( N訪 2023. 1 更新) Lay Back 漢堡 美式餐廳是信義安和站餐酒館, Lay Back 菜單 裡的招牌漢堡與義大利麵讓 Lay Back 成為大安區漢堡餐廳之一. ( 2023.1 Update) Lay Back Restaurant is one of Xinyi Anhe Bistros. At Lay Back Menu, its burgers and pastas...
這次餐酒館晚餐是 越昇國際 代理的義大利西西里酒莊 Donnafugata 葡萄酒 搭配 Cantina del gio 菜單上的義大利料理. I was invited by Ascent Way International Corp. to have a Donnafugata Wine Pairing Dinner at Cantina del Gio Italian Restaurant.
(2022.7 再訪更新) 非瓶餐酒館 (Bottless Taipei) 是 2020 新開幕台北餐廳之一, 饕客們都知道非瓶菜單是 Gen Creative 主廚們所研發, 再搭配多款單杯葡萄酒. 非瓶早午餐菜單 與晚餐菜單不一樣. ( 2022.7 Update ) Bottless Bistro is one of 2020 Taipei new restaurants. Every f...
具有北歐風格的 nku Taipei 餐廳是台北米其林餐盤推薦餐廳之一, 2020 二訪發現 nku 菜單改為無菜單方式. nkụ Taipei is one of the Taipei Michelin Plate restaurants. At my second visit of nku restaurant, I found out that nku menu has changed to...
Wild Donkey Taipei 野驢小餐館是台北大安區餐酒館之一, 由華泰集團少東經營的野驢訂位依舊搶手. Wild Donkey Restaurant is one of Taipei Bistros at Da’an District. As a 2019 newly-opened restaurant, its reservation is still popular.
Sugar Pea 餐廳有著純白色玻璃屋裝潢, 不僅是網美型台北餐廳, 也是台北大安區下午茶和另類台北餐酒館選擇之一. Sugar Pea Cafe has beautiful white color glass house decoration. It is also one of the Afternoon Tea options at Taipei Da’an District.
La Mole 菜單上有許多義大利料理美食與義大利葡萄酒, 因此 La Mole 義大利餐廳在我的台北餐酒館推薦名單裡. There are many Italian dishes and Italian wines at La Mole Taipei Menu. And La Mole restaurant is on my Taipei Italian Restaurant Recommend...
Tokyo Curry & Bar 東京咖哩林森店在台北咖哩飯推薦名單上, 也是林森北路宵夜美食, 看東京咖哩菜單發現這裡也算是另類的台北餐酒館! Tokyo Curry & Bar Taipei Linsen Branch Restaurant is on the Taipei Curry Rice Recommendation List. It is also one of t...
(二訪 2020.5更新) 小後苑 Backyard Jr. 是少數中午就開始營業的台北信義區威士忌酒吧, 也是台北餐酒館之一, 近期下午時段推出大人系的威士忌茶酒和甜點系列. Backyard Jr. is Taipei Whisky Bar that opens during the day time. It is also one of the Taipei Bistros. Rece...