金子半之助 》 信義新光三越A8美食 | 台北日本天丼料理

Last Updated on 2019-01-29 by Foodelicious

(二訪 2018.08)   除了金子半之助台北車站分店外, 金子半之助市政府分店也開幕了, 成為信義新光三越 A8 專賣天婦羅的日本料理.
Besides Taipei Train Station branch store, Tendo-JP restaurant also has another branch near Taipei City Hall MRT station. It sells solely Japanese tendon.

金子半之助菜單在文末 Tendo-JP restaurant Menu is at the end of article


金子半之助在美食街是獨立店面, 門口的藍色布簾相當顯眼, 門左邊是沙發區和2 ~ 4 人區, 門右邊是個人座位區和玻璃隔開的廚房, 入座後, 店員會先協助倒黑豆茶, 並告知桌上有茶壺可自行加茶,黑豆茶喝起來類似麥茶, 即時放久也不會變苦, 比日本綠茶更具獨特性.
Tendo-JP restaurant is an independent store at food court. At the left side of the entrance is the sofa area and 2 ~ 4 seating area. The right side is more like counter seat for party of one. The staffs would serve the black bean tea, which tastes like barley tea.

信義區百貨美食餐廳 Xinyi District Mall Restaurant Guide

連結 (Link)👉 微風南山美食 》Breeze Nanshan Restaurant Guide

連結 (Link) 👉 信義新光三越美食 》Xinyi Shinkong Mitsukoshi Restaurant 

連結 (Link) 👉 統一時代百貨美食 》Uni-Ustyle Restaurant Guide

連結 (Link) 👉 微風信義餐廳美食懶人包 》Breeze Xinyi Restaurants 

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount



因為去過 SOGO 樓上的 “KICHI 吉天婦羅”, 難免會拿來做比較, 金子半之助桌上調味料較少, 只有七味粉, 但有兩款無限量供應醃漬開胃菜放在罐裡 – 牛蒡黃色薑片(左)和醃漬白蘿蔔 (右), 我個人比較喜歡醃漬白蘿蔔.
Comparing with ““KICHI restaurant”, this restaurant only has shichimi (seven flavors powder). There are also pickled burdock ginger (left) and pickled daikon. I personally like the daikon more.




包括: 野生星鰻, 鳳尾蝦, 魷魚海鮮炸(小干貝+魷魚), 青龍椒, 炸半熟玉子,炸海苔片
English Name: Eel and Shrimp Tempura Rice Bowl
includes: Eel, Shrimp, Scallop & Squid, Sweet Chili, Half-Boiled Egg, Seaweed
Price: NTD $420
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

通常客人會升級江戶前天丼到套餐 (加NTD $49), 就可以有味噌湯和甜點. 由於當天是尖峰時段並無提供. 約 30cm 的日本冷凍直送星鰻浮誇地橫跨整個碗公, 視覺上像極油條, 麵衣並不會過厚, 因此並不會過於酥脆, 鰻魚肉嫩, 有足夠口感和海鮮風味, 鳳尾蝦則是較酥脆, 兩者不搭配醬汁也很美味. 青龍椒就是糯米椒, 帶有少許水份且甜. 魷魚海鮮炸(小干貝+魷魚)和炸海苔片則是表現平平. 最後戳破炸半熟玉子讓蛋黃汁融入越光米和醬汁裡, ㄆㄚ飯也是理所當然. 如果讓我選 “KICHI 吉天婦羅”或是 金子半之助, 我會選金子半之助, 因為價格低於 NTD $500 讓人覺得合理.
Usually, customer upgrade the Eel and Shrimp Tempura Rice Bowl to set (+ NTD $49)m which would include miso soup and dessert. Approx. 30cm Eel are frozen immediately and imported from Japan. The fried eel appearance is not very crispy but the eel meat is tender and with fair amount of seafood flavor. The shrimps are crispy. Without the sauce, the eel and the shrimps are still delicious. Fried small scallops, squids and seaweed are just average. Generally speaking, I would choose this restaurant instead of “KICHI Japanese Restaurant



包括: 日本舞菇,鳳尾蝦, 魷魚海鮮炸(小干貝+魷魚), 青龍椒、炸半熟玉子、炸海苔片
English Name: Shrimp and Mushroom Tempura Rice Bowl
includes: Shrimp, Japanese Wild Mushroom, Squid, Scallop, Sweet Chili, Half-Boiled Egg, Fried Seawood
Price: NTD $350
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

上次自己一訪金子半之助是吃招牌江戶前天丼, 這次跟朋友二訪, 我是點單純的天丼, 與其他家餐廳天丼差異是有日本進口舞菇, 但是其實視覺上並不是很明顯, 這道料理的主角依舊是蝦, 海鮮吃起來依舊酥脆和粗獷, 這次有著微弱的海鮮味, 但並沒有多餘澱粉味. 舞菇麵衣口感較為細緻也較薄, 雖然沒有誇張到多汁, 但至少不會乾扁, 後來才得知和海鮮麵衣是不一樣. 如果你只打算到金子半之助一次, 建議點江戶前天丼,而不是這款.
Last time, I order their signature dish – Eel and Shrimp Bowl. This time, I just ordered their regular Shrimp and Mushroom Tempura Rice Bowl. Their mushroom is imported Japanese wild mushroom instead of regular mushroom. The seafood, which includes squid, shrimp and scallop, are crispy as usual but with only hints of seafood flavor. At least, it doesn’t have extra starchy flavor. However, the Japanese mushroom coating is thin, which is different from the seafood.  It is not as juicy as expected though. If you only plan to visit Tendo-JP restaurant on time, I would suggest to order their Eel and Shrimp Rice bowl instead of this one.


English Name: Miso Soup
Price: NTD $30
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍

若不是升級 NTD $49, 建議不用額外點, 因為味噌味並不濃郁, 稍微過淡.
If it wasn’t for upgrade, I wouldn’t suggest to order only miso soup. The reason is that the miso flavor is not as thick as expected.



延伸閱讀: 2017 台北新開幕餐廳與咖啡店 》2017 Taipei New Restaurants & Cafes Guide

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Restaurant Name 店名: 金子半之助 Tendo-JP restaurant
Address: B2, No. 12, Songgao Road 4th section Zhongxiao East Road, Taipei City 台北市信義區松高路12號 B2 (A8 B2) (MAP)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tendon.jp/
Nearby MRT station: City Hall MRT station 市政府捷運站
營業時間: Check http://www.tendon-jp.com.tw/shop.php









