1969 藍天飯店 Blue Sky Hotel 》台中飯店住宿 | Taichung Hotel
Last Updated on 2020-03-21 by Foodelicious
1969 藍天飯店 ( Blue Sky Hotel ) 為台中市中區飯店之一, 也是日本【H.I.S】旅行社網站“最想造訪的台灣景點或美食” 票選活動中唯一上榜的飯店, 這次有這個榮幸可以體驗到此家飯店.
1969 Blue Sky Hotel is one of the hotels at Taichung Central District. It is also the only Hotel that is recommended by Japanese tourist website【H.I.S】. Now I have the opportunity to experience one night at this hotel.
交通資訊 Traffic Information
拉著行李箱的旅客們可以從台中火車站後站的復興路坐計程車直達到飯店, 若是背包客, 可以考慮沿著中山路步行 10分鐘至飯店 , 一邊走可以欣賞台中所謂的“舊城區”. 因為飯店沒有地下停車場, 記得先抵達飯店與櫃台索取附近特約停車場的資料. 我跟朋友則是選擇坐計程車.
The tourist can take taxi from Taichung Train Station Exit (near Fuxing Road). If you are a backpacker, you can walk along the Zhongshan Road about 10 minutes to the hotel. Please note that this hotel doesn’t have B1 parking lot. You would need to drive to the hotel first and ask the front desk for information. My friend and I choose to take taxi.
飯店 Hotel
藍天飯店其實早在西元1969年就已開始營業, 在全盛時期時, 鄰近有許多歌舞廳, 知名藝人都會到藍天飯店住宿, 中區隨著整體環境改變而逐漸沒落, 在台中老一輩的眼裡, 台中中區是一個充滿回憶且帶有日治時期風格的地方. 近期宮原眼科設計師著手設計, 以保有且沿用懷舊物件為出發點, 花許多時間重新改裝, 在2016 年重新蛻變為今日的 1969 藍天飯店 Blue Sky Hotel.
“1969 Blue Sky Hotel” is originated at the year of 1969. As the time pass by, the hotel closed down. Recently, the owner hired a well-known designer to re-design but yet keep its traditional style. It finally has its grand opening again at the year of 2016.
推開沈重的大門, 挑高樓中樓的設計呈現在眼前, 璀燦水晶燈與華麗金色調有著大亨小傳的感覺, 用 198 個舊旅行箱疊砌而成的壯觀牆面延伸至2樓, 名為“千歲牆”, 每個行李箱皆代表每位旅人的“旅程回憶”, 仔細一看行李箱的吊牌, 有外國旅客親手寫的日文, 韓文與英文字, 接待員告知, 許多韓日旅客都會選擇這家飯店住宿, 同時也有港澳與歐美客人來住宿.
High ceiling lobby pairs with beautiful chandelier has hints of Getsby Style. The magnificent wall is piled up with 198 old suitcases. Each suitcase present traveler’s memory. There are hand-written Japanese, Korean and English on the suitcase tag. The staff informed that they have customers from Korea, Japan, Hong Kong , Europe and US.
接待員接二連三地介紹大廳, 飯店櫃台是以舊鍋爐改造, 櫃台後方的牆也頗具巧思用變電箱面板改造, 上方則是有不同國家的時刻, 左方灰色斑駁的牆壁則是留下之前舊樓梯的痕跡.
The front desk is made by the real old boiler. The old electrical control panel now becomes a wall. The mark on the grey wall is actually leave there on purpose since it was the secret tunnel for celebrities in the past.
千歲牆旁的畫則是近期藝文合作的 “老娘系列”, 透過油畫顯現出獨立女子, 飯店將 1F ~ 3F 公共空間都轉變成藝廊空間, 2F有一間休息區,牆上放著不同的老娘油畫.
The oil painting, which is hang next to the wall, represents independent women. It is one of the Hotel cooperation with Art Industry. The hotel creates a gallery from 1st floor to 3rd floor public area. At the 2nd floor, there is a resting room that has many oil paintings as well.
3樓 則是 “小三系列” , 一整條走廊皆是由一位國小三年級學生所著作, 畫出她家庭旅行所看到的世界, 飯店在5樓也準備了所謂的 “小三房”, 房間裡盡是在3樓看到的畫, 最為特別的是客人可以帶走有四個印有小三畫作的馬克杯上.
At the 3rd floor, there is also one gallery which was painted by a 3rd grade elementary student. They also set up a room for this particular theme. The most intrigue part is that the customers can bring four printed mugs home.
星空印象雙人房 Starry Room
Travelcomfy 舒適程度: 👍👍👍👍
朝著有羅馬數字的電梯前進, 看著指針漸漸地移動, 抵達 7F, 拿著房卡感應, 出現綠色的藍天飯店Logo, 踏進有著新古典藝術風格的馬約里卡花地磚房間, 穿上店家準備頗具質感的拖鞋, 抬頭發現有如牛頭形狀的藝術品, 仔細一看是腳踏車的坐墊, 接待員提到這是全球知名品牌捷安特腳踏車的坐墊.
The elevator design is quite intrigue since it has rome number inside of digital on the appearance. The door knob shows green light after sensing the room card. Walking on the Majolica floor with their high-quality slippers and check out each details. The hanger is made by the well-known Giant bicycle seat.
延伸閱讀:1969 藍天飯店 Blue Sky Hotel 》瑪麗蓮夢露主題客房 | Moroe Theme Room
咖啡配置則是藍色馬克杯, 以及飯店等級的Nespresso與唐寧茶. 床比想像中的大, 後來才知道可以拆成2 張 Twin Size 床, 也可併成一張比 King Size 還大的床, 躺起來相當舒適, 房間隔音效果不錯, 床頭邊的復古電話旁則是放滿旅遊的書, 不用再跟櫃台索取旅遊手冊, 拉開窗簾, 也有石紋牆壁的小陽台.
The coffee set is Nespresso and it has Twinning Tea. The bed is larger than king size. It is actually combined with two twin beds. The sound-proof is perfect. There are also many travel brochures at the bedside cabinet. Most surprisingly, this room has a small balcony
雖然沒有泡澡的浴缸, 有乾濕分離淋浴與德國進口沐浴用品配置, 馬桶也是常在高級飯店常見的免治馬桶 較為特別的為洗手台上放著顯著孔明鎖設計概念, 類似尋寶一樣找尋想要的配置, 吹風機則是用 Panasonic.
Even though it doesn’t have a bathtub, it has a separated space for showering with showering gel, shampoo and conditioner. Other cleaning kit are placed inside the vivid color package – “Burr puzzle”. The hotel offers Panasonic hair dryer.
住房心得 Review
由於夜晚參加 飯店舉辦的 夢露之夜, 回房時間已晚, 蓮蓬頭的水壓夠, 沐浴乳帶有檸檬般的清新香氣, 洗手台也夠寬可以放我平常旅行組的洗面乳與保養品, 吹風機的強度也夠強, 讓我在最短時間內吹乾頭髮, 手動開關的空調不會對著床頭吹, 棉被也夠舒適, 讓我一夜好眠.
After attending “Monroe Night Party”, it is quite late returning the room. The shower has fair amount of water pressure. The shower gel has lemon aroma, which is refreshing. The dryer only takes a few minutes to dry my hair. Both A/C and blankets are both comfortable. My sleep quality is perfect during the night.
用餐 – 免費早餐
Dining- Free Breakfast
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍
選了靠窗戶的位置坐下, 跟其他飯店一樣皆有中西式的自助餐方式, “先從熱食開始吧!” , 風味不會過重的香料炒野菇, 軟嫩不過油的美式炒蛋, 最為出色的為香草雞排, 油脂將肉質變嫩, 口感極佳, 再加上少許香料變得更精彩. 中式部分我則是稀飯加上脆瓜與肉鬆與花生. 也可嘗試加上台中特產東泉辣椒醬的米粉, 再搭配 Hotel 的 高級品牌WMF煮出的熱拿鐵.
I chose the nearby window to be seated. It is all-you-can-eat breakfast buffet, similar with other hotels. The best dish would be their herbs chicken, which is tender with fair amount of spice flavor. As for the Chinese breakfast, I choose to add dried pork, peanut and pickles at my porridge.
冷盤最為特別的部分為在飯店都不常見的“百香果涼拌海蜇皮”與 “蜜香地瓜”. 口感Q彈的海蜇皮有著酸甜風味且有百香果風味, 蜜香地瓜的部分則是費時且可加上放置一旁的蜂蜜.
The most impressive dish on the cold dish section would be “passion fruit jellyfish” , which is chewy with fair amount of acidity and passion fruit flavor. The other dish would be the “sweet yam”, which take the chef about 2 hours to make.
*此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受
Hotel Name 飯店名稱: 1969 藍天飯店 Blue Sky Hotel
Address: No. 38 , Shifu Road, Taichung City 台中市中區市府路38號 (MAP)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/1969BlueSkyHotel/
Multi-language Website: http://www.1969blueskyhotel.com
Reservation: https://booking.taiwantravelmap.com/user/booking.aspx?m=434&lg=ch
Tel: 04-2223-0577