昇恆昌金湖飯店 Golden Lake Hotel 》金門飯店住宿 | Kinmen Hotel

Last Updated on 2020-03-21 by Foodelicious

昇恆昌金湖飯店 ( Golden Lake Hotel ) 是台灣金門高級飯店, 一旁也有昇恆昌免稅購物中心與金門國賓電影院.
Everrich Golden Lake Hotel is a high-class hotel at Kinmen, Taiwan. It also has Everrich Duty Free Shopping Plaza and movie theater.



交通資訊 Traffic Information

金湖飯店離金門機場只需15分鐘車程, 一出機場即有計程車可以搭, 並沒有大眾運輸工具. 至於金湖飯店接駁車, 需要與飯店人員口述溝通和確認, 飯店人員提到是看是哪種訂房專案, 而非所有房客皆是免費接駁車- Volkswagen 福斯 T5.
The driving distance from the Kinmen Airport is approx. 15 minutes. The traveler can take the taxi right away after exiting. There is no public transportation. As for the hotel shuttle car, you would need to confirm with the hotel staffs since some of the promotions do not include free shuttle car – Volkswagen T5.



飯店 Hotel

昇恆昌金湖飯店於2015年新開幕, 是金門唯一一家高級飯店, 旅客大部分都是中國人, 台灣人反而不多. 挑高明亮裝潢讓每個進來的旅客驚嘆, 大廳並沒有多做規劃與裝潢, 顯得較為空虛, 接待櫃檯只佔了一小部分, 古典鋼琴音樂聲音環繞著大廳, 飯店大廳也可直通昇恆昌免稅廣場 (Everrich Duty Free Shopping Plaza) . 一樓的湖光餐廳有提供早午晚餐 Buffet, 還有ㄧ家 “21 Bar” 酒吧, 二樓有商業會議室與可辦婚禮與尾牙的宴會廳, 也有一般餐廳可供用餐.
Golden Lake Hotel, the only high-class hotel in Kinmen, had its grand opening on 2015. Most hotel guests are from China instead of Taiwan. The grand lobby design amazed every guest when entering. Since there isn’t much commercial design at the lobby, it seemed a bit empty. The classic piano music surrounds the grand lobby, which can walk to the shopping plaza without going outside. Lake View Restaurant, which is located at the first floor, offers breakfast, lunch and dinner buffet. It also has a small bar called 21 Bar. The 2nd floor has conference room and banquet room for wedding. And of course, it has other restaurants that offer different types of cuisine.



金湖飯店硬體設備相當完善, 一樓戶外有游泳池, 較為特別的是五樓有高爾夫球推杆區, 五樓健身中心和男女分開的三溫暖設備相當新, 獨立衛浴空間也相當乾淨, 甚至還有休息室讓運動者們聊天, 與其他家飯店一樣都只能到指定樓層.
Outside of the first floor, it has swimming pool. The interesting part would be there is a small golf playground at 5th floor. The workout center and jacuzzi/sauna are also at the 5th floor. All hotel hardwares are very new and clean.



菁英客房 Double Bed Elite Room

並不是每間房間都是面向金門最大的淡水湖, 像 “精緻客房” 就是面向太武山, 我住的房間是菁英客房, 都是面向太湖, 窗外風景確實美麗, 早起也可以看到日出, 景觀完勝金門任何一家飯店與民宿. 房間坪數超過 10坪, 有兩張 Double Bed與小型沙發, 並不是像 Las Vegas “The Palazzo” 有隔起來的小型客廳. 此外, 這家飯店與其他高級飯店 (例如 台中藍天飯店 Blue Sky Hotel ) 較不同的是並沒有 Nespresso 膠囊咖啡機. 房間影片在文末.
Not every room faces the largest lake at Kinmen. For example, the Superior Room faces the Taiwu Mountain. Our room is Elite Room, which faces the Golden Lake Taihu Lake. The lake view is great and I can also see the sun rise in the morning. The room is about 10 pin, which has two double beds and small sofa. However, it is not independent living room like Las Vegas “The Palazzo”. The difference would be this hotel doesn’t have Nespresso coffee machine like the Taichung Blue Sky Hotel.  Hotel Room Video is at the end of article.


乾濕分離與免治馬桶是一家高級飯店的基本配備, 浴缸長度比 “台北東旅 (Hotel East) “長且寬, 且兩側有把手, 注重安全. 其他網誌提到昇恆昌金湖飯店的沐浴用品是義大利進口品牌 OLIVA del Mediterraneo, 但是近期已換成跟 台中飯店 Blue Sky Hotel 同一個廠商, 只是容器與標籤都是專為金湖飯店而設計. 梳洗配置是我看過最齊全, 從梳子, 刮鬍刀到絲瓜纖維浴巾都有.
The tub, which has safety handles at both side, is larger than Taipei Hotel East. Other articles mentioned that its showering gel and lotion are Italian brand OLIVA del Mediterraneo. But the truth is that they use their hotel logo. The manufacturer/sole distributor is the same as “Blue Sky Hotel” As for other kits, it is so far the most completed kit from single use comb, razor, to exfoliating towel.



住房心得 Review

Travelcomfy 舒適程度: 👍👍👍👍
一天的行程讓人疲憊, 浴室蓮蓬頭的水壓夠, 金門戶外活動較多, 每天頭髮糾結在ㄧ起, 沖擊水柱可適度按摩頭部, 絲瓜纖維浴巾讓每位旅客都不用再蜻蜓點水洗澡, 沐浴用品貼上金湖飯店LOGO 讓人摸不著頭緒, 也許是配方稍微做調整, 因為金湖飯店的馬鞭草沐浴精香味確實比 “藍天飯店 Blue Sky Hotel”清淡. 床的部分相當舒適, 並不會過軟, 房間隔音效果也不錯. 比較不滿意的地方是房間並沒有 Nespresso. 整體上, 昇恆昌金湖飯店是一家金門最高級的飯店, 最適合老人家或是有帶小孩旅遊的旅客.
Every tourist would be tired after the outdoor activity at Kinmen. The showering water pressure is at its best condition. The exfoliating towel is very useful after a tiresome and dustful day. However, it is curious why Golden Lake Hotel put its own logo on the showering gel. Maybe due to the gel recipe adjustment, the verbena aroma isn’t as strong as the original brand – Deep and Passion.



用餐 – 免費早餐

Dining- Free Breakfast
由於內文較長, 會放在另一篇文章.
The breakfast review section is quite long. Therefore, I put in anther article.
文章連結 Link: https://globalfoodelicious.com/golden-lake-hotel-breakfast/


延伸閱讀: 其他飯店 Other Hotels



Hotel Name 飯店名稱: 昇恆昌金湖飯店 Golden Lake Hotel
Address: No. 218, 2nd Section, Taihu Road, Kinmen County, Taiwan 台灣金門縣金湖鎮太湖路二段218號 (MAP)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/goldenlakehotel/
Multi-language Website: http://www.goldenlakehotel.com/TC/
