2021 新開幕的台北 Sea To Sky 高空海鮮餐廳位於微風信義 47 樓, SEA TO SKY 菜單上除了海鮮外, 也有 Smith & Wollensky 姐妹品牌的牛排. Newly-opened Sea to Sky Taipei restaurant is located at Xinyi Breeze Mall 47F. At the menu, besides sea...
(2024.12 月更新) Enoteca 旗艦店地址為台北信義新光三越 A9的3樓, 也是少數台北販售單杯酒的店面, Enoteca 單杯酒價位不高, 可成為微醺信義區下午茶好去處. (2024.12 Update) Enoteca address is at Xinyi SKM department store A9 3rd Floor. It is one of the Taipei win...
(Closed Down) Chope Chope Eatery 不僅是 JL Studio 主廚 Jimmy 的台北餐酒館, 也是信義新光三越美食餐廳之一, 因此 Chope Chope Eatery 訂位 一位難求! (Closed Down) Chope Chope Eatery is one of JL Studio Chef Jimmy’s new Taipei bistros. It ...
(二訪 2020.5更新) 小後苑 Backyard Jr. 是少數中午就開始營業的台北信義區威士忌酒吧, 也是台北餐酒館之一, 近期下午時段推出大人系的威士忌茶酒和甜點系列. Backyard Jr. is Taipei Whisky Bar that opens during the day time. It is also one of the Taipei Bistros. Rece...
La Farfalla 義式餐廳是寒舍艾麗酒店義大利餐廳, 近期 La Farfalla 從自助餐轉型成中高價單點模式, 成為台北信義區約會餐廳之一. La Farfalla Italian Restaurant is located at the 6F of Humble House Taipei. Recently, this restaurant changes its Buffet to ...
小鼎膾位於 台北信義區 Bellavita B2 美食街, 丼飯選擇多, 例如海鮮丼和和牛燒肉丼飯皆是小鼎膾的招牌料理. Ding Kuai Restaurant is located at Bellavista B2 Food Court at XinYi District. There are many rice bowl options.
橘色涮涮屋新光三越分店在2018新開幕, 由於橘色火鍋價位偏高, 成為台北信義區高級火鍋店名單之一, 更是台北適合家人聚餐的餐廳. 2018 Newly-opened Orange Shabu is located at Xinyi Chinking Misukoshi Department stores. Its price matches its high-end image. Their W...
主廚林明健新開幕的台北 Wildwood 原木燒烤餐廳是信義新光三越A9 美食之一, 菜單項目以直火燒烤牛排居多, 對我來說已經算是台北信義區牛排餐廳. Newly-opened Taipei Wildwood Live Fire Cuisine Restaurant is one of Chef Kin’s restaurants. Since there are many grilled st...
(二訪 2018.08) 除了金子半之助台北車站分店外, 金子半之助市政府分店也開幕了, 成為信義新光三越 A8 專賣天婦羅的日本料理. Besides Taipei Train Station branch store, Tendo-JP restaurant also has another branch near Taipei City Hall MRT station. It sell...