al sorriso 義大利餐廳 》新主廚推出 2018 聖誕跨年套餐與新菜單
Last Updated on 2023-05-16 by Foodelicious
(已歇業) 台北東區義大利餐廳相當多, 近期 al sorriso 義式餐廳新主廚推出 al sorriso 新菜單, 也推出台北 2018 聖誕跨年套餐, 這次很榮幸品嚐到al sorriso 聖誕跨年套餐.
(Closed Down) There are many Italian Restaurants at the Taipei East District. Al Sorriso Italian Restaurant new chef promotes Christmas New Year Set and new menu.
al sorriso 菜單在文末 al sorriso Taipei Menu is at the end of article
al sorriso 義式餐廳是大安 Home Hotel 的飯店餐廳, 位於忠孝復興捷運站三號出口附近, 餐廳位置在飯店大門的右側, 走進 al sorriso 義式餐廳內, 雖然沒有過多的義大利裝潢風格, 但用餐氛圍相當舒適. al sorriso 商業午餐深受商務人士喜愛, 晚上蛻變為有著白桌巾的高級餐廳, 相當適合約會.
Al Sorriso Italian Restaurant is located inside the Hotel Da’an, which is near Exit 3 of Zhongxiao Fushing MRT station. There isn’t much of the Italian style indoor design. The dining atmosphere is pleasant with white table cloth during the night. This restaurant is suitable for dating as well.
延伸閱讀: 台北大安區美食 》 al sorriso 2019 晚餐套餐新菜單 Review
♛ 台灣飯店餐廳酒吧 Taipei Hotel Restaurant and Bar
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al sorriso 2018 聖誕跨年套餐有兩種價格 – NTD $1980 和 NTD $2480. 即日起只需兩天提前預定這款聖誕套餐 (午餐與晚餐皆可預訂), 但請注意 12/21 ~ 1/1 晚餐只有聖誕套餐, 並無開放單點. 我會建議在打電話訂位時, 先問清楚規則以免造成誤會. 我這次品嚐的是 NTD $1980.
There are two types of Christmas New Year Set – NTD $1980 & NTD $2480. However, you would need to call two days prior to reserve the set (lunch & dinner). Please note that there is only Christmas Set during dinner from 12/21 ~ 1/1. I would suggest when you call to reserve seats, you can ask more details.
♛ 台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List
連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)
連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation
連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康 No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health
al sorriso 2018 聖誕跨年套餐 ( NTD $1980)
al sorriso 2018 Christmas & New Year Set (NTD $1980)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
al sorriso 義式餐廳有自己的麵包師傅, 這次的佐餐麵包是風乾番茄布里歐麵包和橄欖麵包, 與其他義大利餐廳一樣有附橄欖油與巴薩米克醋.
al sorriso Italian Restaurant has their own bread chef. The breads of the day are dried tomato Brio and Olive bread. Just like other Italian restaurants, they also offer olive oil and balsamic sauce.
酥炸櫛瓜花, 黑麥酒, 海鮮起司餡
Zucchini Flower with Seafood Mascarpone
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
我對櫛瓜情有獨鍾, 例如我去 “海倫咖啡“ 或是 ”Piccolo Cafe Taipei ”, 點三明治時, 我反而是以有無櫛瓜為優先點, 而不是肉品. 直到這道前菜上桌前, 我一直以為是櫛瓜, 完全忽視“花”這個字. 這道炸櫛瓜花視覺上似乎與 “二月半蕎麥麵”天婦羅一樣細緻, 咬一口酥炸櫛瓜花時, 加入黑麥酒的麵衣並沒有吃起來不同, 第一口雖然沒有ㄎㄠˇ ㄧ聲, 但口感依舊偏酥脆, 值得一提的是海鮮內餡並沒有攪成泥狀, 明顯可品嚐到蝦的鮮脆, 味蕾感受到十足的奶香, 可惜接連幾口的表層麵皮顯得較濕潤, 我會建議上桌時趕緊吃完這一道料理.
I like zucchini. When I go to “Helen Coffee” or “Piccolo Cafe Taipei”, I would order zucchini related sandwiches. The fried zucchini Flower looks as crispy as the shrimp tempura at “Taipei Healthy Soba”. The filling is not grinded shrimps. Instead, the filling is chopped shrimp, which tastes quite delicious. With mascarpone cheese, the filling is creamy and tastes buttery.
米香角蝦, 白花菜泥, 刺蔥
Puff rice Fried Langoustine with Cauliflower Puree
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
我看到米香兩個字, 馬上想要之前在 “Chateau Zoe 酒窖餐廳” 吃的 酥炸軟殼龍蝦配野米花料理. al sorriso 義式餐廳主廚採用台灣宜蘭角蝦, 主廚將爆米香裹滿整個蝦身, 蝦尾乍看之下與小龍蝦相似, 第一口總是最讓人期待, 角蝦吃起來與小龍蝦一樣緊實, 爆米香口感顆粒明顯酥脆, 並不會過軟, 食材互相襯托帶出最佳效果, 看似海苔粉的刺蔥帶給味蕾少許辛香風味與鹹味, 若是不習慣辛香, 可沾一旁的白花菜泥或是吃醃製蜜蘋果. 我個人是比較喜歡單吃不沾醬, 我非常推薦這一道料理.
When I see puff rice, i immediately think of the lobster that I tasted at “Chateau Zoe Restaurant”. Al Sorriso Italian Restaurant uses Langoustine, which tastes similar with lobster. The puff rice covered the shrimp, which brings different types of texture to the mouth. Tana flavoring is spread on the shrimp surface, which brings salty and a bit of spicy flavor. If you are not used to the mild stimulation, you can dip the shrimp to the Cauliflower Puree. I would definitely recommend this dish.
北海道A4和牛澄清湯, 季節蔬菜
Hokkaido Wagyu Beef Consommé
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
生和牛與時蔬放置於湯碗中, 店員順時鐘方向將溫燙澄清湯注入碗裡, 過程與”牛殿” 將牛肉湯淋在生牛肉上有異曲同工之妙. 無雜質澄清湯將和牛覆蓋住, 和牛經過湯汁洗禮也漸漸從深紅轉變成淺粉色, 油脂依舊存在但雪花漸漸消失, 肉質品嚐起來相當鮮嫩, 值得讚頌.
The raw Wagyu Beefs are placed at the bowl. The staff pours the Consommé into the bowl, which is similar with “Yu Niu Dian Beef Noodle”. Filtered Consommé slowly covered the Wagyu beef and turn into light pink color. The Wagyu meats tastes delicious.
澄清湯 (Consommé ) 是法國料理湯品, al sorriso 義式餐廳主廚發揮巧思, 原本應該是以蛋清吸收雜質, 主廚則是選用雞胸肉. 剛開始品酌時, 看似清澈湯頭, 牛肉風味比雞湯風味稍微濃郁, 後來得知這道湯品費工費時48小時, 精華全都在湯頭, 主廚也加進青豆,木耳與小洋蔥, 讓味蕾降低油膩度. 我相當推薦.
Consommé is a traditional French cuisine. Al Sorriso Italian Restaurant chef added a bit twist into this dish. The chef uses chicken breast, instead of the egg white, to absorb the soup filters Therefore, this clear broth tastes quite great with both beef flavor and chicken flavor. It tastes 48 hours to make this soup. With the meaty essence, the chef also put beans, black fungus, and mini onions. The tastebuds won’t feel toooily at the end. I would recommend this soup for sure.
菠菜燉飯, 新鮮扇貝, 阿里山山葵
Spinach Risotto with Scallop and Wasabi
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
紅綠白色調完全符合聖誕節氣氛, 藍盤更襯托出顏色鮮豔度, 在窗邊的陽光下更是相當具有美感. 少許山葵 (也就是台灣人熟悉的哇沙米) 放置在生食級扇貝上, 我上次吃扇貝是在 ”Olí 西班牙餐廳”, 當初的吃起來的印象是偏乾與小, 但是這道料理的生食級扇貝口感與 “小後苑 Backyard Jr.” 干貝一樣鮮美, 菠菜燉飯米心偏硬, 菜味並不會重, 反而是融入燉飯中的山葵與淋在奶油醬勾勒出這道菠菜燉飯的獨特風格, 雖然山葵不是歸類於義大利食材內, 對我來說, 多元且美味比較重要.
The color of red, green, and white fits the Christmas theme along with blue plate. A few wasabi are placed at the small scallop. Last time, I ate small scallop is at “Oli Spanish Restaurant”. It turns out that the scallop tastes as delicious as the one at “Backyard Jr.”. The spinach risotto is not overly too hard. The distinct of wasabi flavor and creamy taste are all perfect.
威靈頓牛排, 馬鈴薯千層, 波特酒醬汁
Beef Wellington
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
威靈頓牛排 (Beef Wellington) 是一道英國家庭料理, 因為費時費工, 在台北異國料理餐廳反而相當少見. al sorriso 義式餐廳新主廚採用美國 Prime 等級菲力, 依序裹上蘑菇泥與帕馬火腿, 再以主廚自製酥脆黃油酥皮包裹著菲力牛排. 用專屬牛排刀切下去時, 酥皮將溢出的肉汁吸收, 品嚐一口, 味蕾立即品嚐到酥皮的鹹度與帕馬火腿賦予的油脂, 牛排與火腿肉香將蘑菇風味減弱, 建議沾微甜的波特酒醬平衡其鹹度. 馬鈴薯千層並沒有加以調味, 刀工細緻, 相當不錯.
Beef Wellington is a British Family Dish, which is rare at Taipei Restaurants. Al Sorriso Restaurant chef uses US Prime Beef Fillet in the middle. The chef spreads the mushroom sauce and pama ham on the meat surface. The meaty flavor from both pama and the beef covers the mushroom flavor. The sweet from porter wine sauce should balance the salty taste from the meaty flavor. The layers of potato offer great texture. The overall dish is quite special.
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
al sorriso 義式餐廳的提拉米蘇與 “微巷餐酒館 ( Vicolo Trattoria ) “ 一樣是沒有容器裝, 咖啡與酒香並不會過淡, 風味算是相當不錯. 最特別的是提拉米蘇底層有一塊酥菠蘿, 那是 al sorriso 師傅用巧克力脆片去製成, 口感相當不錯不會過於潮濕.
Al Sorriso Restaurant offers Tiramisu. It is without container, which is similar with “Vicolo Trattoria Italian Restaurant”. The coffee and alcohol flavor are not too strong. At the bottom of the Tiramisu, there is a layer of crispy base, which is made with Chocolate chips. It tastes quite yummy since the chocolate cookie is not soft nor humid.
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
al sorriso 義式餐廳聖誕跨年套餐飲料選項是錫蘭跟唐寧的無咖啡因洋甘菊花茶與熱美式咖啡,如果要其他茶可以折抵80元. 我是選唐寧品牌的伯爵熱茶.
The drink option of this Christmas Set are TWINNINGS caffeine-free Chamomile and hot coffee. Al Sorriso I chose Hot Twinnings Earl Grey Tea.
ღ 台北義大利餐廳 Taipei Italian Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 台北義大利餐廳列表 》Taipei Italian Restaurant
延伸閱讀: 台北義式餐廳推薦名單 (分區) 》 Taipei Italian Restaurant Recommendation
♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受
♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.
♛ About Me | Front Page
店名: al sorriso 義大利餐廳
地址: 台北市大安區復興南路一段219-2號 (Map)
捷運: 忠孝復興捷運站
營業時間: 以 Facebook 為主
Restaurant Name: al sorriso Italian Restaurant
Address: No. 219-2 , 1st section, Fuxing South Road 1st Section, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT station: Zhongxiao Fuxing MRT station
Tel: 02-8773-5013
Operation Hour: Check Facebook
2018 Christmas Set Menu