栩栩 OMAKASE 是台北無菜單日本料理餐廳. 藍色波浪光影走廊與石板吧檯令人印象深刻. 很適合成為台北約會餐廳之一. Xu Xu OMAKASE is a Japanese omakase restaurant in Taipei. The striking blue wave-like lighting in the hallway and the sleek stone counterto...
( 2024.10 更新 ) 台北 24 小時美食在哪裡? 老漿家是台北東區 24 小時中式早餐店, N訪品嚐過老漿家菜單 , 決定寫成文章. (2024.10 Update) Where are Taipei 24 Hours Restaurants? Top Soy Milk Shop is a 24 Hours Chinese Breakfast restaurant at Taipei E...
(2022.08 更新) Solo Pasta 義大利餐廳在很多人的台北東區平價義大利麵推薦名單裡, Solo Pasta 小蝸牛義式餐廳也是少數在忠孝敦化捷運站附近開超過許多年的餐廳. Solo Pasta 菜單推薦 點哪些都在文章裡. (2022.08 Update ) Solo Pasta Italian Restaurant is one of the price-friendly pas...
五方食藏 忠孝店 ( TAKE FIVE ) 是 2021 新開幕台北東區美食餐廳 之一, 五方食藏菜單除了有知名 Wild Baker 酸種麵包外, 也有 Pizza 與輕食. TAKE FIVE Restaurant Zhongxiao Branch is a 2021 Taipei New Restaurant. Its menu has famous Wild Baker Sourdoug...
柑橘 Shinn - Soba 拉麵店無庸置疑是台北東區美食推薦 , 與其二店鴨蔥拉麵皆在我的台北拉麵推薦名單上. Shinn-Soba Ramen Restaurant is definitely one of the Taipei East District Restaurant Recommendation. It is also on my Taipei Ramen Recommendat...
這家台北東區韓系咖啡店的全名是 Annyoung Cafe 你好咖啡, 菜單裡的蜂蜜海苔年糕是必點, 這裡也在台北網美下午茶名單. Annyoung Cafe is a Korean Style Coffee Shop at Taipei East District. The must-order dish would be Korean Rice Cake with Honey & Se...
JUJU Spanish Gastrobar 被定位為台北西班牙餐酒館, 也是忠孝敦化站美食之一, 西班牙籍主廚則是將 JUJU 餐廳菜單設計為小份量. JUJU Spanish Gastrobar is categorized as Taipei Spanish Bistro. It is one of the restaurants near Zhongxiao Dunhuan MRT.