台北東區下午茶 》Home Hotel al sorriso 餐廳微裝潢推出調酒 Bar Food 菜單

Last Updated on 2023-05-16 by Foodelicious

(Closed Down) al sorriso 餐廳位於 Home Hotel 大安的一樓, 近期餐廳與飯店皆進行微整修, 也重新推出 al sorriso 下午茶組合, 午後輕調酒, 晚上調酒與 Bar Food.
(Closed Down) al sorriso restaurant is located at Home Hotel Da’An 1st Floor. Recently, both hotel and restaurant are going through mild remodeling. al sorriso restaurant now has new Afternoon Tea Set, Afternoon Light cocktail, Regular cocktail and Bar Food menu.

al sorriso 餐廳 菜單在文末 al sorriso Menu is at the end of article


Home Hotel 最靠近忠孝復興三號出口, 約 10 分鐘即可抵達飯店, Home Hotel 微裝潢後一樓成為 Check-In 櫃台, 五樓成為可出租辦活動的會議室, 也多增健身房讓房客使用. 一樓的 al sorriso 則是將一小區改成深綠色的舒適絨布沙發區, 頗具時尚風格, 我還特別問如果用餐想在沙發區也是可以 (只是桌面放不下太多菜餚). 晚餐時段則是有之前在 “333 Restaurant & Bar” 工作的Bartender負責調酒部份, 晚上9點後則是有 Bar Food.  2017 年底前, al sorriso 義式餐廳推出下午茶吃到飽, 造成訂位熱潮, 2018 年則是恢復單點精選下午茶套餐方式.這次體驗的是 al sorriso 2020年 新型態的下午茶與輕調酒.
Home Hotel is near Zhongxiao Fuxing MRT Station No. 3 exit. It would take about 10 minutes walking distance from the subway. Home Hotel first floor becomes the Check-In counter. The 5th floor now has large meeting room space and small gym for work-out. al sorriso restaurant at the 1st floor now has a sofa area! During night time, the bartender, who used to work at “333 Restaurant & Bar”, will be responsible for the cocktails. This time, I am invited to have the afternoon tea set and light cocktail.

延伸閱讀: 2018 年初訪 – al sorriso 義大利餐廳下午茶 》台北紅蝦評鑑認證 | Taipei Italian Restaurant

 台灣飯店餐廳酒吧 Taipei Hotel Restaurant and Bar

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娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


al sorriso 下午茶套餐 (一人)

價格: NTD $350 +10 % / 套餐
包括: 六款小點, 兩款蛋糕, 加價 NTD $100 非酒精飲品一杯
備註: 下午茶時段 2:30pm ~ 5pm


al sorriso Afternoon Tea

Price: NTD $350 + 10% /Set
Includes: 6 Finger Foods, 2 Desserts , NTD $100 markup to enjoy one non-alcoholic beverage
Remark: Afternoon Tea Time 2:30pm ~ 5pm



6 Finger Foods

六款小點依照季節和食材不定期更換, 小點整齊地放在耀黑色的餐盤, 有熱點也有冷點, 我會建議從熱的小點開始吃. 以下Review 我則是從我最愛的開始寫.
Six Finger Foods variety might change. There are hot finger foods and cold finger foods. I would suggest to eat from the hot one. I would start writing from my favorite finger food.



Deviled Egg with Roe
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍 👍 👍

我竟然至今沒有在一家台北餐廳吃過魔鬼蛋! 這次在 al sorriso 餐廳終於讓我遇到了. 魔鬼蛋可以說是外國人的派對必備小點之一. al sorriso 主廚發揮巧思將蛋黃放上少許鱒魚卵, 吃第一口時, 晶瑩剔透的鱒魚卵ㄅㄛㄅㄛ地在口裡爆汁, 賦予充足鮮味, 少許紅椒粉 (Paprika) 與蛋香卻沒有因此而被覆蓋著風味, 讓這款小點有豐富的味覺呈現.  我個人很推薦這款小點, 由衷希望不要更換.
Honestly, I never eat Deviled Egg at any Taipei restaurant. This time, I finally see this particular finger food at al sorriso restaurant! Deviled Egg is one of the great party snacks in US/Europe. The chef uses his creativity to place the roe on the top of the egg yolk. First bite is great since the juicy roes are full of seafood flavor. Surprisingly, the paprika and egg flavor are not fully covered, which is great! I personally recommend this finger food and wish it never change in this afternoon tea set menu.



Grilled Rib with Green Onion
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

al sorriso 主廚採用美國 Prime 等級的肋眼牛肉, 微炙燒大蔥散發獨特香氣, 與牛肉鹹香風味完全是絕配!
al sorriso chef uses USA Prime beef rib. Grilled green onion and the salty meaty flavor from the beef are perfect combination.



Scallop with Honeydew Slice
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

主廚刻意將微炙燒哈密瓜切成干貝的 Size, 再置放香煎干貝於上方, 即使是小點也會注意到設計細節. 食材搭配就有如我在 “La Locanda 蘿莎娜小廚房” 吃到的經典火腿搭配哈密瓜. 這款小點的干貝依舊嫩, 可惜這次與哈密瓜搭配只感受到哈密瓜的香甜,  海鮮味依舊偏微弱, 果香並沒有帶出干貝的鮮味.
The chef cuts the honeydew into the scallop size. The finger food design is quite detailed. The ingredient combination is similar like the ham and honeydew that I tasted at “La Locanda”. The scallop is still tender. However, I can only sense the sweet and fruity flavor from the honeydew. There is only hint of seafood flavor though.

延伸閱讀: La Locanda 蘿莎娜小廚房 》小巨蛋捷運站餐酒館 | Taipei Bistro



Fish with Potato
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

al sorriso 主廚提到紅魽魚有特別風乾, 也就是類似一夜干方式, 單吃魚時, 鹹香味十足, 搭配撒上的起司與馬鈴薯更是讓食慾大增.
The chef mentions that the yellow tail is prepared with salted -dried method (mostly seen in Japanese Restaurants). While eating the fish solely, the salty seafood flavor is quite obvious. Pairing with cheese and potato also increase the appetite for sure.



Mini Sandwiches
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

以 Cream Cheese 代替美乃滋, 搭配火腿與開心果碎末, 若是火腿能換成煙燻火腿增加肉香會更好.
The chef uses cream cheese , instead of mayo, to pair with ham and pistachio. However, if the ham can change to smoked ham, the overall taste would be better and has more meaty flavor.



Cod Mousse
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

一次將這款小點入口, 鱈魚慕斯並沒有太多明顯的鮮味, 味蕾反倒輕易察覺到小番茄的清新酸香.
The cod mousse doesn’t have too much seafood flavor. The tastebuds unexpectedly sense the refreshing acidity from the tomato.



Two Cakes
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

al sorriso 餐廳通常會準備 4 ~ 5 種的蛋糕讓客人選擇. 下午茶則是每組可選兩款蛋糕. 這次我吃的是水蜜桃香草蛋糕和咖啡慕斯. 水蜜桃帶有甜香, 但是整體吃起來對我是稍微過甜. 另外一款蛋糕光看外表會以為是咖啡起司蛋糕, 實際上是戚風蛋糕與咖啡慕斯, 這款蛋糕倒是咖啡香濃郁. 另外也有搭配兩款餅乾- 葡萄燕麥脆餅與伯爵酥餅.
al sorriso restaurant usually prepares 4 ~ 5 cakes for customers to choose. Each set has 2 cakes. I selected peach vanilla cake and coffee mousse. The peach has its own unique fruity flavor along with fair amount of sweetness. But this cake is overall too sweet for me. The other cake appearance is similar with Mocha cheese cake. This cake is actually coffee mousse with chiffon cake. The coffee flavor is quite thick and great! There are also two types of cookies  – raisin oatmeal cookies and earl grey biscuits.



Fire Fruit Cocktail
Price: NTD $350/glass
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

al sorriso 下午茶套餐可加價 NTD $100 非酒精飲品一杯, Menu 上有咖啡, TWG 茶與果汁系列可以選擇, 下午輕調酒 Menu 則是原價. 我則是直接選火焰果調酒, 原價 NTD $350. 基酒為 Vodka, 店家自製的火龍果泥搭配 St-Germain 接骨木花利口酒, 再將食用花作為調酒裝飾, 造就眼前這杯紫紅色調酒. Vodka 濃度高帶給味蕾明顯的直球衝擊, 有趣的是火龍果果香並沒有因此而消失, 整杯調酒份量足夠.
You can add NTD $100 for one non-alcohol drink at the Afternoon Tea Set. The drink menu includes coffee, TWG tea and juice. The afternoon light alcohol cocktails do not include in the promotion. You would need to pay the regular price. The regular price for this Fire Fruit Cocktail is NTD $350. The cocktail base is Vodka with small amount of St-Germain ( elderflower liquor ). al sorriso bartender makes their own dragon fruit puree. The cocktail overall has strong vodka flavor. Interesting enough, the tastebuds can still sense fair amount of dragon fruit fruity flavor.


♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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店名: al sorriso 義大利餐廳
地址: 台北市大安區復興南路一段219-2號 (Map)
捷運: 忠孝復興捷運站
營業時間: 以 Facebook 為主
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alsorriso.tw/
Restaurant Name: al sorriso Italian Restaurant
Address: No. 219-2 , 1st section, Fuxing South Road 1st Section, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT station: Zhongxiao Fuxing MRT station
Tel: 02-8773-5013
Operation Hour: Check Facebook


al sorriso 下午茶菜單 》al sorriso After Tea Set Menu

al sorriso Lunch Menu: https://www.facebook.com/pg/alsorriso.tw/photos/?tab=album&album_id=2646944402032751&ref=page_internal

al sorriso Cocktail Menu Link: https://www.facebook.com/pg/alsorriso.tw/photos/?tab=album&album_id=2648633355197189&ref=page_internal

al sorriso Dinner Menu Link: https://www.facebook.com/pg/alsorriso.tw/photos/?tab=album&album_id=2646947845365740&ref=page_internal


