiwanese Style Lobster Sandwiches
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍👍
這次吃到的台式龍蝦三明治並沒有在網站菜單上 , 必須直接跟餐廳說想要預訂這一道. 台式龍蝦三明治外層炸得酥脆 , 且不會過於油膩. 第一口即可感受到花生醬賦予的堅果風味, 鮮甜龍蝦切塊在綿密美奶滋依舊有存在感.老實說, 我其實可以吃兩塊三明治. 趁熱吃非常好吃! 建議即使只有 8 人以下 , 都可以預訂台式龍蝦三明治. 我推薦點!
The Taiwanese-style lobster sandwich I tried this time is not listed on the restaurant’s online menu—you need to directly request it in advance. The sandwich is fried to a crispy golden exterior without being overly greasy. From the very first bite, you can taste the nutty flavor from the peanut butter, while the sweet and fresh chunks of lobster still hold their presence despite being mixed with creamy mayonnaise. Honestly, I could easily eat two sandwiches. It’s absolutely delicious when eaten hot! Even if your group has fewer than eight people, I highly recommend pre-ordering the Taiwanese-style lobster sandwich. Highly recommended!
吮指香酥骨 & 手工炸雞捲
Deep-fried Pork Ribs • Handmade Fried Minced Pork & Fish Cake Roll
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
我之前最喜歡的手工炸雞捲是在 “My 灶”. 泉源閣的台式雞捲腐皮外層有更酥脆的口感 , 不會一咬就碎著掉整盤., 調味豬肉內餡扎實, 帶有些許肉汁. 整體不錯吃. 與外國人用餐時一定要講清楚雞捲裡沒有雞肉. 可惜炸排骨並沒有預期地出色.
My previous favorite handmade fried chicken roll was from “My Zhao Restaurant” . The Taiwanese-style pork roll at Band Club features a crispier bean curd skin exterior that doesn’t fall apart easily when bitten into. The seasoned pork filling is firm and juicy, making it overall a satisfying dish. When dining with foreigners, it’s essential to clarify that there’s no chicken in this dish. Unfortunately, the deep-fried pork ribs didn’t meet expectations.
延伸閱讀: My 灶 》菜單如果不點桌菜要點哪些招牌菜餚
Double-boiled Chicken Soup with Pork Tripe & Soft Shell Turtle
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
此道是泉源閣的招牌手路菜. 鱉是甲魚. 我在台灣喝到的甲魚湯有兩家 – “初梅” 與 “請客樓”. 泉源閣的雞仔豬肚鱉給我的第一印象是非常清澈且無雜質的湯. 店員依序將鱉殼放置一旁, 再將全雞剪開, 將雞肉,豬肚與甲魚平分給客人. 雞湯的湯頭濃郁充滿膠質. 吃得出這一道菜餚非常費時費工. 如果你可以吃甲魚, 我會推薦點.
This dish is Bando Club’s signature dish . “Softshell turtle” refers to terrapin. In Taiwan, I’ve tried terrapin soup at two places—“Hatsuume” and “The Guest House” . The first impression of soup is its incredibly clear and impurity-free broth. The staff carefully set the terrapin shell aside, then cut the whole chicken and evenly divided the chicken meat, pork stomach, and terrapin among the guests. The chicken soup is rich in flavor and packed with collagen. It’s evident that this dish requires significant time and effort to prepare. If you’re comfortable eating terrapin, I highly recommend ordering it.
延伸閱讀: Hatsuume Taipei 》在台北味処初梅餐廳品嚐甲魚宴
Braised Beancurd and Pig Intestines
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
辣香與麻香十足, 建議點白飯來搭配.
The spiciness brings the stimulate to the palate. I would suggest to order rice to pair with.
Pan-fried Salt and Pepper Pomfret
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
白鯧代表吉祥昌運. 這一道椒鹽白鯧有在晶華軒的年菜菜單裡. 泉源閣將椒鹽白鯧切塊, 更有台式辦桌的風格. 香煎後的白鯧外層酥脆 , 肉質紮實.
Pomfret means good luck. The pomfret was cut in chunks, which appears to have more Taiwanese banquet style. The pan-fried pomfret appearance is crispy and the meat is dense but delicious.
Three-cup Chicken with Pig Blood Cake & Basil
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
塔香三杯雞在我心目中是經典台菜之一. 因為其他菜餚太出色, 塔香三杯雞在這次用餐並沒有深刻印象.
TheThree-cup Chicken with Pig Blood Cake & Basil is a classic Taiwanese cuisine dish. However, since other dishes are outstanding, this dish didn’t leave strong impression after all.
Steamed Sticky Rice with Crabs
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
台式餐廳宴客菜單上通常都會有紅蟳米糕. “明福餐廳 ” 的紅蟳米糕應該是台北知名度最高的紅蟳米糕. 泉源閣的紅蟳米糕有三隻蟹與滿滿蟹黃. 希望未來的糯米飯可以吸收更多膏黃精華或是鮮味.
The steamed sticky rice with crabs are common at the Taiwanese banquet style restaurant menu. Bando Club’s dish has three crabs and full of crab roe. However, I will that the sticky rice can absorbs more crab roe essence or umami flavor.
延伸閱讀: Taipei Michelin 》在明福台菜海鮮餐廳除了點佛跳牆也要點糯米雞
Shaved Ice with Various Ingredients
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
這一道非常適合宴請外國人品嚐. 寶島海派冰 Size 大更展現出澎湃的台式辦桌風格.
This dish is quite suitable for foreigners. The size shows the classic Taiwanese banquet style.
結論 Conclusion ⭐
泉源閣適合公司宴客與重要家庭聚餐. 我直接寫出優點與缺點給你們做參考
1.菜餚都不錯吃. 可以與餐廳討論客製化菜單與包廂人數
2.台式菜餚居多, 而且傳統大菜或是手路菜都做得出來
3.裝潢全新, 餐具亮眼很適合宴客. 外國人也很適合
4. 有停車場. 至於週末是不是好停車, 建議你問餐廳
2.只有晚上營業 . 中午沒有營業.
3. 預約制且只有包廂
Bando Club is suitable for company staff/clients gathering and important family gathering. However, I will still list out the selling points and weaknesses.
Selling Points:
1.The dishes are all delicious, and the restaurant is open to discussing customized menus and the number of guests per private room.
2.The menu is mostly Taiwanese cuisine, with both traditional large dishes and signature specialties executed excellently.
3.The decor is brand new, and the eye-catching tableware makes it ideal for hosting banquets. It’s also very suitable for treating foreign guests.
4. Parking is available. For weekend parking conditions, it’s recommended to check with the restaurant.
1. Relatively higher prices.
2. Only open for dinner; not open during lunch hours.
3. Reservation Only and Private Dining Room Only.
延伸閱讀: 台北尾牙餐廳推薦懶人包 》Taipei Year-End Party Restaurants
北投泉源閣 資訊
Bando Club Taipei Restaurant Information
店名: 泉源閣
地址: 台北市北投區泉源路19號 ( 北投晶泉丰旅 3 樓 ) (Map)
捷運站: 新北投捷運站
電話: 02-6610-0100
Restaurant: Bando Club Taipei
Address: No. 19, Quanyuan Rd., Beitou District, Taipei City (Wellspring by Silks 3F ) (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Xinbeitou MRT station.
Tel: 02-6610-0100