花滔廚房 ( La Cucina di Flora ) 是台北小巨蛋義大利餐廳, 目前花滔廚房義大利餐廳在我的小巨蛋捷運美食推薦名單裡 La Cucina di Flora Italian Restaurant is one of the restaurants near Taipei Arena. It is also on my Taipei Arena MRT restaurant reco...
四鄉五島馬祖麵館是台北24小時小吃之一, 也是許多夜歸人的台北宵夜餐廳選擇,四鄉五島馬祖麵館招牌料理包括黑麻麵, 麻醬麵和黑心水餃. Mazu 45 Food is one of the 24 hour restaurants in Taipei City. It is also one of the late night snacks option for Taipei locals.
明水然鐵板燒是在中價位台北鐵板燒推薦名單裡, CP 值高的龍蝦牛排海陸套餐是餐廳招牌. 我這次去的是明水然鐵板燒慶城店. Minsui Zen Teppanyaki is on one of my Taipei Teppanyaki Recommendation List. Its price-friendly Lobster & Steak Surf and Turf Set is th...
春美冰菓室就是近期與知名主廚江振誠合作快閃活動的甜品店, 也可以歸類於另類南京復興甜點冰品店之一, 秋冬推出溫熱甜品. Chun Mei Ice Shop cooperated with famous Chef André Chiang to create a almond jelly flash event. They are promoting their new fall/winter ho...
二月半そば 蕎麦麺 (簡稱二月半蕎麥麵)是許多人心目中的台北中山區美食推薦名單內, 雖然二月半蕎麥麵可訂位, 但還是成為中山捷運站的排隊餐廳之一. Taipei Healthy Soba Restaurant is on my Taipei Zhongshan District Restaurants recommendation list. It is hard to imagine this ...
(Closed Down ; 搬到中山站附近 ) La Mesa 西班牙餐廳是國父紀念館捷運美食之一, 也在台北東區餐酒館名單上, 這次有這個榮幸可品嚐到多款 La Mesa 的西班牙料理 (Closed Down ; Move to Zhongshan District) La Mesa Spanish Restaurant is one of the restaurants near SYS ...
雖然 A.B House 商業午餐已取消, 但 AB House 價位依舊合理, 被我列在東門捷運站美食推薦之一. Even though A.B. House Italian Restaurant business lunch is cancelled. But its price is reasonable enough for me to put on the Dongmen MRT sta...
新開幕的 T+T 餐酒館是少數台北松山區餐酒館表現較為亮眼, 招牌料理 “茄子,海膽,柴魚” 更具米其林架勢, 小巨蛋附近美食推薦名單也少不了它. Newly-opened T+T Bistro is located at Taipei Songshan District near Taipei Arena. “Eggplant, Sea Urchin, and Katsuobushi” is o...
Hana Bi 居酒屋是台北中山區居酒屋之一, 以專賣日式釜飯出名的 Hana Bi 商業午餐也深受附近上班族喜愛. Hana Bi Restaurant is one of the restaurants at Zhongshan District. Its signature dish is rice and ingredients served in a small pot.
和合青田其實稱作台北市茶藝館反而較適合, 特色是用傳統燒炭火泡茶, 是一個台北泡茶與品茶的好去處, 也在我的台北茶館推薦名單裡. HeHe QingTian is one of the Taipei Tea Houses. The most special part would be they offer traditional method to brew tea, which is burni...