(已搬家 ) 富 四季割烹是台北中山區日本料理餐廳, 若是以美味程度和合理價格評估, 我把富 四季割烹日本料理放在我的南京復興日本料理推薦名單裡. (Moved to another location ) Based on its delicious level and reasonable price, Fu Kappo Japanese Restaurant becomes one of my...
販售台北歐姆蛋包飯的餐廳在哪裡? 台北年輕人幾乎都會回答陸角蛋包飯. 陸角餐廳是專賣雙醬蛋包飯的六張犁站美食餐廳. Where can you eat Omelet Rice at Taipei City? Most Taipei young generation would answer Omurice Restaurant, which is located near Liuzhangli M...
(搬家) 台北鳥喜 (produced by Toriki とり喜) 是台北信義區 Neo 19 餐廳之一, 也是台北米其林餐盤餐廳之一. 近期推出的鳥喜商業午餐價格深受附近上班族喜愛. (Moved) Produced by Toriki Taipei Restaurant is one of the Neo 19 restaurants. Its recent price-friendly l...
二月半そば 蕎麦麺 (簡稱二月半蕎麥麵)是許多人心目中的台北中山區美食推薦名單內, 雖然二月半蕎麥麵可訂位, 但還是成為中山捷運站的排隊餐廳之一. Taipei Healthy Soba Restaurant is on my Taipei Zhongshan District Restaurants recommendation list. It is hard to imagine this ...
Hana Bi 居酒屋是台北中山區居酒屋之一, 以專賣日式釜飯出名的 Hana Bi 商業午餐也深受附近上班族喜愛. Hana Bi Restaurant is one of the restaurants at Zhongshan District. Its signature dish is rice and ingredients served in a small pot.
中山國中站居酒屋相當多, 川賀居酒屋也可算是民生東路居酒屋之一, 招牌料理是一蟹兩吃之奶油螃蟹粥, 這次有這個榮幸可品嚐到主廚的居酒屋料理. Kawaga Izakaya is located near Zhongshan Junior High School MRT station. Their signature dish is Crab with Butter (2 cooking meth...
2018 新開幕的麵屋壹慶是台北中山區拉麵店之一, 是台北少數販售日本泡沫拉麵的餐廳, 也是中山國小捷運站附近的餐廳. 2018 newly-opened Ichi Ramen is one of the Japanese ramen shops at Zhongshan District. Ichi Ramen restaurant also offers the ramen with foam...
(二訪 2018.08) 除了金子半之助台北車站分店外, 金子半之助市政府分店也開幕了, 成為信義新光三越 A8 專賣天婦羅的日本料理. Besides Taipei Train Station branch store, Tendo-JP restaurant also has another branch near Taipei City Hall MRT station. It sell...
位於 Walnut, CA 的 Ninja Sushi 是一家平價日本料理餐廳, 老闆與服務生皆為日本籍. Ninja Sushi, which is a price-friendly Japanese restaurant, is located at Walnut, California. Both owners and waitresses are both Japanese.
除了佐藤咖哩六張犁店外, 佐藤咖哩又開第二家分店, 成為忠孝復興捷運站平價餐廳名單之一. Sato Curry restaurant opens another store near Zhongxiao Fushing MRT station. General speaking, it is a price-friendly restaurant at Taipei East District.