街頭巷弄其實有很多傳統但是美味的餐聽, 但是因為用餐很方便, 人們容易忘記他們的料理是所謂的巷口美味, 利長春就是台北東區CP值極高的一家餐聽. There are quite a few traditional yet delicious restaurants in between lanes. Because it is too convenient to dine in these res...
加班加到天昏地暗, 已經沒有多少餐廳是開著. 在台北市東區靠近微風廣場, 有一家只在晚上六點後才開的餐廳, 名字很特別 , 叫做“牛肉麵.雞湯” .(沒錯, 名稱快狠準, 還沒走進去就知道明星餐點是什麼) When you overwork at night, there isn't much restaurants that you can choose to eat. In Taipei e...
一幻拉麵是日本知名拉麵的海外分店, 其實早在2015年於台北信義區開幕的時候造成轟動, 最近被告知這家拉麵本店是位於北海道且拉麵湯頭跟市面上見到的不一樣. Ebisoba Ichigen Ramen, which is another Japanese Ramen oversea branch, is located at Neo 19. This restaurant is opened sin...
東京油組総本店在台北市敦化商圈開了第一家海外分店, 賣的不是湯麵, 也不是沾麵, 而是跟國泰醫院附近的ABURASOBA SHIN 油そば専門店一樣是賣無湯的醬汁拌麵. Abura Soba’s (油そば) English translation would be “Oil Noodles”. The ramen dish in Abura Soba Tokyo is ramen without ...
位於台北東區的兩家ABV Bar & Kitchen皆有戶外座位區. 這次選了ABV二店, 也就是專攻加勒比海料理, 但跟一店一樣都有賣約300種精釀啤酒, 這次天還沒暗, 我們就點了兩道菜和六瓶英系啤酒, 一坐下來就是3小時! Both ABV-Mediterranean and ABV-Caribbean in Taipei Da-an District have outdoor si...
台灣人除了吃麵跟飯 ,還有吃水餃! 內餡有很多選擇 ,例如干貝, 蝦仁, 最受歡迎的就是高麗菜水餃和韭菜水餃 There are three kinds of food that most Taiwanese eat - Rice, Noodle, and Dumplings. The fillings of dumpling has many options, such as scallop,...
台北市有相當多的牛肉麵店, 如果是當地人, 通常不會選擇像類似觀光景點的永康街牛肉麵, 通常會選像位於台北東區光復麵館街頭美食. 網路上並無許多相關資料, 也許是因為餐廳改過名稱, 或是其實不想讓這家店曝光, 以免以後要排隊點餐. There are many beef noodle restaurants in Taipei City. If you are a local, you wont...
網路跟書上常提到夏天要吃涼麵, 冬天要吃湯麵, 但是當然那只是參考, 要不然這家位於辦公室林立附近的“空軍涼麵“怎麼會每天生意好得不得了?!? Who set the rule saying that it would be better to eat soup noodle in the winter time? If so, why is “Air Force Cold Noodle Res...
在台灣能找到“非中式”的全素餐廳其實不太容易, 素食者也是需要社交活動的啊, Miacucina則是有提供具有現代風格的用餐空間和美味的餐點組合, 就連肉食者也會超愛這家餐廳! 除了台北信義新光三越分店之外, 本店則是位於天母. It is difficult to survive in Taiwan if you are a vegetarian/vegan unless you cook f...