新店線 / Green Line

Cafe Madeleine Taipei 》台北瑪德蓮小酒館是歐式優雅風格的代表

Cafe Madeleine Taipei 》台北瑪德蓮小酒館是歐式優雅風格的代表
瑪德蓮小酒館是台北餐酒館之一, 許多人將瑪德蓮餐酒館列於公館朋友聚餐的餐廳名單裡. Cafe Madeleine is one of the Taipei Bistros. Many people list Cafe Madeleine as a friends-gathering restaurant at Taipei Gongguan area.

台北中山區鰻魚飯 》魚庒除了鰻魚飯也有其他日本料理 | Taipei Eel Rice

台北中山區鰻魚飯 》魚庒除了鰻魚飯也有其他日本料理 | Taipei Eel Rice
許多台北鰻魚飯愛好者都知道魚庒鰻魚飯, 卻不知道其實魚庒餐廳也販售天婦羅和生魚片等日本料理. Many Eel Rice lovers know about Unagi Osho Restaurant’s eel rice. However, they didn't know that they also offer Tempura and Sashimi.

1855 Premier Cru 卓越酒莊 》新開幕酒商實體店面不僅販售酒也有試喝

1855 Premier Cru 卓越酒莊 》新開幕酒商實體店面不僅販售酒也有試喝
( 2020.1 二訪更新) 1855 Premier Cru 卓越酒莊是台北松江南京捷運站附近的進口酒商實體門市, 二樓與三樓皆有VIP室, 也有品酒教室, 1855 Premier Cru store front is located at Songjiang Nanjing MRT station, Taipei City. Second and Third Floor has VIP ar...

Bencotto Taipei 》台北文華東方酒店義大利餐廳新菜單新主廚

Bencotto Taipei 》台北文華東方酒店義大利餐廳新菜單新主廚
Bencotto Taipei 是台北文華東方酒店 6 樓的義大利餐廳, 也是得到 2019 紅蝦評鑑和米其林餐盤的餐廳之一. Bencotto Restaurant is the Italian Restaurant at Mandarin Oriental Hotel 6F. It is one of restaurants has 2019 Gambero Rosso Taipei cert...

Taipei Vermicelli 》面線町的海王子麵線系列不錯吃可ㄧ試

Taipei Vermicelli 》面線町的海王子麵線系列不錯吃可ㄧ試
(2020.1  二訪更新) 2019 新開幕面線町 (麵線町) 是台北中山捷運站美食之一, 面線町招牌菜餚為海王子麵線系列, 讓許多饕客慕名而來. Newly-Opened Vermicelli Shop (Mei-Xian-Ding) is located near Taipei Zhongshan MRT station. Most Foodies would visit to eat It...

金獅大酒樓 》台北西門港式飲茶點心 | Taipei Ximending Restaurant

金獅大酒樓 》台北西門港式飲茶點心  | Taipei Ximending Restaurant
台北港式飲茶傳統餐廳不多, 西門町金獅樓是少數台北有港式飲茶推車的餐廳, 每逢用餐時間, 這家台北港式茶樓客源不斷. Golden Lion Cantonese Restaurant, which is located at Ximending, is one of the traditional Dim Sim Restaurants at Taipei city. It has been in...

瑪黑家居選物 》台北中山捷運站下午茶 | Marais Taipei

瑪黑家居選物 》台北中山捷運站下午茶 | Marais Taipei
(2019.4 更新)  新開幕的瑪黑家居選物是台北中山區下午茶之一, 是一家輕食茶飲與家居選物複合概念旗艦店, 鐵鍋鬆餅與茶品為招牌品項, 2019年4月確認雙人午茶經典套餐依舊是 NTD $880. Newly-opened Marais brand opens a flagship store, which combines light food, dessert, and Marais p...

Dining In The Dark Taipei 2019 》無光晚餐體驗心得和10個問題 (最終場)

Dining In The Dark Taipei 2019 》無光晚餐體驗心得和10個問題 (最終場)
驚喜製造團隊打造的無光晚餐是什麼? 無光晚餐好玩嗎? 以下文章會提到2019 無光晚餐心得和10個大家都想問的問題. 此外, 這一場將是無光晚餐最終場, 錯過以後在台灣就體驗不到了!! What is “Dining In The Dark” event? Is the event fun? In the article down below, you would read regarding t...