AW Cafe Wine Bistro 》輕鬆與朋友吃台北早午餐 (內有菜單)

Last Updated on 2022-08-06 by Foodelicious

AW Cafe Wine Bistro少數有戶外座位的大安站美食, 白天為早午餐與下午茶, 夜晚則是餐酒館, 頗具特色.
AW Cafe Wine Bistro is one of a few restaurants that has outdoor seating area near Da’an MRT station. During day time, AW Cafe is a brunch and afternoon places. During night, it changes to Taipei Bistro.


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AW Cafe Wine Bistro 訂位

AW Cafe Wine Bistro Reservation

AW Cafe Wine Bistro 離大安站六號出口約 10 分鐘路程, 不用過敦化南路, 餐廳招牌在側邊牆非常明顯, 室內座位不多, 比較適合 2 ~ 4 人聚餐, AW Cafe Wine Bistro 與 “Tamed Fox Xinyi “ ㄧ樣都有戶外座位, 而且採光不錯, 秋冬坐戶外一定很舒服, 這次與朋友是坐室內. AW Cafe Wine Bistro 訂位建議打電話 02- 2701-2498, 建議訂位時講想坐室內或是室外. AW Cafe Wine Bistro 下午也有營業.
AW Cafe Wine Bistro is about 10 minutes walking distance from Exit 6 of Da’an MRT station. The restaurant sign is at the wall and easy to recognize. There are not much of indoor seating area, which is more suitable for 2 ~ 4 people. Same as “Tamed Fox Xinyi” , AW Cafe Wine Bistro also has outdoor seating area with great light. This time, my friend and I chose to sit indoor. You would need to call to reserve seats (02-2701-2498). AW Cafe Wine Bistro also operates during afternoon.

延伸閱讀: Tamed Fox Xinyi 》Tamed Fox 信義菜單推薦點哪些菜餚

延伸閱讀: 台北下午營業的餐廳推薦 (分區) 》Taipei Restaurants that open in the Afternoon Recommendation (By District)

延伸閱讀: 其他大安站美食餐廳 》 Other Da’An MRT station Restaurant

AW Cafe Wine Bistro 菜餚

AW Cafe Wine Bistro Dishes


Smoked Salmon Brunch Set
Price: NTD $380
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

其實我的早午餐餐廳定義是早上10:30am 就開門, AW Cafe Wine Bistro 是 11am 才開門 ( 包括週末) , 比較可惜. 請注意早午餐提供時間只有 11am ~ 2:30pm. 這一款煙燻鮭魚早午餐套餐價格為 NTD $380, 價格與其他家台北東區與中山區早午餐價格差不多, 套餐加點飲料可以折 NTD $50. 基本菜色包括酸種麵包, 炒蛋, 酪梨與綜合生菜, 置放於盤中間是優格杯, 煙燻鮭魚的份量頗有誠意, 整體還不錯, 那時餐廳裡的客人幾乎都點這一道早午餐, 這裡適合輕鬆吃.
Actually, my Brunch restaurant definition is “Operation hour starts at 10:30am”. So, since AW Cafe Wine Bistro opens at 11am (on weekend too), it is not on my Taipei Brunch Guide down below. Please note that brunch dishes are only provided during 11am ~ 2:30pm. This Smoked Salmon Brunch Set is NTD $380, which is quite common in other Taipei brunch cafes. If you order the drink along with the set, you can deduct NTD $50. The basic side dishes include bread, egg, avocado, lettuce and yogurt cup. The smoked salmon quantity is fair. Overall, it is all right. Most guests in this cafe during the time order this set too. This is a place for casual brunch with no pressure.

延伸閱讀: 台北早午餐懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Brunch Guide (By District)


AW Cafe Wine Bistro 飲料

AW Cafe Wine Bistro Drinks


Ruby Milk Tea
Price: NTD $180
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

套餐加點飲料可以折 NTD $50, 這一杯是店員推薦, 不錯喝, 蠻適合搭配早午餐.
You can order drink along with the set with NTD $50 deducation. This drink is recommenced by the staff. It is decent and suitable for brunch too.



Sicilian Lemon Coffee
Price: NTD $160
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

台灣人最喜歡的冰咖啡非西西里咖啡莫屬, 我在很多餐廳都喝過 (例如東區“Annyoung Cafe” , 中山站的 “登波咖啡”, 因為可以做比較的餐廳比較多,AW Cafe Wine Bistro 的西西里咖啡喝起來還好, 並不會過酸.
The most popular iced coffee in Taiwan is Sicilian Lemon Coffee. I had several Sicilian Lemon Coffee at many restaurants/cafes (For example, “Annoying Cafe” and “Coffee Dumbo”. Because there are more comparison datas, AW Cafe Wine Bistro Sicilian Lemon Coffee tastes average. But the good news is that it doesn’t have too much acidity.

延伸閱讀: COFFEE DUMBO 》登波咖啡菜單除了肉桂捲還要點什麼

延伸閱讀: Annyoung Cafe 》在這家台北韓系咖啡廳要點什麼?


AW Cafe Wine Bistro 資訊

AW Cafe Wine Bistro Information

店名: AW Cafe Wine Bistro
捷運站: 大安捷運站
電話: 02-2701-2498
Restaurant: AW Cafe Wine Bistro
Address: No. 115-2 , 4ths Section, Xinyi Road, Daan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Da’an MRT station
Tel: 02-2701-2498



AW Cafe Wine Bistro Menu

