Fermented by 曾 House 是台北 Wine Bar . 因為 Fermented by 曾 House 菜單與酒單皆優秀 , 我認為能成為台北餐酒館推薦之一 Fermented by Tseng House is Taipei Wine Bar. Because its dish menu and wine menu are above average, I am consider...
栩栩 OMAKASE 是台北無菜單日本料理餐廳. 藍色波浪光影走廊與石板吧檯令人印象深刻. 很適合成為台北約會餐廳之一. Xu Xu OMAKASE is a Japanese omakase restaurant in Taipei. The striking blue wave-like lighting in the hallway and the sleek stone counterto...
Shabu Zen 是 2024 新開幕的台北高級火鍋餐廳. 最大亮點是 Shabu Zen 菜單與醬料皆是台北米其林一星 Ad Astra 廚師團隊研發. Shabu Zen is 2024 Taipei high end hot pot restaurant. The selling point is that Shabu Zen menu and sauce are developed by...
台北喜來登大飯店比薩屋 Pizza Pub 客座 請到 世界50最佳披薩 第15名 的 Chef Giuseppe Errichiello ( Mr. Peppe) , 客座時間只到 2025年1月 1 日 . Chef 的Pizza Recipe 不確定會不會繼續留在常規菜單. Pizza Pub at Sheraton Grand Taipei Hotel has invited Chef G...
( 2024.10 更新 ) 台北 24 小時美食在哪裡? 老漿家是台北東區 24 小時中式早餐店, N訪品嚐過老漿家菜單 , 決定寫成文章. (2024.10 Update) Where are Taipei 24 Hours Restaurants? Top Soy Milk Shop is a 24 Hours Chinese Breakfast restaurant at Taipei E...
(2024. 5 二訪更新) 台北喜來登請客樓是 台北米其林ㄧ星餐廳美食, 也是善導寺站美食之一. 主揪朋友安排坐包廂, 且選擇多款需預訂的桌菜. (2nd visit 2024. 5 Update) The Guest House , which is located at Taipei Sheraton Hotel, is a Taipei Michelin One Star Restaura...
台北南港六福萬怡酒店臨近 南港捷運站, 高鐵南港站, 台鐵及客運轉運站. 這篇文章會著重在有山景的豪華客房評價, 也包括早餐與其他介紹. The Courtyard by Marriott Taipei is located near Nangang Metro Station, High-Speed Rail Nangang Station, Taiwan Railway, and Bus Tr...
(2024.2 更新) Tamed Fox 信義店是台北信義區早午餐推薦之一, 許多人不知道 Tamed Fox 信義店菜單 與 安和店菜單 並不相同. (2024. 2 Update) Tamed Fox Xinyi is one of the Taipei Xinyi Brunch recommendation. Many people didn’t know that Tamed Fox X...