BANCO Pizza 》菜單裡的雙人義大利 ASTI 白酒組合很超值
Last Updated on 2022-07-11 by Foodelicious
這一家台北 Pizza 餐廳全名是「⠀BANCO 棒可 窯烤 PIZZA . 自製生麵⠀」, 三訪有品嚐到 雙人義大利 ASTI 白酒組合 外, 也吃到 BANCO Pizza 菜單上的燉飯與其他菜餚.
BANCO Pizza is one of the Taipei Pizza Restaurants. At my third visit, i tried their “Pizza & Asti White Wine Set for 2” and also other dishes on BANCO Pizza Menu.
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BANCO Pizza 訂位
BANCO Pizza Reservation
BANCO Pizza 餐廳有三家分店- 八德店 , 世貿店, 長安店 , 三家店皆用 inline 訂位 ( ) , 也可以打電話訂位, 比較特別的是訂位人數可以是一人! 這次我去的是 BANCO 八德店, 離台北小巨蛋捷運站3號出口約 6-10 分鐘路程, 用餐環境有適合單人的靠窗座位與多人座位, 適合家庭聚餐, BANCO 八德店就跟 “Pino Pizzeria Taipei” 一樣有地下室. BANCO 八德店有 4 ~ 5 人的小包廂 (圖三).
BANCO Pizza restaurant has three branches – Bade Branch, Taipei World Trade Branch, and Chang’an Branch. You can use inline ( ) to reserve seats in all three branches. This time, I went to BANCO Bade branch, which is about 6 ~ 10 minutes walking from Exit 3 of Taipei Arena MRT station. The dining environment has one person seating area and multiple seats. The restaurant is is suitable for family gathering as well. BANCO Pizza Bade branch has basement just like at “Pino Pizzeria Taipei”. BANCO Bade Branch also has one private dining room for 4 ~ 5 people (Pic 3)
延伸閱讀: Pino Pizzeria Taipei 》台北適合家庭聚餐的天母披薩餐廳
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 2022 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
關於 BANCO 品牌
About BANCO Brand
BANCO Pizza 廚師團隊有得過許多獎牌, 包括在 2019年10月得過世界拿波里披薩錦標賽國際組冠軍. 除了技巧外, BANCO 三間店採用世界知名的 Stefano Ferrara 拿波里式義大利進口窯爐, 而八德店的窯爐是用龍眼木和荔枝木的柴燒窯爐 , 溫度最高可到 450度 C, 90秒 就能烤好 Pizza 出爐. BANCO Pizza 皆是直徑 30 公分的 Pizza, 如果很餓, 一個人其實可以解決一個 Pizza ,
BANCO Pizza Chef team won many medals before, which include World Napoleon Pizza International Awards. Besides the techniques, BANCO three branches also use the world-famous Italian Imported Handmade Brick Wood-fired Pizza Oven – Stefano Ferrara brand. The chefs use logan wood and lychee wood at BANCO Bade Branch. The baking time only needs 90 seconds since the temperature can achieve 450C. BANCO Pizza is 30cm in diameter. If you are hungry, one person actually can finish one pizza.
BANCO Pizza 外送
BANCO Pizza Delivery
BANCO Pizza 合作有 Oddle 外送 ( ) , 是少數外帶與外送同價的平台, 比其他外送平台價格還有低
You can order BANCO Pizza delivery from Oddle Delivery ( ). BANCO Pizza in Oddle delivery price is the same as to-go pizza, which is cheaper than other delivery service.
BANCO Pizza – 雙人義大利 ASTI 白酒組合 ⭐
BANCO Pizza – Pizza & Asti White Wine Set for 2 people
雙人義大利 ASTI 白酒組合價格: NTD $990
✅ Pizza ( 任選 2 份)
NTD $290 (含) 以下的 Pizza 產品皆可選
✅ Wine ( 任選 4 杯 )
全系列白酒任選 4 杯
備註: 價格非常划算且值得點Pizza & Asti White Wine Set for 2 people Price: NTD $990
✅ Pizza ( Select 2 Pizzas )
Under/Include NTD $290 Pizza
✅ Wine ( Select 4 glasses )
Select 4 glasses from White Wine series
Remark: The price is reasonable and worth it.
Pizza Salami and Prosciutto with Mozzarella, Ricotta and Pamasan
Price: NTD $290
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
三種起司雙臘腸披薩最適合搭配白酒. 雙臘腸是指義式牛肉沙拉米臘腸 (Salami) 跟火腿, 三種起司則是里可達起司, 莫札瑞拉起司與帕瑪森起司粉, 光是聽這些食材組合就讓人想要趕緊品嚐. 這款 Pizza 的白醬將所有食材結合在一起, 也可搭配芝麻葉入口, 我個人比較喜歡不搭配芝麻葉入口, 我喜歡味蕾可以感受到滿滿的起司奶香與鹹香的臘腸火腿, 我個人蠻推薦, 這款 Pizza 也很適合外帶/外送.
This Pizza is the most suitable pizza pairing with white wines. Two types of meats are salami and ham. Three types of cheese include ricotta cheese, mozzarella cheese and parmesan cheese. I can’t wait to try all those ingredients combination. The white sauce also connects all the meats and cheese together. You can eat with arugula. But, I personally prefer not eat with arugula since I am a cheese and meat lover. I would definitely recommend this pizza. This pizza is also suitable for delivery and to-go.
ღ 台北義大利餐廳 Taipei Italian Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 台北義大利餐廳列表 》Taipei Italian Restaurant
延伸閱讀: 台北義式餐廳推薦名單 (分區) 》 Taipei Italian Restaurant Recommendation
Pizza Fiorentina
Price: NTD $240
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
每次在菜單上看到半熟蛋 Pizza 就會想要點, 我上次吃到半熟蛋 Pizza 是在 “Salt & Stone”. 這次在 BANCO Pizza 吃到的半熟蛋佛倫提那披薩色彩飽滿, 除了有蕃茄醬底外, 也有菠菜, 培根與莫札瑞拉起司. 店員建議將半熟蛋戳破後, 再平均抹平至每片表層, 再折起Pizza入口. 確實可以讓蛋汁停留在Pizza 裡, 培根鹹香很適合搭配蛋與起司, 不錯吃.
Every time I see “Half-Boiled Egg Pizza aka Pizza Fiorentina “, I always want to order. Last time I tried this type of pizza at “Salt &Stone”. This BANCO pizza image is colorful along with tomato base, spinach, bacon and mozzarella cheese. The staff instructed that to spread the egg evenly on each slice of pizza. Then, enjoy the pizza in folding shape. The meaty and salty bacon pairs great with egg and cheese. Overall, it is quite delicious.
全系列白酒任選 4 杯
Select 4 glasses from White Wine series
BANCO Pizza 與知名酒商 Enoteca 愛諾特卡合作, 所以選酒的部分不用擔心, 而且星期三是 BANCO 的 “週三白酒優惠日” – 特惠酒包括熱氣球蘇維濃白酒, 玫瑰莫斯卡朵氣泡酒, 灰皮諾白酒, 週三白酒優惠日買一送ㄧ ,一杯原價 NTD $190, 等於一杯只要NTD $95, 相當優惠.
BANCO Pizza Restaurant cooperates with famous Enoteca Wine Company. So, you don’t have to worry about the wine selection. And BANCO has a “Special Wine Wednesday Promotion”. The promotion wines include Evans & Tate Sauvignon Blanc, Bottega Spa. Moscato , and Pinot Grigio. Special Wine Wednesday Promotion is buy one get one free. The original price is NTD $190/glass. After promotion, one glass discount price becomes NTD $95, which is quite worth it.
延伸閱讀: Enoteca 愛諾特卡 》台北信義區喝單杯酒的好去處 (包括低消資訊)
Saracco Moscato d’Asti DOP
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
來自義大利的 Moscato d’Asti DOP 白酒是多數台灣人喜歡的甜白酒類型, 也是得分頗高的酒, 100% Moscato Bianco Canelli 葡萄品種, 有我喜歡的水蜜桃風味, 在夏天喝著冰涼且甜香輕柔的白酒是幸福, 單喝或搭配 Pizza 都適合, 不會蓋住 Pizza 的鹹香與乳酪風味.
Moscato d’Asti DOP, which is from Italy, is a sweet white wine that most Taiwanese like. This wine is rated quite hight. With 100% Moscato Bianco Canelli, you can taste the peach flavor. Tasting the cold and refreshing sweet white wine in summer time is a great experience. It is suitable for pairing with the cheese since it won’t cover the salty and cheese flavors.
Guiding Star Chardonnay
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
店員提到通常客人不點甜白酒的話, 都會點這一款澳洲 Guiding Star Chardonnay, Calabria 家族酒廠被 James Holiday 評為五星酒廠, 比較讓我驚訝的是這款是酒商 Enoteca 愛諾特卡與 Calabria 家族合作推出的系列. 單喝時酸度屬於清新, 不會過酸, 單喝時檸檬風味與礦石特性頗為明顯, 搭配起司也不錯.
The store staff mentioned that if the customers didnt order sweet white wine, they usually order this Australian Wine- Guiding Star Chardonnay. Calabria Family Wines is graded as First Stars Winery by James Holiday. The most surprising part would be “ Enoteca X Calabria “ series. The acidity is refreshing but not over powering. The lemon flavor and mineral character are quite obvious. Pairing with Cheese is quite good.
Corte Giara Pinot Grigio
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
如果對葡萄品種 Pinot Grigio 不太了解, BANCO Pizza 也將販售的葡萄酒描述與比較圖放進酒單裡. 這款義大利酒沒有明顯酸度, 適量花香與蘋果香, 這款是屬於輕鬆喝的白酒類型.
If you don’t know Pinot Grigio grape, you don’t need to worry. BANCO Pizza puts each wine’s character and description into the wine menu. This Italian wine doesn’t have obvious acidity. It has fair amount of floral and apple aroma. This is a casual and easy-drinking white wine.
BANCO Pizza 菜餚
BANCO Pizza Dishes
Serrano Ham Plate
Price: NTD $530
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
越來越多人喜歡吃西班牙生火腿, BANCO Pizza 餐廳也將 Serrano 風乾火腿放進菜單, 塞拉諾火腿 ( Serrano Ham ) 與 伊比利火腿 ( Iberico Ham ) 不同, 塞拉諾火腿來自白毛豬, 伊比利火腿來自黑毛豬. 這一道小滿生火腿拼盤份量比預期地多, 可以 4 ~ 5 人分享, 塞拉諾火腿火腿吃起來有適量鹹度也很下酒, 這就是所謂的歐式下酒菜, 我會建議 “愛肉者” 點來與朋友分享.
More people like to eat Spanish Hams. BANCO restaurant also puts Spanish Serrano Ham in the menu. Serrano Ham and Iberico Ham are different. Serrano Ham is from white pig and Iberico Ham is from black pig. This dish quantity is more than expected, which can be shared with 4 ~ 5 people. Serrano Ham has fair amount of saltness and tastes good pairing with the red wines. I would suggest meat lovers to order this dish to share with friends.
延伸閱讀: Spanish Serrano Ham 》關於西班牙塞拉諾火腿的五個問題
Mixed Smoked Ham & Cheese Salad
Price: NTD $490
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
我本來以為會像 “Gusto Market of Taste 好食多” 的冷切肉盤, 這一道視覺上比較像沙拉, 頗多芝麻葉與少量番茄, 煙燻火腿與起司刨片比預期地多, 更容易一起入口, 不用分別吃. 如果你用餐必須要有青菜, 這道可以考慮點.
I thought that the layout will be like the meat plate at “Gusto Market of Taste”. However, this dish image is more like salad. There are large amount of arugula and small amount tomato. Slices of smoked ham and grated cheese are far more than expected. You can taste all ingredients at once instead of separately. If you must have some greens, you can consider this dish.
Cream, Mushroom, Ham and Brussel Sprout
Price: NTD $240
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
這道用的食材不是羽衣甘藍 (Kale ) , 而是抱子甘藍 (Brussel Sprout),抱子甘藍在台北歐式餐廳反而比較少是菜餚主角, 我個人喜歡甘藍的經典爽脆口感, 有著適量鹹度的燻培根與洋菇蓋住甘藍微苦, 灑上的帕瑪森起司粉更增加風味.
This dish ingredient is not kale, instead, it is brussel sprout. Brussel Sprout is rarely the main character in Taipei European Restaurants’ dish. I personally like crispy texture from the brussel sprout. The smoked bacon and mushroom cover small amount of the bitterness from the brussel sprout. The parmesan cheese adds more flavor into this dish.
主菜 – 雞肉
Main Course- Chicken
四小時低溫熟成巧口嫩雞 (四塊)
Four Pieces Sous Vide for 4 Hours Chicken thigh
Price: NTD $290
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
BANCO 主廚採用雞腿肉部位, 再採用 4小時低溫舒肥, 雖然是帶骨雞腿, 雞肉與骨頭可以很俐落地分開, 可感受到肌肉的微肉香與嫩口感, 櫛瓜等時蔬與醬汁雖然是配角, 才能成為完整的菜餚.
BANCO chef uses chicken thigh with 4 hours sous vide cooking method. Even though it is bone-in, the meat and bone are easy to separated. You can taste the tender texture and small amount of meaty flavor. The vegetables (zucchini) and sauce adds more layers of flavor and image to this dish.
主菜 – 比薩 & 燉飯
Main Course- Pizza & Risotto
Calzone with Cheese, Bacon
Price: NTD $540
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
月亮起士培根烤披薩在每家分店皆是限量. 上次吃到月亮披薩餃 ( Calzone ) 是在 “A Mano Pizza Taipei” , 這次吃到的 BANCO 披薩餃跟以前吃到的不太ㄧ樣, 除了月亮形狀的披薩餃Size 頗大外, BANCO 將披薩餃表面再堆疊番茄醬, 起司與羅勒葉, 吃的時候就不會只感覺到餅皮, 聰明! 後來才知道原來義大利人也這樣吃, 美味莫札瑞拉起司與鹹培根內餡組合是必要的.
Calzone is limited quantity at each BANCO branch. I had calzone at “A Mano Pizza Taipei” last time. BANCO Calzone is a bit different from the regular calzone. Besides the moon shape size is bigger, the chef puts the tomato sauce, cheese and basils on the Calzone appearance. So, while you eat the calzone, you can not only taste the flourish flavor. You can also sense the tomato sauce. Smart move for sure. The salty bacon and mozzarella cheese filling combination is a must in a calzone.
Risotto with Goat Cheese and Alfredo Sauce
Price: NTD $280
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
義式餐廳怎麼可以少了燉飯, 我承認很難想像 BANCO 是採用義大利 Acquerello 品牌的 Carnaroil 品種, 是成本較高的義大利頂級陳年米 (一年陳放) . BANCO的燉飯視覺感偏樸實, 原本以為主角是義大利進口羊乳酪, 孰不知, 我對外部不軟爛且微硬, 內部微Q彈的燉飯印象比較深刻. 我個人倒是建議可六人分享, 畢竟頂級陳年米在 Pizza 店比較不常見.
You must have risotto in Italian restaurant. However, it is difficult to imagine that BANCO are using world-famous Acquerello brand Carnaroil rice. It is high cost since it is one year aged Italian rice. The overall risotto image is simply. I thought the main attention would be at the Italian goat cheese. But instead, the risotto rice is tasty and a bit hard texture inside. I would suggest 6 people to share. After all, it is not easy to taste the aged risotto rice in Taiwan.
結論 Conclusion ⭐
BANCO Pizza 適合朋友也適合家人聚餐, 我將推薦菜餚分為 3 ~ 4 人 與 5 ~ 8 人
🔥 5 ~ 8 人
✅ 雙人義大利 ASTI 白酒組合 ( NTD $990 X 2)
✅ 月亮起士培根烤披薩 x 1 限量
✅ 如果沒有月亮起士培根烤披薩, 可考慮點四小時低溫熟成巧口嫩雞 (4塊)
✅ 濃郁重起士燉飯
✅ 奶油蘑菇甘藍培根🔥 3 ~ 4 人
✅ 雙人義大利 ASTI 白酒組合 x 1 (NTD $990)
✅ 月亮起士培根烤披薩 x 1 限量
✅ 如果沒有月亮起士培根烤披薩, 可考慮濃郁重起士燉飯
BANCO Pizza restaurant is suitable for friends’ and family gathering. I wrote two types of dish recommendation
🔥 5 ~ 8 People
✅ Pizza & Asti White Wine Set for 2 people x 2 ( NTD $990 X 2)
✅ Calzone with Cheese, bacon x 1 (Limited Quantity)
✅ If they dont have calzone, you can consider ordering the Sous Vide Chicken Thigh (4 pcs)
✅ Risotto with Goat Cheese and Alfredo Sauce
✅ Cream, Mushroom, Ham and Brussel Sprout🔥 3 ~ 4 人
✅ Pizza & Wine Set for 2 people x 1 (NTD $990)
✅ Calzone with Cheese, bacon x 1 (Limited Quantity)
✅ If they dont have Calzone, you can choose Risotto with Goat Cheese and Alfredo Sauce
♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受
♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.
♛ About Me | Front Page
BANCO Pizza 資訊
BANCO Pizza Information
地址: 台北市松山區八德路三段108號 (Map)
捷運: 小巨蛋捷運站
電話: 02-2579-4010
地址: 台北市信義區基隆路二段 13-1 號 (Map)
捷運: 台北 101 / 世貿捷運站
電話: 02-2720-6750
地址:臺北市中山區長安東路二段106號 (Map)
捷運: 松江南京捷運站
電話: 02-2503-0221
BANCO Pizza – Bade Branch
Address: No. 108, 3rd Section, Bade Road, Songshan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT: Taipei Arena Station
Tel: 02-2579-4010
Operation Hour:12:00~15:30,17:00~21:00
BANCO Pizza – World Trade Branch
Address: No. 13-1 , 2nd Section, Keelung Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby: Taipei 101 / World Trade MRT station
Tel: 02-2720-6750
Operation Hour: 12:00~15:30,17:00~21:00
BANCO Pizza – Chang’an Branch
Address: No. 106, 2nd Section, Chang’an East Road, Zhongshan District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT: Songjiang Nanjing MRT station
Tel: 02-2503-0221
Operation Hour:12:00~15:30,17:00~21:00