The Normal Coffee 》台北咖啡店推薦首選 -文末有獨家折扣優惠

Last Updated on 2019-12-19 by Foodelicious

藍白色裝潢的 The Normal 咖啡國父紀念館站咖啡店之一, 也是我的台北大安區咖啡店推薦首選.
The Normal Coffee is one of the SYS Memorial Hall MRT coffee shops. It is also on my list of Da’an District Coffee Recommendation List.


The Normal Coffee 菜單在文末 The Normal Coffee Menu is at the end of article


The Normal Coffee 位於台北市仁愛路四段上, 最靠近國父紀念館捷運站二號出口, 知性藍白色裝潢與另一家有著土耳其藍裝潢的 “台北 Saturn Landing Turkish Coffee“都是非常顯眼, 門口左邊有販售自家品牌的咖啡豆, 右邊則是內用的高腳椅, 可以感受到 The Normal Coffee 是聚焦在咖啡上, 連在店內製作咖啡的店員都是 Barista, 與老闆聊天後得知 2020年會在小巨蛋捷運站附近開另一家 The Normal Coffee 2.0,  經營型態會是類似台北下午茶咖啡店. 自從 The Normal Coffee 2017 年11月開幕後, 我已經 N 訪也寫了一篇部落格文章, 也在我的台北咖啡店推薦名單上, 這次重新寫最主要原因是與老闆談過要給娜姐讀者們一個獨家優惠折扣 (折扣資訊在文末).
The Normal Coffee is located at 4th section of Re’Ai Road at Taipei City. It is near Exit 2 of SYS Memorial Hall MRT station. The blue color design is similar with “Saturn Landing Turkish Coffee”, which is quite attractive. They offer package of coffee beans at the left side of entrance. The right hand side are the dine-in high chairs. The staffs that make coffee are professional Baristas. The owner mentions that there will be a new The Normal Coffee 2.0 opening up near Taipei Arena MRT station at the year of 2020. The operation style would be similar with Taipei typical coffee shops, which have comfortable seating area. The Normal Coffee opened at November, 2017. I already wrote an article about my unlimited visit. Now, I write this new article because the owner agreed to offer exclusive discount for my readers (The discount information is at the end of article).

延伸閱讀: 2019 台北咖啡推薦 (分區) 》 Taipei Coffee Recommendation

延伸閱讀: N訪 The Normal Coffee 》國父紀念館附近有插座咖啡店 | Taipei Coffee

延伸閱讀: Saturn Landing Turkish Coffee 》 台北土耳其咖啡店

延伸閱讀: 國父紀念館捷運站餐廳 》Restaurants near SYS Memorial Hall


目前 The Normal Coffee 是與台灣生咖啡豆進口商合作, 精挑細選後在店內烘豆, 每一季購買的咖啡豆種類都會有些不同, 除了台灣人常點的咖啡類型 (拿鐵, 卡布奇諾.. etc) 外, 也有單一產地的精品咖啡, 最近 The Normal Coffee 開始推廣國外很流行的半年與一年咖啡豆訂購方案, 每月會收到不同品項的 一包 250g 的咖啡豆, 都會是經過杯測而挑選, 重點是每個月的第一個禮拜二進行烘焙接著在禮拜五寄出, 而不是像星巴克或是超市的咖啡店放在架上已久, The Normal 新鮮烘焙完的咖啡豆是可遇不可求. 此外, The Normal Coffee 也開始與 Foodpanda 外送平台合作, 可以說是附近上班族的福音.
The Normal Coffee basically selects and purchases raw coffee beans and roast the beans by themselves. Besides the usual coffee (latte, cappuccino..etc), they also offer single-origin coffees as well. Recently, they start to promote their coffee beans mail-order for 6-month term and 1-year-term. The customer would receive one package of 250g roasted coffee beans every month. The most important part would be that they roast on Tuesday and mail out on Friday. Unlike Starbucks and other coffee beans package at supermarket, their coffee beans are fresh-roasted. Also, The Normal Coffee starts to cooperate with Foodpanda for nearby delivery.




Espresso with oat milk
Price: NTD $150
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍👍

這次喝的是歐美地區相當受到歡迎的燕麥咖啡, 用的品牌是 Blue Bottle 也在用的 高單價瑞典 Oatly 燕麥奶, 許多人都不知道燕麥乳是全植物性, 因此純素者是可以品嚐. 店員提到所有的濃縮咖啡皆是單一產區的咖啡豆, 而不是市面上混搭咖啡豆. 這杯燕麥奶咖啡視覺上與經典拿鐵一樣, 圖片左邊是內用杯, 右邊是 160 cc (5.4 oz)外帶杯, 剛開始喝時, 堅果穀物風味相當特別, 之後則是溫醇咖啡風味, 而且不會有苦味, 相當不錯, 若是追求不同風味, 我會推薦燕麥咖啡.
The expresso with oat milk is very popular in Europe and US area. The Normal Coffee shops uses high-cost Oatly brand oat milk, which vegetarian can also drink. The staff mentions that all the expresso are made with single-origin bean. This particular coffee appearance looks exactly like the latte. The left item is for dine-in, the right item is for to-go (160cc about 5.4oz). When start drinking, the nutty wheat flavor is quite special. The great coffee aroma comes afterwards. It isn’t bitter at all. If you like different flavor, I would suggest expresso with oat milk.



單品咖啡 – 哥倫比亞 蜜處理法

Colombia Huila Pitalito Rafael Amaya SHB
Price: NTD $140
Foodelicious 美味程度: 👍👍👍

多數台北咖啡店 (例如 “海倫咖啡” )的單品咖啡都是店員手沖, The Normal Coffee 則是精準地用機器控制重量,水量和溫度, 讓每次喝到的咖啡品質都是一樣. 若是單品咖啡初飲者, 也可以問店內 Barista 的推薦. 這杯單品咖啡的柚子和橙皮風味明顯, 我最喜歡的烘烤杏仁和蜂蜜風味則是只有隱約感受到.
Many Taipei Coffee Shops (For example: “Helen Coffee”) single-origin coffees are made by the staffs by pour-in method. The Normal Coffee uses the machine to measure the weight, water cc and temperature precisely. The coffee would taste the same every time. If you don’t know how to choose single-origin coffee, you can ask the Barista at site. This coffee flavor is dominated by grapefruits and orange peels. However, I only sense my favorite baked almond and honey flavors with small amount.

延伸閱讀: 海倫咖啡 》台北車站週邊咖啡店推薦 | Taipei Main Station Coffee Shop



凡 Follow 以下 SOP 出示這篇文章,  在 The Normal Coffee 國父紀念館分店外帶與內用的咖啡消費立即有 8 折優惠, 可持續使用.

1. 在櫃檯點咖啡前先找到這篇文章, 搜尋關鍵字是 The Normal Coffee 2020.
2. 在點咖啡的同時出示這篇文章, 在 The Normal Coffee 國父紀念館分店外帶與內用的咖啡消費立即有 8 折優惠
3. 結帳時請自行核對”咖啡“金額 8 折有無執行


Discount Information

Following the following SOP, you can have 20% discount of dine-in and to-go coffees. The coffee discount is valid continuously
1. Before ordering coffees, you would need to find this article. The keyword is The Normal Coffee 2020.
2. When ordering the coffee at the counter, you would need to show this article to the staff. You can get the 20% discount of dine-in and to-go coffees at The Normal Coffee SYS Memorial Hall Branch Store.
3. Double check the bill to see if the total coffee invoice value is 20% off.


♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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店名: The Normal Coffee
地址: 台北市仁愛路四段413號1樓 (Map)
捷運站: 國父記念館捷運站
電話: 02-2775-4066
營業時間: Call to Confirm
Facebook: .
Restaurant: The Normal Coffee
Address: No. 413, 4th Section, Re’ai Road, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: SYS Memorial Hall MRT station
Tel: 02-2775-4066
Operation Hour: Call to Confirm

The Normal Coffee 菜單 》The Normal Coffee Menu




