Talk the Pho 談談越 》台北東區越南料理餐廳多一枚

Last Updated on 2023-04-07 by Foodelicious

(已結束營業) 2018 台北新開幕餐廳談談越新越式美食 (Talk the Pho)國父紀念館捷運站餐廳之一, 也在台北東區越南河粉餐廳名單上.
( Closed Down ) Newly-Opened Talk the Pho Vietnamese restaurant is one of the restaurants near SYS Memorial Hall MRT station. It is also one of the Taipei Vietnamese Pho restaurants at Taipei East District.

談談越菜單在文末 Talk the Pho Menu is at the end of article


談談越餐廳座落於國父紀念館2號出口附近, 同一條巷弄內有”蒙古紅火鍋“, 透明落地窗與藍黃對比色裝潢相當顯眼, 與Neo 19 的 “LA Pho”以綠色為主軸色不同, 整體裝潢與剛結束營業的 “District One Tpe 越南河粉”有少許不同, “年輕新穎時尚感”是談談越裝潢最佳形容詞. 座位多可併桌, 適合朋友們或是上班族部門聚餐聚餐, 菜單包括越南河粉 (湯與涼拌皆有), 越南式米飯與三明治, 小菜, 甜點與咖啡, 加價可以升級為套餐.
Talk the Pho restaurant is near SYS Memorial Hall MRT Exit 2. The “Mongolian Hot pot Restaurant” is also at the same alley. The indoor design color is different from the green color of “LA Pho”. The main theme is a bit different from the “District One Tpe”. Talk the Pho restaurant’s bright blue and yellow colors represents young and trendy. There are many seats, which is suitable for friends or company staff gathering. The menu includes Pho, Rice ,Bánh mì, dessert and coffee. You can add extra money to upgrade into set.

延伸閱讀: 2018 台北新開幕餐廳與咖啡店 》2018 Taipei New Restaurants & Cafe Guide

延伸閱讀: 其他國父紀念館捷運站餐廳 》Other Restaurants near SYS Memorial Hall MRT station

延伸閱讀: 台北公司部門聚餐餐廳推薦 》Company Dining Restaurants Guide



Signature Home-Made Beef Pho Set
Remark: +NTD $125 升級為套餐
Price: NTD $250 + NTD $125 = NTD $375




Home-Made Beef Pho
Price: NTD $250
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

單點招牌牛肉河粉為 NTD $250, 招牌牛肉河粉包括牛肉片, 牛腱, 牛肚, 牛肉丸, 店員端上木盤, 與 “春美冰菓室”一樣有LOGO, 河粉料理目測份量適中與市面上相似, 也是料比麵多, 市面上價格平均 NTD $280 左右, 談談越餐廳算是價格合理, 而且有附甜麵沾醬與辣椒沾醬. 牛小排的牛肉片比牛腱與牛肚精彩, 牛肉丸也口感佳, 沾醬更是讓牛肉多點變化. 湯頭是越南河粉的靈魂, 即使是用牛大骨熬煮, 談談越是偏淡, 與 “鼎越豐越南麵食館“濃郁湯頭南轅北轍, 我個人是比較喜歡湯頭濃度是介於兩者中間.
If you only order Home-made Beef Pho, the price is NTD $250. It includes beef slices, beef offal, tripe, beef meatball and dip sauces (sweet bean sauce and spicy sauce). The wooden tray also has logo imprinted like “Chun Mei Ice Shop”. There are fair amount of rice noodle and beef, which is charged with reasonable price. The chef uses beef ribs meat as the beef slice, which tastes better than beef offal and tripe. The beef meatball texture is dense and pretty good. The broth is the soup of the Pho. Even though Talk the Pho restaurant uses beef bone to stew, but it tastes a bit light. It is the opposite of the thick beef broth of “Ding-Yuan-Fong Vietnamese Pho Restaurant”. I prefer the broth in between Talk the Pho broth and Ding-Yuan Fong broth.

延伸閱讀: 鼎越豐越南麵食館 》市政府捷運站平價越南河粉 | Taipei Pho


炸春捲 (小份)

Fried Spring Roll (Small)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

加價 NTD $125 即可升級為套餐, 套餐可選炸春捲 (小份) /青木瓜絲沙拉 (小份) 和飲品任選, 外型看起來與其他越南料理餐廳差不多, 咬一口酥脆外皮, 入口驚覺內餡是混合芋泥與豬肉泥, 口感黏牙, 兩款食材是芋頭風味為主導, 肉香反而不明顯, 可沾一旁的魚露醬可蓋住芋頭風味. 後來才得知原來越南炸春捲有南北之分, 南越特色是在內餡加入芋頭.我在美國與台灣都只吃過豬肉與蔬菜內餡, 我還是比較習慣在 “LA Pho”吃到的越南炸春捲的蔬菜豬肉內餡, 我會建議在菜單上註明內餡是芋頭與豬肉.
You can add NTD $125 to upgrade to set, which includes fried spring roll and drink. The crispy appearance looks the same as other fried spring roll. Surprisingly, the filling is mixed with pork and taro. It is more of the Southern Vietnam traditional Fried Spring Roll. I still prefer the fried spring roll at “LA Pho”, which is made with vegetables and pork. I would suggest the restaurant to state the fried spring roll fillings are taro and pork.

延伸閱讀: LA PHO 越南美食餐廳 》信義區 Neo 19 越南河粉 | Taipei Pho



Vietnam Lemon Juice
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

越式醃檸檬汁單點 NTD $100, 但是套餐只需加價 NTD $125 就可有小菜和越式醃檸檬汁, 杯中黃檸檬相當顯眼, 整體喝起來鹹得夠味, 也同時清爽.
If you only order Vietnam Lemon Juice, the price would be NTD $100. But, you can add NTD $125 to get this drink and small size appetizer. The yellow lemon is quite obvious. The overall drink is salty but also refreshing at the same time.



Green Bean Milk Coconut Dessert
Price: NTD $70
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

綠豆椰漿單點 NTD $70, 這是試營運打卡送甜點. 綠豆泥甜而不膩, 椰漿風味越南獨特代表風味, 吃起來不錯
The dessert is charged NTD $70. Since it is soft-opening,you can check the Facebook to get one free dessert. The green bean paste has fair amount of sweetness. The coconut flavor represents the unique Vietnam flavor.




餐廳: 談談越
地址: 台北市大安區光復南路280巷33號 (Map)
捷運站: 國父紀念館捷運站
電話: 02-2778-5228
營業時間: 看 Facebook
Restaurant: : Talk the Pho
Address: No. 33, 280th Lane, Guangfu South Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: SYS Memorial Hall MRT Station
Tel: 02-2778-5228
Operation Hour: Check Facebook





