ALPACA 智利羊駝葡萄酒 Review 》進口平價紅酒與白葡萄酒

Last Updated on 2024-01-04 by Foodelicious

許多人在 7-11, 全聯和家樂福都有看到有金色羊駝 Logo ( 草泥馬 Logo ) 的 ALPACA 智利羊駝紅白葡萄酒系列, 也是CP 值高的葡萄酒之一.
Many people saw this wine series with golden color alpaca logo at 7-11, PX Mart and Carrefour in Taiwan. Chile Alpaca wines are also considered price-friendly.

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Alpaca 智利葡萄酒廠商

Alpaca Chile Wine Company

VSPT 葡萄酒集團是智利知名第二大葡萄酒廠商, 根據 2021 最新資料, VSPT 葡萄酒集團已是全球 Top 20 的葡萄酒集團, 出口至世界各地 , 不僅在智利有上千公頃的葡萄種植地, 在阿根廷同樣也有種植地區, 旗下除了Alpaca 智利葡萄酒品牌外, 也有其他阿根廷葡萄酒品牌 . 目前台灣總代理商是 “南聯國際貿易股份有限公司”.
VSPT Wine group is the 2nd largest wine group at Chile. According to the 2021 new data, VSPT Wine group is already Top 20 Wine Groups around the world. They have large grapes plantations at both Chile and Argentina.Taiwan sole distributor is Nanlien International Corporation.

VSPT Wine Group Link:


Alpaca 智利羊駝紅酒

Alpaca Chile Red Wine

Alpaca 卡本內蘇維翁- 美洛

Alpaca Red Wine Cabernet Sauvignon – Merlot
Package: 750ml
ABV: 13 %
銷售通路: 7-11,全聯, 家樂福
建議售價: NTD $399.售價會因通路不同
Sales Channels: 7-11, PX Mart,Carrefour
Suggested Price: NTD $399. The price may vary due to different sales channels.
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

這一款智利紅酒不需要用開瓶器, 轉開瓶蓋即可倒入酒杯. 根據網路資料, 此款紅酒在日本市場非常受歡迎, 更連續在日本葡萄酒評比連續獲得許多獎項. Cabernet Sauvignon 佔 70% , Merlot 佔 30% , 亮麗紅色酒體輕盈,新鮮覆盆子與李子果香明顯, 單寧柔順,適合沒有常喝酒的人, 我比較驚訝的是過 15 分鐘後, 依舊果香充沛, 甚至有些微甜. 跟其他兩支羊駝葡萄酒比較, 我個人喜歡 Alpaca 卡本內蘇維翁- 美洛.
This wine does not need a wine opener/corkscrew. Alpaca Red Wine Cabernet Sauvignon – Merlot is very popular at Japanese market since it won quite a few medals at the Wine Contest. This particular wine includes 70% Cabernet Sauvignon and 30% Merlot. The wine body is light with bright ruby color. There are fair amount of fresh raspberry and plum fruity aromas. The tannin is soft which is suitable for people who do not drink too much wine. I am surprised that after 15 minutes, the fruity flavor still remains. It even tastes a bit sweet. Comparing with other two Alpaca wines, I personally prefer this Alpaca Red Wine Cabernet Sauvignon – Merlot.


Alpaca 美洛

Alpaca Red Wine – Merlot
Package: 750ml
ABV: 13 %
銷售通路: 7-11,全聯, 家樂福
建議售價: NTD $399.售價會因通路不同
Sales Channels: 7-11, PX Mart,Carrefour
Suggested Price: NTD $399. The price may vary due to different sales channels.
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

這一款智利紅酒不需要用開瓶器, 輕鬆轉開瓶蓋即可倒入酒杯, 適合家裡沒有開瓶器的人. 將 Alpaca 美洛紅酒倒入酒杯時, 成熟李子果香撲鼻而來, 即使置放五分鐘, 單寧與結構依舊, 我個人會建議搭配鴨肝或是重口味肉類料理.
This wine does not need a wine opener/corkscrew. The ripe plum aroma & flavor are quite obvious g. Both tannin and flavor structure are long lasting. I would suggest to pair with Foie Gras or meats with strong meaty flavor.


Alpaca 智利羊駝白葡萄酒

Alpaca 白蘇維濃

Alpaca White Wine Sauvignon Blanc
Package: 750ml
ABV: 12 %
銷售通路: 7-11,全聯, 家樂福
建議售價: NTD $399.售價會因通路不同
Sales Channels: 7-11, PX Mart,Carrefour
Suggested Price: NTD $399. The price may vary due to different sales channels.
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

智利紅酒世界知名度高, 近年智利白葡萄酒 – 白蘇維濃與夏多內知名度也增加, 這支是南聯國際貿易股份有限公司在 2021年引進台灣的智利白葡萄酒, 一樣不用開瓶器, 建議先冰, 喝起來酸度比較不會尖銳 , 青蘋果與葡萄柚香氣明顯, 適合輕鬆飲.
Chile red wine is world-wide famous Recently, Chile Sauvignon Blanc and Chardonnay becomes well-known as well. This particular white wine is imported and distributed at 2021 by Nanlien International Corporation. It doesn’t need a wine opener/corkscrew. I would suggest to keep it refrigerated, so the acidity level won’t be too high. The green apple and grapefruit aroma and flavor are obvious. It is suitable for casual drinking.

♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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警語: 警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

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