Oli 餐酒館 》菜單除了歐式料理也要點 Weekly Special
Last Updated on 2023-05-28 by Foodelicious
Oli 餐酒館 是新北餐酒館 之一 , 也是新店區的歐陸餐廳, 從 Oli 菜單 觀察, 餐廳已漸漸由西班牙菜系轉型成為時尚歐陸菜系 , 也有創新調酒菜單.
Oli Bistro is a New Taipei Bistro that is located at Xindian District. Oli menu has changed from Spanish cuisines to creative European cuisines. It also has the cocktail menu.
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目錄 / Table of Contents
前言 Preface – Must Read
這次是二訪 Oli 餐酒館, 初次拜訪點的都是偏傳統西班牙菜餚, 例如伊比利豬或是西班牙海鮮燉飯. 這次二訪品嚐都是帶有 Oli 主廚特色的菜餚, 多數菜餚為海鮮類, 也有 1 ~ 2 週更換的「印製特餐菜單 Weekly Special 」.
This is the 2nd time visiting Oli Bistro. During my first visit, we ordered more traditional dishes, such as paella and iberico. At the 2nd visit, we ordered more creative dishes with chef’s characters, mostly seafood. They also have weekly special menu.
延伸閱讀: 初次品嚐 Olí 西班牙餐廳 》New Taipei Bistro
Oli 訂位 & 停車
Oli Bistro Reservation & Parking
Oli 西班牙餐酒館地址為 新北市新店區中興路三段220巷2號1 樓 , 從大坪林捷運站5號出口步行約 1 ~ 2 分鐘即可抵達位於巷弄內的Olí 西班牙餐廳. 附近停車位不多 (圖三) . 餐廳座位多且寬敞, 很適合朋友聚餐. 營業時間為星期一至星期五晚餐時段, 週六與週日中午時段也有營業, Oli 訂位採用 inline ( https://reurl.cc/jlX1ky ).
Oli Spanish restaurant is located at 1F, No. 2, Lane 220, Section 3, Zhongxing Road, Xindian District, New Taipei City. It only takes 1 ~ 2 minutes walking distance from Exit 5 of Dapinglin MRT station. There aren’t much of parking lots (pic 3). There are many indoor seats, which are suitable for friends’ gathering. Oli Bistro operation hour is Monday-Friday dinner time and Saturday-Sunday Lunch and Dinner Time. You can reserve seats via inline ( https://reurl.cc/jlX1ky ).
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
Oli 低消與開瓶費
Minimum Charge & Corkage Fee
新店 Oli 餐酒館低消為 NTD $600 / 人, 不限菜餚酒水, 這比其他台北市餐酒館低消合理許多, 而且點酒類也可以算在低消內. 開瓶費則是註明在inline 頁面 inline ( https://reurl.cc/jlX1ky ).
The minimum charge of Oli Bistro is NTD $600/per person, which is quite reasonable comparing to other Taipei bistros. The corkage fee is stated at their inline page ( https://reurl.cc/jlX1ky ).
♛ 台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List
連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)
連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation
連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康 No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health
Oli 菜餚 Review ⭐
Oli Dishes Review
週一至週五營業時間只有晚上, 週六與週日營業時間有午餐時間與晚餐時間. Oli 菜單很仔細, 將食材皆一一寫出.
The weekday operation hour is Monday ~ Friday Night. The weekend operation hour is both lunch time and dinner time on Saturday and Sunday. Oli menu is quite detailed, which they list out the ingredients.
關於 Oli 餐廳的海鮮
About Oli Restaurant Seafood
Oli 主廚採用現流海鮮, 而非冷凍. 他們與宜蘭南方澳與大溪漁港的海鮮廠商合作, 漁船進港時間為早上, Oli 主廚與海鮮廠商購買當日漁貨, 再當日下午運送至 Oli 餐廳.
Oli Bistro chef uses fresh seafood instead of frozen. They purchase directly from Yiland port seafood vendor in the morning and ship the seafood to the restaurant in the afternoon.
Royal Red Prawn
Price: NTD $480
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍👍
這一道菜餚: 南方澳生食胭脂蝦|麝香葡萄醋|冷燻雞湯竹笙|炭燻蒔蘿油|烏殼綠竹筍|赤梅醬|柚子胡椒|夏香薄荷
一道有四隻胭脂蝦. 胭脂蝦常出現在台灣西式餐廳裡, 我在 “Radici 餐廳“ 與 ”Malavida 餐廳“ 吃過. 此道冷盤菜餚色系很 Christmas , 豔紅搭配翠綠, 藉由炭燻香氣開啟這一段品嚐之旅, 接著發現「 冷燻雞湯竹笙 」置放於蝦的中間 (圖二) , 品嚐時, 先是竹筍清脆口感與微酸赤梅醬, 柚子胡椒搭配夏香薄荷在舌尖彈跳, 鮮甜生食胭脂蝦的肉質細緻 , 最特別的莫過於微鹹且吸收適量雞湯與蝦高湯的冷燻竹笙, 食材互相襯托, 層層的風味堆疊, 我沒有想到這一道菜餚會有如此複雜卻非常和諧風味, 這是我當天最喜歡的菜餚, 我個人會推薦點這一道菜餚.
This Dish: Royal Red Prawn | Moscato Vinegar | Charcoaled Dill Oil | Cold Smoked Bamboo Fungus | Bamboo Shoot | Japanese Salty Plum Puree | Yuzu Kosho |Summer Savory
This dish has 4 units Royal Red Prawns. I tasted royal red prawns at “Radici restaurant” and “Malavida restaurant” . The plate display color is quite Christmas. At the beginning, you can smell the smoky aroma. 「 Cold Smoked Bamboo Fungus 」is placed in between the prawns (Pic 2). While tasting, you can taste the crispy texture of bamboo shoot and plum flavor. The tastebuds can sense the stimulation from the pepper and summer savory. The prawn meats are silky with seafood flavor. The most special part would the smoked bamboo fungus, which absorbs fair amount of savory chicken broth and shrimp broth. This dish is cohesive with various ingredients. Layers of flavors construct this dish into a delicious and special dish. It is my favorite dish of the day.
延伸閱讀: RADICI TAIPEI 》有戶外座位的台北大稻埕餐酒館
延伸閱讀: Malavida 餐廳 》新開幕台北西班牙餐廳 (內有訂位方式與菜單)
Bonito Sashimi
Price: NTD $280
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
這一道菜餚: 南方澳煙仔虎丨荸薺丁丨 綠女神醬 | 酸橘醬油丨青花椒油 |芋頭脆片
這一道菜餚是不定期更換 的”Weekly Special 菜單 “ , 我上次吃煙仔虎是在 “nku” . 熟成後的生南方澳煙仔虎魚肉賦予的濃郁海鮮風味為主風味, 以鮮味貫穿, 酸橘醬油搭配煙仔虎展現出日式風格, 青花椒油,芋頭脆片風味與薄荷偶而會搶走魚的鮮味, 整體依舊不錯吃.
This Dish: Bonito Sashimi | Water Chestnut | Green Goddess Dressing | Ponzu Sichuan Pepper Oil | Taro Crisp
This dish is on the weekly special menu. Last time I had Bonito Sashimi was at “nku restaurant”. Two days aged rare Bonito Sashimi is delicious with thick seafood flavor. The sichuan pepper oil, taro crisp and mint somehow makes me lose the focus a bit of umami flavor from the fish. Overall, it is still delicious.
延伸閱讀: nku 餐廳 》二訪台北柴火餐酒館多了些不同的飲食風格
Grilled Market Fish
Price: NTD $420
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
這一道菜餚: 燻烤市場鮮魚|蛤蜊紅露奶醬|龍蒿油|蘭姆炒蕈菇|蓮藕酥片
市場鮮魚不定期更換, 這次吃的是南方澳的青衣寒鯛, 也是大家熟悉的鸚哥魚. 原本以為只是簡單的菲力魚排 (例如: “ L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon 侯布雄” ) , 沒想到端上時, Display 就如 Fine Dining 主餐 – 底部為醬, 再堆疊起菲力魚排切塊, 最後放上蓮藕酥片做為裝飾. 鮮魚品嚐起來有著微妙的煙燻風味, 鮮魚肉質為七分熟 , 佐蛤蜊紅露奶醬凸顯出不同層次的海鮮風味. 具有大地氣息的蘭姆炒蕈菇 ( duxelles ) 增加鹹度與蕈菇香, 為整道海鮮料理加分.
This dish: Grilled Market Fish|Meniscus Liquor with Clam Cream |Tarragon Oil|Crispy Lotus Root |Duxelles
The fish may be vary. This time, we have Tuskfish. I assume that it was just simply fillet (for example: “L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon”). The final display is toward fine dining plating – sauce at the bottom, piling up the fish fillets, and finish with Lotus root crisp. The fish texture is about medium well. This dish also has hints of smoky aroma. The clam cream emphasizes different layers of seafood flavor. The earthy duxelles increases the savory, which interplays with the fish well.
延伸閱讀: L’Atelier de Joël Robuchon Taipei 》侯布雄菜單 2021 幾乎全都點
Chicken Roulade
Price: NTD $360
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
這一道菜餚: 十八養場日月潭紅玉雞胸 | 奶油南瓜 | 伊比利豬臘腸 | 醋漬白鯷魚 | 瑤柱綠橄欖醬
這一道菜餚是不定期更換 的”Weekly Special 菜單 “ , 看似我在 “Taïrroir 態芮” 吃到的法式雞肉捲 ( Ballotine ) . Oli 主廚採用的是知名「十八養場日月潭紅玉 」的雞胸肉, 十八養場的客戶有不少台灣知名燒肉燒鳥餐廳, 七分熟雞胸肉品質令人安心. 主廚提到看似金褐色雞皮實際上是豬網油, 風味立體且分明, 補足整道菜餚的鹹度與肉香. 外型滋潤油亮, 舒肥後的雞胸肉吃起來肉質非常嫩, 很像雞腿肉. 醋漬白鯷魚的鹹度有時會覆蓋住肉香, 整道風味與其他 Oli菜餚風味一樣複雜.
This Dish: Chicken Roulade | Butternut Squash | Salchichon | White Anchovy | Scallop Sauce with Olive
This dish is on the Weekly Special Menu. The appearance looks like the Ballotine that I had at “Taïrroir “. Oli Chef uses famous「 18 Ranches 」chicken breast. 18 Ranches has quite a few of high-end Yakitori clients. So, I wasn’t worry about the medium-well done chicken breast. The chef mentioned that the golden-brown appearance is actually caul fat, which increases the savory and meaty flavor of the dish. However, the salty flavor from anchovy might cover the meaty flavor a bit. This dish flavor is just as complicated as other Oli dishes.
延伸閱讀: Taïrroir 態芮 》追求法式料理和唯美擺盤的台北米其林餐廳
Beef Bone Marrow with Japanese Yam and Burdock
Price: NTD $280
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
這一道菜餚: 山藥牛蒡牛骨髓醬|黃桃凍乾|牛油爆米花碎|鼠尾草油|酥炸牛蒡絲|鄉村麵包
多數人認為 “牛骨髓醬”會像我在 “at ease by Paul Lee” 吃的牛骨髓是佐料. 這次在oli 的牛骨髓醬則是呈現乳白色, 店家無私心地解釋是以氮氣料理方式將牛骨髓 , 山藥, 牛筋 , 牛蒡作成稠度適中的 Espuma 抹醬.店家端上後,建議趁熱將牛骨髓醬抹在歐式麵包, 品嚐起來有牛筋賦予的飽滿肉香, 酥脆口感則是來自牛油爆米花碎. 如果你對主廚的料理手法感興趣, 建議點這一道品嚐.
This dish: Beef Bone Marrow|Japanese Yam | Frozen Dried Peach | Crispy Burdock | Country Bread
Many people think that “Beef Bone Marrow” as the side sauce/side dish, which I tasted at “at ease by Paul Lee”. This time at Oli bistro, the beef bone marrow paste is creamy white. The chef explains that this is mild texture of Espuma sauce with original beef bone marrow mixed with beef tendon and burdock. The chef suggests to put the hot silky beef bone marrow paste on the bread immediately. The taste is meaty along with crispy texture from the popcorns. If you are interested in Chef’s technics, You can order this dish to try.
延伸閱讀: at ease by Paul Lee 》訂位不易的立食台北餐酒館
Basque Cheesecake | Whipped Lemon Cream | PX sherry
Price: NTD $150
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
這一道菜餚: 巴斯克蛋糕|酸奶霜|PX 雪莉酒
很多人都不知道其實巴斯克乳酪蛋糕發源地是西班牙巴斯克地區, 後來是日本將這款乳酪蛋糕發揚光大 (例如: 台北 “摸摸桃子洋菓子 Gâteau de momochee”), Oli 餐酒館的巴斯克乳酪蛋糕有加些許 PX 雪莉酒 , 輕柔口感, 起司蛋糕風味十足, 品嚐並沒有過多的酒香, 檸檬酸奶霜 balance 整道甜點, 不錯吃, 適合2 ~ 3 人分享.
This Dish: Basque Cheesecake | Whipped Lemon Cream | PX sherry
Many people didnt know that Basque Cheesecake is originated from Spain. However, it becomes popular at Japan (For example: “ Gâteau de momochee” in Taipei City). Even though Basque Cheesecake ingredient includes PX sherry, there isnt much alcohol aroma. The lemon cream cheese balance the whole dessert. It tastes quite delicious, which are suitable for 2 ~ 3 people.
延伸閱讀: 摸摸桃子洋菓子 Gâteau de momochee 》必點半熟焦香巴斯克起士蛋糕
Oli 調酒 Review ⭐
Oli Cocktails Review
Cocktail: No. 4 調酒
No. 4 Cocktail
Price: NTD $350
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
No. 4 調酒風味: 番茄, 鮮味 , 杏仁 , 烘培麵團
這一款 No. 4 調酒搭配的菜餚是海鮮類.基酒是 Gin & Sherry Wine. 調酒的微微氣泡感討喜, 整體喝起來以酸甜番茄風味為主, 調酒上的洛神花蜜餞意外地不錯吃.
No. 4 Cocktail Flavor: Tomato, Umami, Almond , Dough
No. 4 Cocktail pairing cuisine is seafood. The base is Gin & Sherry Wine. The sparkling at the cocktail is quite pleasant. Overall, the main flavor is tomato flavor, which is sweet and acidity. The candied roselle on the cocktail is quite delicious.
Cocktail: No. 7 調酒
No. 7 Cocktail
Price: NTD $350
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
No. 7 調酒風味: 芒果, 椰奶, 斑蘭葉, 茉莉花茶
這一道調酒加了些 Cava 氣泡酒, 椰奶與芒果是經典組合, 我蠻喜歡隱約的茉莉花茶風味, 如果你喜歡果香混搭茶風味的調酒, 我建議點來品酌.
No. 7 Cocktail Flavor:Mango, Coconut Milk, Pandan, Jasmine Tea
This cocktail has Cava, which is sparkling. The coconut milk and mango is a classic combination. I personally prefer the hints of Jasmine tea aroma and flavor. If you like fruity flavor mixed with tea flavor cocktail, I would suggest to order.
Cocktail: No. 12 調酒
No. 12 Cocktail
Price: NTD $350
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍
No.12 調酒風味: 桂圓, 烏梅,葡萄柚
Oli 餐酒館 Bartender 的調酒設計不錯, 基酒是 Tequila & Mezcal, 酒精濃度偏高, Tequila 風味存在感強. 煙燻有視覺感, 品酌後的木質煙燻風味與葡萄柚果香風味讓酒精濃度相對沒有很明顯.
No. 12 Cocktail Flavor: Longan ,Dark Plum, Grapefruit
Oli Bistro’s bartender’s cocktail design concept is quite great. The base are Tequila and Mezcal, which both have high ABV. The tequila flavor is quite obvious. The smoky aroma and flavor has great visual effect. After tasting, I can sense more grapefruit flavor and smoky aroma than the high ABV.
Cocktail: No. 11 調酒
No. 11 Cocktail
Price: NTD $350
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
No. 11 調酒風味: 咖啡, 柑橘 , 接骨木花
No. 11 調酒搭配的是巴斯克蛋糕甜點. 基酒是蘭姆酒 (Rum). 咖啡香氣與風味頗為明顯, 尾韻深厚, 隱約柑橘風味讓人有種喝精品咖啡的錯覺.
No. 11 Cocktail: Coffee ,Citrus, Elder flower
No. 11 cocktail pairs with Basque Cheesecake. The base is rum. Coffee aroma and flavor are both obvious. The citrus flavor is similar with the flavor from single origin coffee.
結論 Conclusion ⭐
Oli 餐酒館的優點
✅ 善於烹調技術:
菜餚風味層層堆疊,「 南方澳生食胭脂蝦 」最為特別 ,食材皆互相搭配, 視覺感與細節滿滿的風味,已非只是單純的餐酒館下酒菜.
✅ 有不定期更換的每週精選菜單 ( Weekly Special Menu )
這次我吃到的十八養場日月潭紅玉雞胸, 肉質細緻度令人滿意.
✅ 有販售 House Wine 單杯酒 , 也有多款調酒, 調酒設計頗特別
✅ Oli 餐酒館營業時間為星期一至星期五晚餐時段, 而且星期六日的午餐與晚餐時段皆有營業
✅ Oli 菜單已漸漸由西班牙菜系轉型成為時尚歐陸菜系
The selling point of Oli Bistro
✅ Cooking Technique-Driven:
The cuisine dish has layers of flavors, especially「 Royal Red Prawn 」. This dish is cohesive with various ingredients. The dish has visual display and detailed flavor profile, It is not just a simple flavor of Bistro dish.
✅ They have Weekly Special Menu that might change once in 1 ~ 2 weeks
This time, I tasted the 18 Ranch high quality chicken. The chicken meat texture is impressive.
✅ They offer single glass House wines and many types of cocktails. The cocktail design is quite special
✅ Oli Bistro operation hour is Monday-Friday dinner time and Saturday-Sunday Lunch and Dinner Time.
✅ Oli menu has changed from Spanish cuisines to creative European cuisines.
♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受
♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.
♛ About Me | Front Page
Olí 餐酒館 資訊
Olí Bistro Information
店名: Olí 餐酒館
地址: 新北市新店區中興路三段220巷2號1 樓 (Map)
捷運站: 大坪林站 (G04)
電話: 02-2910-5887
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/olirestauranteybar/
Restaurant: Olí Bistro
Address: 1F, No. 2, Lane 220, Section 3, Zhongxing Road, Xindian District, New Taipei City (Map)
Nearby Metro Station: Da Ping Lin MRT Station (G04)
Tel: 02-2910-5887