大橋頭捷運站美食之一的“大橋頭筒仔米糕”是許多觀光客的大稻埕美食餐廳之一. “DQT Steamed Sticky Rice Restaurant” is one of the restaurants that most travelers visited at Taipei Dadaocheng area.
2017新開幕的DOMANI 義大利餐廳位於台北市忠孝新生捷運站只需步行十分鐘, 由於出現在時尚雜誌, 讓很多人以為餐點昂貴, 其實並不盡然. Grand-opening DOMANI Italian Restaurant is located near Zhongxiao Xinsheng MRT station with only 10 minutes walking distance. Be...
廣東正龍城烤鴨是新北市永和烤鴨美食代表之一, 可惜的是這家排隊名店離永安市場捷運站有點遠. Guangdong Zheng Long Roasted Duck Restaurant is one of the Yonghe district best roasted duck restaurants. However, the restaurant location is a bit far fr...
永康街咖啡店比比皆是, 有一家名為 8% Ice Bistro的複合式咖啡店在2017年悄悄地在永康街開幕, 它的姐妹店則是眾所皆知的 8% 冰淇淋專賣店. 較為不同的是除了冰淇淋外, 8% Ice Bistro也販售麵包與火鍋. There are a lot of coffee shops in Yongkang section near Dongmen MRT station. And ye...
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