Last Updated on 2024-05-02 by Foodelicious

( Closed Down) 寫這篇“ 信義誠品美食餐廳懶人包 ”是因為我有誠品會員卡, 常在信義誠品美食街吃飯, 或是偶爾去信義誠品6F餐廳吃飯, 僅限Foodelicious Review過的美食街或餐廳, 之後會陸續更新!
( Closed Down ) The main reason that I wrote about this Restaurant Guide is that I have Eslite Bookstore Membership card. It cost cheaper. The list only includes the restaurants and cafes that were reviewed by Foodelicious. This list will keep updating in the future.


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UPDATED: 2023/12/15

延伸閱讀: 台北信義區美食餐廳推薦 》Taipei Xinyi District Restaurants Recommendation

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Xinyi Eslite Bookstore Short Video



信義誠品 6 F

Xinyi Eslite Bookstore 6F

1010 新湘菜

1010 新湘菜餐廳應該算是信義誠品 6 F 的元老,之前若是在信義區想吃中式料理, 幾乎都會選這間,但隨著附近中式餐廳越來越多, 也越來越少去.
English Name: 1010 Chinese Restaurant
This is probably the oldest restaurant at 6th floor of Xinyi Eslite Bookstore. I used to come here for Chinese cuisine if I am around Xinyi Area. However, since there are too many Chinese restaurant options now, I stop coming here though.
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信義誠品 3 F

Xinyi Eslite Bookstore 3F

Eslite Cafe

信義誠品美食街客滿, 上樓到新搬家的 3F Eslite Café, 現在Cafe多了插座可讓客人用電腦, 店員也變得很親切, 低消基本上是一杯咖啡, 仍舊是頗具知名度的 Lavazza 咖啡, 我選卡布奇諾, 一邊喝經典中焙咖啡, 有時候也會點洋甘菊茶 (因為可以回沖),   一邊手寫著 Check List 在筆記本裡, 搭配著窗外的雨和台北 101, 嗯, 這就是所謂的悠閒城市午後, .
Xinyi Eslite Food Court are full of people. So, I went to the newly-moved Eslite Cafe at 3F. Now, the cafe has sockets for people to use their laptops. The staffs become quite friendly. The minimum charge would be a coffee. They still use the famous Lavazza coffee. I ordered Cappuccino. I drank the medium-roasted classic coffee and wrote down the check list on my notebook. Sometimes, I would order ChamomileI Tea.  Sometimes look out the window to see Taipei 101 in the rain. Hmmm… I think that it is called the city casual afternoon?!

信義誠品 B2 美食街

Xinyi Eslite Bookstore B2 Food Court


吉豚屋位於 Pho 越粉舖旁邊, 主要是販售日式炸豬排飯.
English Name: Katsuya
Katsuya restaurant offers Japanese Fried Pork Rice. It is located near the Pho restaurant.



我選”吉甜不辣“是信義誠品地下街美食不超過 NTD $150 的攤位. 我選的是 “小吉甜不辣 + 小利吉絲麵“ NTD $129.  好吃嗎? So so, 如果吃辣可選麻辣口味,湯是麻辣再加辣醬, 貴 NTD $30
English Name: G Tempura
I ordered G Tempura Food Court small Tempura and small size noodle (NTD $129). It is difficult to find price under NTD $150 food at Xinyi Eslite Bookstore Food Court. t. Delicious? I would answer so so. If you like eating spicy food, I would suggest Mala spicy flavor, which has Mala soup and mala sauce. It is extra NTD $30 though.



太陽蕃茄拉麵餐廳位於信義誠品 B2美食街, 我到這家餐廳是點炸雞歐姆蕃茄咖喱飯 (五塊炸雞 NTD $270).  因為不太吃辣, 選擇甜味咖哩飯而不是辣味咖哩. 店員推薦的炸雞不錯吃, 歐姆蛋滑嫩, 飯也不會過硬, 唯獨咖哩醬可以再濃稠一些會更好. NTD $270 是基本百貨公司歐姆蛋飯的價格, 若是有禮卷花不完, 也可考慮這家餐廳的咖喱飯.
Taiyo Tomato Ramen restaurant is located at B2 Food Court at Xinyi Eslite Bookstore. However, I ordered Fried Chicken Omelete rice (5 pcs NTD $270). Since I don’t eat too much spicy food, I choose the sweet curry. The fried chicken is pretty good and the omelet egg is smooth and creamy. The rice is not too hard. However, I wish that the curry sauce can be a bit thicker. NTD $270 is the basic price of curry rice. If you have bookstore coupon, you can consider this food court restaurant.


CoCo 壹番屋

我點了炸豬排歐姆蛋咖哩 NTD $275,先迫不及待咬了一口剛炸好的豬排,搭配著酥脆聲響入口, 豬排麵衣沒有過厚或過油, 有吃到頗乾也有吃到頗嫩的豬排肉, 咖哩醬偏稀釋頗淡, 我比較介意的是歐姆蛋, 有點乾, 比起 中山站的 Tokyo Curry Bar 遜色許多. 沙拉 + 飲料 [ 加價 + NTD $62], 老實說, 整體加價是偏貴, 但是似乎台北餐廳附餐加價都是這個價格.
English Name: Coco Curry
I ordered Fried Pork Chop Curry with omelet (NTD $275). The fried chop appearance is crispy with average tender level. The curry is a bit watery with small amount of curry flavor. However, the omelet is a bit drier than expected. I still prefer the Tokyo Curry Bar at Zhongshan District. As for the NTD $62 side dish and drink, I personally think it is over price. But, I guess that restaurants in Taiwan always charge this price?!



美威鮭魚在信義誠品設櫃已久,相當受到歡迎, 也有自家的舒適座位可坐,如餐廳名稱, 以鮭魚料理最為出色, 也會不定期推出新菜餚, 我個人是推鮭魚義大利麵系列
English Name: Marine Harvest Taiwan
This restaurant/store front has been at Xinyi Eslite Bookstore for a while. It has its own seats instead of public area. As their name stated, it is famous for its salmon series cuisine. I would recommend their Salmon Pasta Dishes.
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樓層: B2 美食街
偶爾在信義誠品地下街填飽肚子上樓看書, 我都會選這間. 除了有自己座位外, 我也本來就很喜歡吃越南牛肉河粉, NTD $180 的熟牛肉河粉我可以接受, 但是可惜的是最近他們的牛肉河粉最近品質下滑, 需要多注意.
English Name: Vietnam Pho Shop
Floor: B2 Food Court
Short Review:
I sometimes just want to eat lunch/dinner and read some books upstairs. I usually pick this restaurant/store front. Besides it has its own seating area, I personally like Pho. However, their quality is not quite good lately.
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樓層: B2 美食街

誠品酒窖顧名思義是屬於誠品書店集團, 除了不定期辦品酒會, 在店面有販售單杯酒, 在幾年前價格算是ok, 但是因為近期許多賣酒的店面 (例如肯自然)都有販售較為平價的單杯酒, 誠品酒窖的單杯酒價格反而變得較貴.
English Name: Eslite Wine Cellar
Floor: B2 Food Court
Eslite Bookstore and Eslite Wine Cellar both belong to Eslite Group. They sometimes would host trial taste event. They also sell single glass wine at the store. A few years back, the price is okey. But, since there are many wine store also starts to sell single glass wines, Eliste Wine Cellar price becomes quite expensive.



Taipei Xinyi Department Store Restaurant 

信義區百貨美食餐廳 Xinyi District Mall Restaurant Guide

連結 (Link)👉 微風南山美食 》Breeze Nanshan Restaurant Guide

連結 (Link) 👉 信義新光三越美食 》Xinyi Shinkong Mitsukoshi Restaurant 

連結 (Link) 👉 統一時代百貨美食 》Uni-Ustyle Restaurant Guide

連結 (Link) 👉 微風信義餐廳美食懶人包 》Breeze Xinyi Restaurants 

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount




Taipei District Restaurants Recommendation

📌台北區域美食推薦 Taipei District Restaurants Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北東區美食推薦 》Taipei East District Food Guide

連結 (Link): 台北信義區美食餐廳推薦 》Taipei Xinyi District Restaurants Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北信義安和美食推薦 》Restaurant Recommendation near Xinyi Anhe MRT station

連結 (Link): 台北中山站美食推薦懶人包 》 Zhongshan Station Restaurants Guide

連結 (Link): 東門站永康街美食推薦懶人包 》 Dongmen Station & Yongkang Restaurants Guide

連結 (Link): 台北華山文創園區與週邊美食 》Huashan Creative Park Restaurants and Cafes

連結 (Link): 台北民生社區美食餐廳懶人包 》Taipei Minsheng Community Restaurant Guide
