【 純粹喝濃厚系】Chun-Cui-He | 粉紅色包裝玫瑰蜜香奶茶, 重乳拿鐵, 醇乳奶茶

Last Updated on 2017-04-27 by Foodelicious

在台灣, 純粹喝品牌的主要客戶為上班族, 出口至國外後, 當地主要客群則是年輕人, 簡約包裝在放滿五顏六色包裝的貨架上反而更顯眼. 這次純粹喝推出討喜的粉紅色包裝玫瑰蜜香奶茶.

Chun-Cui-He Brand” ’s TA is always the white collars in Taiwan. However, after export to other countries, the brand’s TA in their local markets becomes young generation. Obviously, simply design is much more preferred by the young generation.



1. Rose Honey Milk Tea 玫瑰蜜香奶茶


💰  Price: NTD $28

⚖ Total ml 總容量: 275 ml

☕ Caffeine 咖啡因: 20mg/100ml

Foodelicious 美味程度 : 🎉

純粹喝與台灣各個超商合作推出新款且不同語言版本的“玫瑰蜜香奶茶”, 包裝則是韓國化妝品牌Etude的嫩粉紅色,  少女們如中了魔咒般紛紛搶購. 飲用前先用手搖茶的方式搖勻, 扭開瓶蓋, 倒出濃郁且滑順的奶茶,過多的玫瑰香料撲鼻而來,  默默地品嚐一口, 濃厚的玫瑰奶茶風味包覆著整個舌尖久久不能散去,奶茶風味很明顯地被玫瑰香料蓋過, 微弱的蜂蜜風味則是出現後段才出現, 整體甜味和濃稠指數過高, 建議喝氣泡水(例如沛綠雅氣泡水) 讓味蕾再次呼吸.

Chun-Cui-He Beverage Brand cooperates with different convenient store sales channels (such as 7-11, Family Mart and Hi-Life) to promote their pink package beverage – Rose Honey Milk Tea. Surprisingly, the package has different language versions. Japanese and Korean versions are sold in 7-11. As for Family Mart, French and Thai versions are sold. Hi-Life sells the English version. Similar with Korean cosmetic brand Etude, the package is light pink and won female consumers’  preference. Strong and overrated rose spices aroma appeared immediately after pouring out the thick and silky milk tea. The taste is completely surround by the unpleasant thick and rose flavor. The milk tea flavor is covered by the rose spices, and hints of honey flavor appeared at the last two drops. It would be better to drink the sparkling water (such as Perrier) to recover your taste sense.

2.  Latte 重乳拿鐵


💰  Price: NTD $30

⚖ Total ml 總容量: 275 ml

☕ Caffeine 咖啡因: 43.5 mg/100ml

Foodelicious 美味程度 : 🎉🎉🎉

此款跟同品牌的深藍色包裝重烘培曼特寧頗受國內外消費者喜歡, 濃郁的咖啡香味已接近加入煉乳的越南咖啡風味,  由於咖啡風味頗重, 深受咖啡因中毒者的喜愛.

This product is similar with the dark blue package – Dark Roasted Mandeling Coffee. Both products are preference for many consumers. Thick coffee milky aroma is almost identical with Vietnamese coffee with condense milk.

3. Milk Tea 醇乳奶茶


💰  Price: NTD $28

⚖ Total ml 總容量: 275 ml

☕ Caffeine 咖啡因: 22.8mg/100ml

Foodelicious 美味程度 : 🎉🎉

由於無玫瑰香料的加持, 此款較玫瑰蜜香奶茶單純, 單一的濃醇奶香味來自奶粉與奶精, 紅茶味蕩然無存, 雖然與街頭巷口賣的奶茶較為遜色, 台灣上班族仍為之瘋狂!

Without the rose spices, this product has one singular and simply flavor. The thick milk flavor comes from the milk powder and creamer. Sadly, the black tea disappears.

整體來說, 這次推出粉色包裝更讓Social Media不斷地出現, 顯然已讓“純粹喝“品牌轉化成近日的時尚象徵.

General speaking, the girly pink package successfully promotes Chun-Cui-He Beverage Brand and transfer its image into recent chic and fashion symbol.


