【 信義安和捷運 | Taipei Coffee】小驢館 | 咖啡 | Little Donkey Coffee Shop | 大安區 | 下午茶蛋糕

Last Updated on 2018-02-11 by Foodelicious

大安區仁愛國小旁的巷弄裡, 有許多深藏不露的咖啡店, 小驢館選擇開在安靜的敦安公園旁, 可讓客人有種暫時與世隔絕的感覺, 自2016年11月新開幕以來, 附近居民紛紛已成為常客, 但卻鮮少有人在網路上介紹.
There are many great coffee shops  near Rei-Ai Elementary School. Newly opened “Little Donkey Coffee Shop”  is located near the park within quiet surrounding. Many residents around the area became regulars since November 2016 when they opened. But there isn’t much social media exposure though.


簡潔的Menu 則是手寫在牆上的黑板, 並無輕食, 僅有甜點, 冰沙, 茶和手沖咖啡, 有時也會販售鹹派, 整體環境是愉悅且充滿日式文青風格.
The menu is written at the black board at the wall with only desserts, smoothes, tea and hand-drip coffee. Sometimes, they sell quiche, but not sandwiches. The atmosphere is delightful along relaxing music.




 哥斯大黎加 La Cajuela 莊園咖啡- 2016 COE上榜

English Name:Costa Rica 2016 COE  La Cajuela Coffee
Price: NTD $200
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

C.O.E. (Cup of Excellence) 就如咖啡界的奧斯卡, 每個會員國每年會先在自己國家辦咖啡豆評比, 表現優異而進階的咖啡豆會再次進行評比而進行排名. La Cajuela 是在 Alajuela Province, 也是哥斯大黎加主要咖啡產區之一且海拔高,大部分在海拔高種植的咖啡豆品質較佳, 酸度高和風味也更濃郁. 選擇這款咖啡的主要原因其實是台灣並無代理商, 是老闆的日本老婆遠從日本帶回來.這杯手沖黑咖啡風味十足, 剛開始品飲時, 因為咖啡強度過烈, 並無感受到酸度, 過了30秒後, 舌頭兩側感受到高酸度的衝擊, 即使是緩緩地喝也不至於失去咖啡風味, 咖啡尾韻長但不澀.

C.O.E is “Cup of Excellence” that hosted annually in different countries – mostly Central and South America. Each country hosts local competition and choose the high quality coffee to compete with another country. La Cajuela is a city in Alajuela Province (the red section in the picture) , one of the coffee production areas. With higher altitude (1500m above sea level) , the coffee bean would have thicker coffee aroma and high acidity. The main reason of choosing this brand is that it is not yet be imported. The owner’s Japanese wife brought back this coffee bean from Japan.The hand-drip coffee color is dark black as expected. The black coffee aroma is strong when served. At the beginning, the tastebud couldn’t feel any acidity because of the strong caffeine. After about 30 seconds, the high acidity flavor appears at both sides of tongue (cheek). It is the first time that I feel such obvious and strong coffee acidity impact. Surprisingly, the finished note is not dry. The coffee aroma fulfills the coffee craving until very end.






English Name: Blueberry Tart with Passion Fruit Custard
Price: $120
Foodelicious 美味程度:👍👍👍👍

目前台灣塔類甜點市場以檸檬塔居多, 在咖啡店裡很少看到新鮮藍莓塔, 少許雪白色防潮糖粉灑在深藍色的藍莓上, 單吃藍莓時有新鮮果香味, 而不是像其他冷凍或冷藏藍莓無果香味, 連同塔皮, 藍莓和百香果卡士達一起品嚐時, 口中佈滿濃郁百香果風味和滑順卡士達, 若一不注意, 味蕾會錯失藍莓風味, 塔皮則有達到水平, 所有”小驢館“賣的甜點都是限量且每天品項不一樣!
Most Taiwanese would choose Lemon Tart among all the other tarts as their favorite. However, it is rare to see coffee shop sells fresh blueberry tart.  The icing sugar is still attached. When you taste the blueberry on the top, you would be surprised that the blueberry has fresh berry aroma. Most frozen or refrigerated berry wouldn’t have this kind fruity aroma and flavor. When taking one bite at the passional fruit custard, the rich sweetness and smooth custard surrounding the tastebud with only hints of berry flavor remains. However, the tart crust itself is above average. Also, all of their desserts are limited quantity.


”小驢館“是一家可再度光臨的咖啡店, 因為有wifi, SOHO族也可以專心地工作.
Overall, this is a nice coffee shop with great coffee and desserts. It is also expat-friendly!







Restaurant Name店名:  Little Donkey Coffee Shop 小驢館
Address:  No. 21, Ale 12,  Lane 265, Section 4th, Xinyi Road, Taipei City 台北市大安區信義路四段265巷12弄21號 (Map)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/小驢館-1540604039288708/
MRT station 捷運站: Xinyi Anhe MRT Station 信義安和捷運站
電話: 02 2705 7678
營業時間: 11:00-19:00 (因為不定期舉辦活動, 建議先打電話問)
