新開幕的請請義大利餐廳 ( Cin Cin Osteria ) 位於國父紀念館附近, 是少數大安區裡適合家庭聚會的親子餐廳. Newly-opened Cin Cin Osteria Restaurant is near SYS Memorial Hall. It is one of the family-friendly restaurants at Da’an district.
(2020.1 N訪 ) 有著藍色裝潢的 The Normal 咖啡店座落於台北仁愛路四段上, 是少數國父紀念館捷運站週邊有插座不限時的咖啡店. Newly-opened The Normal Coffee Shop is located at 4th section Ren-Ai Road in Taipei City. It is one of the coffee shops without...
新開幕的小倉屋是少數開在台北東區鰻魚飯日本餐廳, 遠離中山區日本料理一級戰區, 選擇在國父紀念館捷運站附近. Newly-opened Kokuraya is one of a few eel rice restaurants in Taipei East District. They decide to open near SYS Memorial Hall MRT station instea...
(2019.10 二訪更新) Olivia Coffee Roaster 是少數台北東區不限時咖啡店之一, 提供免費Wifi , 少數插座和安靜環境讓很多文字工作者喜歡到這家咖啡店工作. Olivia Coffee Roaster is one of a few coffee shop with unlimited dining time. It offers free wiki, a few...
來自美國紐約的Lady M 是2017台北新開幕蛋糕店名單中最受矚目, 在台灣目前有國父紀念館旗艦店與晶華飯店專櫃. Lady M, which was originated from New York City, opened its oversea stores near Taipei SYS Memorial Hall MRT station and also Regent Hotel.
國父紀念館捷運附近的餐酒館又征服了一家 - La Piola Cucina Italiana 義大利餐廳, 老闆則是來自義大利, 專攻北義料理, 考驗台北上班族對於正統異國美食的接受度. I tried another Bistro, which is La Piola Cucina Italiana, near SYS Memorial Hall MRT station. The owner i...
光復南路巷口早午餐美食非周家豆腐捲莫屬 , 這家店鋪是附近居民在國父紀念館運動完後常去買的早午餐之一. One of the Guangfu South Road Brunch selections includes Chou’s Roasted Tofu Roll Shop. This store is located near SYS Memorial Hall MRT station.
台北國父紀念館捷運拉麵店眾多, 延吉街巷內有一家跟”麵屋武藏“販售的湯頭系列相似, 皆是魚介湯頭系列. There are many ramen restaurants near SYS Memorial Hall MRT station. ICHI Ramen restaurant, which is located at Yanji Street, sells similar fish bro...
走進位於華視附近“Okaeriお帰り吃碗拉麵吧”, 就如傳統的拉麵店有日本設計風格但只有少許位子, 廚師在吧台後的開放式廚房忙碌地烹煮拉麵,隨而散發出微微的豬骨湯底香味. Entering Okaeri ramen restaurant, you can immediately see the traditional design with a few seats. You can see the...
(已搬家至台北市大安區忠孝東路四段297號) 其實我寫這篇文章並不是因為 Gontran Cherrier Bakery Taipei 是國際知名的法國烘培店分店, 而是他們最新的季節限定產品 - 茶可頌. (Moved to No. 297, 4th Section, Zhongxiao East Road, Taipei City) I wrote this article is not be...