Taipei Dim Sum 》 兄弟飯店港式飲茶餐廳有經典推車! ( 內有菜單 )

Last Updated on 2021-12-09 by Foodelicious

兄弟飯店二樓梅花廳是少數有推車的台北港式飲茶餐廳, 也是南京復興美食之一 , 菜單除了有平價港式點心外, 也有經典粵菜,
Brother Hotel 2F Plum Blossom Room is a Taipei Cantonese Restaurant. The restaurant is near Nanking Fuxing MRT station. Its menu includes Dim Sum and various Cantonese Cuisines.


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Brother Hotel Dim Sim Reservation

兄弟飯店飲茶餐廳位於台北兄弟飯店二樓的梅花廳, 兄弟飯店則是靠近南京復興捷運站6號出口或7號出口, 這一家餐廳的佔地頗大, 實際上有兩層樓. 兄弟飯店飲茶最大的特色莫過於有經典推車, 與 “金獅樓”一樣皆有懷舊風格. 朋友與我選在平日中午用餐, 到現場時發現客人非常多, 所以我會建議訂位, 訂位方式則是用電話 ( 02-2712-3456 #2188 ).
The dim sum restaurant is located at 2F of Brother Hotel, which is near Nanking Fuxing Exit 6 or Exit 7.This restaurant has the classic dim sum cart, which “Golden Lion Cantonese Restaurant” also has it too. My friend and I chose to dine during weekday lunch. There are lots o f customers, so, I would suggest to call to reserve via phone call ( 02-2712-3456 #2188 ).

延伸閱讀: 金獅大酒樓 》台北西門港式飲茶點心 | Taipei Ximending Restaurant

延伸閱讀: 其他南京復興餐廳美食 》 Restaurants near Nanking Fuxing MRT station



Brother Hotel Dim Sim Operation Hour

很多人(包括我) 不知道其實兄弟飯店港式飲茶餐廳早上 10am 就開始營業,雖然不算早茶, 但是在台北已經算是早營業. 茶資則是 NTD $30/人, 我跟朋友是選擇普洱茶.
Many people, includes me, do not know Brother Hotel Dim Sum restaurant operation hour starts at 10am. The tea fee is NTD $30/per person.



Brother Hotel Dim Sim Dish


Steamed Dumpling of Bamboo Shoots and Fresh Shrimp
Price: NTD $95
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

我每次到港式點心餐廳都必點蝦餃,兄弟飯店飲茶餐廳的一籠蝦餃則是有 3 個, 一個平均 NTD $32. 這道蝦餃是我直接跟店員點的, 並不是蒸籠推車. 內餡的筍尖與蝦微脆, 蝦餃皮沒有因為蒸過久而變硬, 更不會黏口, 這款是當天我覺得不錯吃的點心. 論台北港式點心餐廳, 我個人依舊喜歡台北東區”雅苑餐廳”的蝦餃皇 (NTD $50/個).
I always order the steamed shrimp dumpling. There are three dumplings at one dish. The average price is NTD $32/unit. I ordered straight from the restaurant staff instead of the dim sum cart. The bamboo shoots and shrimp are quite crisp. The appearance is not harsh because of long-term steaming process. This dish is probably the most satisfied dish of the day. However, I still prefer the steamed dumpling at “Ya Yuen Cantonese Restaurant”.

延伸閱讀: 台北東區平價港式飲茶 》雅苑港式餐廳 1000 元 挑戰點菜 | Taipei Dim Sum



Steamed Bun Stuffed with BBQ Pork
Price: NTD $95
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

兄弟飯店港式飲茶餐廳的經典叉燒包也可以直接跟店員點, 一籠叉燒包有兩個, 一個平均 NTD $48. 微燙的叉燒包外層吃起來不會太乾, 叉燒內餡並不會過硬, 可惜叉燒不夠多, 四人分享會覺得不夠滿足. 叉燒包內餡我則是推比較昂貴的 “晶華軒”的杏片雪山叉燒包.
You can also order the Steamed BBQ Pork Bun from the staff too. The average price is NTD $48/unit. The hot Bao is a bit hot but not too dry. The filling texture is not too hard. However, the filling is not enough for 4 people to share. As for the BBQ Pork filling, I still prefer the expensive “Silks House” BBQ filling.

延伸閱讀: Silks House Taipei 》三訪後的晶華軒菜單推薦排行榜 (包括桌菜與港點)



Steamed Dumpling Stuffed with shrimp, corn, and green bean
Price: NTD $95
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

我們沒有點蟹黃蒸燒賣, 我們從推車點了翡翠蒸燒賣, 我個人覺得吃起來偏普通, 跟我在 “美國三和” 吃到的美式燒賣港點差不多.
Overall, It tastes average. It tastes similar like the dim sums that I tasted back at USA “Sam Woo Chinese Restaurant”.

延伸閱讀: Irvine Sam Woo Chinese Restaurant 》加州爾灣三和餐廳



Turnip Rice Cake of Cantonese Style
NTD $85
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

由於現在製作臘味蘿蔔糕的廠商太多 (例如 “梁家瘋味 ”) , 也很出色, 導致兄弟飯店港式飲茶餐廳的臘味蘿蔔糕表現普通, 雖然吃起來扎實, 但是還是煎過頭.
There are several excellent Turnip Rice Cakes that are sold online. In comparison, Brother Hotel Turnip Rice Cake tastes just average.



Simmered Rice noodle roll with shrimp
Price: NTD $125
Foodelicious: 👍👍

腸粉皮頗厚, 並不會黏嘴, 我個人比較喜歡晶瑩剔透薄腸粉皮, 內餡蝦仁海鮮風味被醬油覆蓋著, 我個人覺得普通.
It tastes average.



Deep Fried Salty Dumpling Stuffed with Diced Pork
Price: NTD $85
Foodelicious: 👍👍

我比較少吃鹹水角, 糯米口感偏硬, 豬肉內餡偏硬也偏鹹, 我個人比較喜歡台北東區 “雅苑”的脆皮鹹水角.
I don’t usually eat this dish. The pork filling is salty and toward the hard texture. I personally prefer this particular dish at “Ya Yuen Cantonese Restaurant”.

延伸閱讀: 台北東區平價港式飲茶 》雅苑港式餐廳 1000 元 挑戰點菜 | Taipei Dim Sum



Steamed met ball of green bean and beef
Price: NTD $95
Foodelicious: 👍👍

我個人覺得普通, 至少吃起來沒有筋.
It tastes average.


Steamed Dumpling Stuffed with shrimp, pork, celery, and other vegetables
Price: NTD $95
Foodelicious: 👍👍

許多人都說兄弟飲茶餐廳的芹香魚翅餃不錯吃, 也許因為我是從蒸籠推車直接點, 也許蒸得或是保溫過久, 餃皮口感非常乾硬, 內餡雖然豐富, 有蝦與豬肉, 依舊更改不了我想退掉重做一份.
Many people said that this dish, which is steamed dumpling stuffed with shrimp, pork, and vegetables, is yummy. Maybe because I ordered from the dim sum cart, the appearance is very hard. Even though the filling has shrimp and pork, I still want the restaurant to remake it.


結論 Conclusion⭐

這是我三年後再次去兄弟飯店的港式飲茶餐廳, 論價格, 這家依舊平價, 論品質, 這家港式餐廳確定品質下降許多, 以前直接從蒸籠推車 order 的港式點心都不會過硬過乾. 近期我去過蠻多港式點心餐廳 , 台北確實有更好的其他選擇, 別人問平價港式點心餐廳, 我還是會建議台北東區的“雅苑餐廳”.
This is my first time dine in Brother Hotel Dim Sum restaurant after three years. The price is still cheaper than others. However, the quality went down overtime. Long ago, their dim sums from the cart taste quite above average. There are better options of Dim Sum restaurant at Taipei City. If anyone ask “price-friendly” Cantonese Dim Sum restaurant, I would suggest “Ya Yuen Cantonese Restaurant”.

延伸閱讀: 台北東區平價港式飲茶 》雅苑港式餐廳 1000 元 挑戰點菜 | Taipei Dim Sum


兄弟飯店港式飲茶 資訊

Brother Hotel 2F Dim Sum Information

地址: 台北市松山區南京東路三段255號2-3樓 (Map)
捷運站: 南京復興捷運站
電話: 02-2712-3456 (#2188)
Restaurant: Brother Hotel 2F Dim Sum
Address: 2-3F, No. 255, 3rd Section, Nanking East Road, Songshan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Nanking Fuxing MRT station
Tel: 02-2712-3456 (#2188)


兄弟飯店港式飲茶 菜單

Brother Hotel 2F Dim Sum Menu







