ABCD A Better Coffee & Doughnut 》最受歡迎的台北中山站 ABCD 甜甜圈專賣店
Last Updated on 2020-08-31 by Foodelicious
ABCD Doughnut (簡稱 ABCD 甜甜圈專賣店) 是近期最熱門台北甜甜圈推薦, 不僅造型討喜, 也不錯吃.
ABCD Donut is one of the most popular Taipei Donut Shop near Zhongshan MRT station. The design is impressive and the taste is delicious.
ABCD 甜圈圈 菜單在文中 》ABCD Donut Menu is at the middle article
目錄 / Table of Contents
ABCD 甜甜圈外帶內用資訊
ABCD Donut Take-Out and Dine-in Information
ABCD 甜甜圈專賣店位於台北中山站 1 號出口附近, 隔壁是 “南西六號公寓日式咖哩“, 這家甜甜圈專賣店裝潢頗低調, 並不是想像中的網美店. ABCD 甜甜圈專賣店可內用也可外帶, 內用低消並沒有寫得很清楚, 但是多數人都是點一個甜甜圈搭配一杯飲料. 當天甜甜圈品項造型模型都在櫃檯, ABCD . A Better Coffee & Doughnut 除了有甜甜圈外, 也有咖啡與無咖啡因的飲料. 比較特別的是店家每週只有一天是可打電話的預約外帶日, 平常時間外帶是以店內現有的品項數量為主. 當天我是外帶四款甜甜圈回 “六福居酒店公寓” 與朋友分享, 也很適合送禮!
ABCD Donut is located near No. 1 Exit of Zhongshan MRT station. The restaurant next door is “ No. 6 Apartment Japanese Curry Restaurant”. The restaurant design is low-profile instead of super IG friendly. You can dine-in and also take-out. The minimum charge didn’t mention clearly, however, most people order one donut and one drink. Donut flavor models are placed at the counter. The most special part would be that the store has once a week for call-to-reserve-flavored-donut day. During the regular day, you can only purchase at site. I order 4 types of donuts for take-out to go back to “Leo Foo Residences” to share with my friends. It is also perfect for gifts.
延伸閱讀: Taipei Leofoo Residences 》選擇六福居的五個理由與優缺點 (自費非業配)
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If interested in cooperation, please Email to [email protected]
ABCD 甜圈圈 菜單 ABCD Donut Menu
Meringue Lemon Filled
Price: NTD $ 75
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍 👍👍
在櫃檯擺置當天的甜甜圈模型, 而不是像 “Krispy Cream” 全部甜甜圈放在展示櫃. 檸檬風味向來是我無法抗拒的風味, 我連在 “吉可頌” 都會買檸香可頌.義式蛋白霜炙燒顛覆台灣人對甜甜圈無趣外表的刻板印象, 這款甜圈圈有內餡, 咬下一口, 表層的檸檬果皮絲毫不影響整體口感與風味. 檸檬凝乳內餡的經典檸檬酸甜風味在口裡散開, 風味像極我在 “OZ Cafe” 吃到的檸檬塔, 我個人會推薦這款檸檬檸檬甜甜圈給喜歡吃檸檬塔的人.
Unlike “Krispy Cream” display, ABCD Donut places their donut model are at the counter. I love lemon flavor. I even purchased lemon flavor croissant at “MyCroissant by Guillaume”. The Italian Meringue design is different from most Taiwanese perspective on donut. This donut has filling and the lemon peels on the top did not affect the flavor at all. The lemon curd flavor has the classic mixed lemon acidity and sweet flavor. The flavor tastes like my favorite lemon tart at “OZ Cafe”. I would recommend this donut to people who cannot resist lemon flavor.
延伸閱讀: 吉可頌 》Taipei Croissant Recommendation | MyCroissant by Guillaume
延伸閱讀: OZ Cafe & Bistro 》台北信義區美食推薦 | 巷弄內餐點與甜點出乎意料地精采
Peach Donut
Price: NTD $65
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍 👍
許多人是看到這款甜甜圈的藍芙蓉花才決定點. 我完全是因為水蜜桃風味才點這款. 甜甜圈口感並不酥脆, 而是偏鬆軟, 看似不多的糖霜賦予適量甜美水蜜桃風味, 台灣特選水蜜桃果乾更是增加了些許甜度, 這款適合抵擋不了果香的人.
Most people ordered this donut because of the blue cornflowers. I ordered this for its peach flavor. The texture of the donut is not crispy. Instead, it is a bit fluffy. The icing on the appearance has fair amount of the sweet and peach flavor.The dried peach also enhances the sweet level. This donut is perfect for people like fruity flavor.
Creme Brûlée Donut
Price: NTD $75
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
這款甜甜圈外表是當天六個甜甜圈最樸素的一款, 低調得像我在士林站咖啡店 ”Coffee and Couple“ 吃到的 Haritts 甜甜圈. 看似小餐包的甜甜圈外 外層偏亮因為有一層炙燒脆焦糖, 法式香草布蕾內餡比日式奶油麵包更綿密, 倒是不太像烤布蕾. 但是我個人會願意買這款甜甜圈給不喜歡花俏造型的人吃.
This donut design is plain, just like the Harrits donut that I tasted at “Coffee and Couple” at Shilin. This donut looks like dinner roll. The shiny shell is actually caramelized candied shell. The vanilla creme brûlée texture is similar with the filling from Japanese Cream Bun. I am still willing to purchase next time to people who do not like fancy design.
延伸閱讀: 台北士林站咖啡店推薦 》 在 Coffee and Couple 享受愜意的美食咖啡時光
Peanut Butter Bacon
Price: NTD $70
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
上次在 “Lay Back 餐廳”吃到花生醬配肉品不錯, 這次我完全出於好奇心才買這款, 如果不喜歡我還有朋友可以分享. 花生醬為店家自製, 顆粒感與 Skippy 花生醬相似, 但堅果風味不會太過於強勢. 單吃匈牙利紅椒香煎培根是微辣, 可惜比較難將培根搭配甜甜圈一起入口, 我相信蠻多人都會忍不住先一口培根, 再一口甜甜圈. 若是與許多人分享, 我會建議以嚐鮮心態去吃這一款甜甜圈.
Last time, I tried peanut sauce pairing with meat at “Lay Back Restaurant”. This time, I am just curious about this particular donut flavor. The texture is similar with Skippy Peanut Butter with small amount of nutty flavor. The bacon itself is pan-fried paprika bacon, which is a bit spicy. If sharing with other people, I would suggest you to try one bite just for the fun of it.
延伸閱讀: 信義安和站美食推薦 》 Lay Back 餐廳的花生醬培根牛肉漢堡不錯吃
ღ 台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
餐廳: ABCD A Better Coffee & Doughnut
地址: 台北市大同區南京西路18巷4弄8號 (Map)
捷運站: 中山捷運站
電話: 02-2558-0678
Restaurant: ABCD A Better Coffee & Doughnut
Address: No. 8, 4th Alley, 18th Lane, Nanking West Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Zhongshan MRT station
Tel: 02-2558-0678