2020.08.07 ABCD A Better Coffee & Doughnut 》最受歡迎的台北中山站 ABCD 甜甜圈專賣店 台北市 Taipei City, 大同區 Datong District, 中山 / Zhongshan R11, 中山 Zhongshan G14, 咖啡店 Coffee, 下午茶甜點 Dessert ABCD Doughnut (簡稱 ABCD 甜甜圈專賣店) 是近期最熱門台北甜甜圈推薦, 不僅造型討喜, 也不錯吃. ABCD Donut is one of the most popular Taipei Donut Shop near Zhongshan MRT station. The design is impressive and the taste is delicious. 繼續閱讀