2017新開幕的DOMANI 義大利餐廳位於台北市忠孝新生捷運站只需步行十分鐘, 由於出現在時尚雜誌, 讓很多人以為餐點昂貴, 其實並不盡然. Grand-opening DOMANI Italian Restaurant is located near Zhongxiao Xinsheng MRT station with only 10 minutes walking distance. Be...
台北市中正區善導寺捷運站美食在哪裡? 大嗑西式餐館 (Ducky Restaurant) 是少數在善導寺附近提供美味西式料理餐廳, 也是個適合家庭聚餐的餐廳. Is there any good restaurant in Taipei Zhongzheng District near Shandao Temple MRT station? Ducky Restaurant is one of a...
在台灣能找到“非中式”的全素餐廳其實不太容易, 素食者也是需要社交活動的啊, Miacucina則是有提供具有現代風格的用餐空間和美味的餐點組合, 就連肉食者也會超愛這家餐廳! 除了台北信義新光三越分店之外, 本店則是位於天母. It is difficult to survive in Taiwan if you are a vegetarian/vegan unless you cook f...