串串 23 》菜單推薦點什麼 | 23 Grill Western Izakaya & Taproom

Last Updated on 2023-09-25 by Foodelicious

(結束營業) 台北西門町美食名單上多一家新開幕餐廳 – 串串 23 , 串串 23 西式居酒屋 是西式串燒搭配台灣 23 號精釀啤酒, 成為頗具風格的台北餐酒館之一.
(Closed Down) There is another new restaurant near Xinmen MRT station – 23 Grill Bistro. 23 Grill restaurant concept is Western style Izakaya, which pairs with 23 Brewing Company’s beer.

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串串 23 訂位與低消

23 Grill Reservation & Minimum Charge

串串 23 餐廳離北門捷運站 1 號出口約 5 分鐘路程, 離西門捷運站 6 號出口約 10 分鐘, 地址為台北市萬華區開封街二段10 號. 一進門就看到 “ In 串 We Trust “ 在牆上, 右邊是吧台座位區, 左邊是座位區, 適合團體朋友聚餐. 多數人是選擇坐在吧台區, 我是選擇坐在靠近廚房的座位區. 串串 23 是精釀啤酒餐廳, 是以精釀啤酒為主軸, 搭配的串燒調味與風味對多數人來說是微重, 畢竟是下酒菜. 串串 23 可以說是西式居酒屋, 也可以歸類於餐酒館. 串串 23 訂位可用網路 ( https://reurl.cc/rQa7jx ) , 也可打電話訂位. 串串 23 低消為 NTD $500/人.也是有客人直接與店員說預算, 請店員搭配.
23 Grill Bistro is about 5 minutes walking distance from Exit 1 of Beimen MRT station. It is about 10 minutes walking from Ximen MRT station Exit 6. The address is No. 10, 2nd Section, Kaifeng Street, Wanhua District, Taipei City. When walking in, you can see the words “In Skewer We Trust” on the wall. It is hilarious. The right hand side is bar seats. The left side is regular seating area, which is suitable for group gathering. I chose to sit near the seating area near the Kitchen. 23 Grill restaurant is more like Draft Beer Restaurant & Bar. The dishes are designed to pair with the beer, not the other way around. In other words, the spices and marinated flavor might be a bit heavy for most people. You can use reserve via online ( https://reurl.cc/rQa7jx ). Or you can call to reserve. The minimum charge is NTD $500/per person. You can also tell your budget and let the staff assist ordering for you.

台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List

延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide

延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount



關於 串串 23 的串燒

About the 23 Grill Skewers

串串 23 只提供自家 23 號精釀啤酒, 西式串燒為主, 而非日式串燒, 採用備長炭, 所有的調味醬都是餐廳自製, 每一道串燒都有搭配的醬, 而且菜單設計都與世界各地有關 (例如: 南美阿根廷青醬牛翼板,泰北香料豬) , 主廚炭烤功力與用的食材也是值得稱讚.
23 Grill restaurant ONLY offers their own beers, which is brewed by No.23 Brewing Company. The restaurant offers western style skewer instead of Japanese style. The chef uses charcoal to grill. All sauces are restaurant self-made. Each skewer has its pairing sauce. I am truly surprised that the menu inspiration is originated around the world (For example, Asado Chuck Flap). Also, the chef has many years of kitchen experience, which is another surprise.

  台北餐酒館 Taipei Bistro List

連結 (Link) :台北餐酒館懶人包 (分區) 》Taipei Bistro Guide (By District)

連結 (Link): 台北五大餐酒館推薦 》Top 5 Taipei Bistro Recommendation

連結 (Link): 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining

警語: 禁止酒駕, 飲酒過量, 有害健康  No Drink and Drive. Excessive drinking is hazardous to health

娜姐專屬讀者優惠折扣 》Foodelicious Exclusive Discount


串串 23 菜餚

23 Grill Dishes


Big Poppa Ribs
Price: NTD $160
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

串串 23 主廚採用澳洲牛肉的牛肋條, 當初我看到 “黑糖乾爹” 這四個字立馬想到 “ Sugar Daddy” , 實際上 黑糖乾爹是 23 號精釀啤酒的暢銷酒款, 這道串燒搭配的醬就是以黑糖乾爹精釀啤酒和洋蔥熬煮而成, 微焦牛肋條吃起來比預期得軟嫩, 味蕾可同時品嚐到肉的鹹香與醬的甜香, 一旁的褐色焦糖醬則是讓整體增加甜度. 整道串燒給我的感覺就像在吃 “Bogart’s Smokehouse Taipei ” , 完全就是美式BBQ Style. 黑糖乾爹牛肋條是我當天最喜歡的串燒.
The chef uses the Australian Rib. The sauce is made with 23 Brewing Company’s Big Poppa beer and Onion. You can taste the meaty and sweetness at the same time. The beef is quite tender as well. You can pair with the caramel puree on the side. The overall taste definitely reminds me of “Bogart’s Smokehouse Taipei “, my favorite American BBQ House. Big Poppa Rib dish is my favorite dish of the food.

延伸閱讀:  Bogart’s Smokehouse Taipei 》絕對是台北美式 BBQ 木柴燒烤餐廳推薦



Tandoori Chicken
Price: NTD $120
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

串串 23 主廚很用心, 採用無骨的帶皮雞腿肉, 而不是雞胸肉. 我蠻喜歡帶皮雞腿肉帶出的油脂, 第一口有酥脆口感, 隨著印度香料入口, 勾勒出迷人的異國情調 , 與”日式鳥哲串燒“的含蓄風格截然不同, 坦都里雞腿串辛香與鹹香是下酒菜的標準風味, 也可搭配 大家也都有點泰北香料豬串燒, 我個人也會推薦這道坦都里雞腿串.
The chef uses boneless chicken thigh with skin instead of chicken breast. I love the fatness from the chicken skin and the meat. The first bite is crispy. Along with Indian spices, the tasting experience is quite exotic. It is a completely different experience from eating the Japanese skewer. You can also pair the garlic yogurt sauce on the side. Tandoori Chicken is definitely a great dish pairing with beers. I definitely recommend it.

延伸閱讀: Tianmu Restaurant 》鳥哲有桂丁雞串燒也有限量鳥哲拉麵



Romesco Squid
Price: NTD $150
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

上次吃小卷是在 “裸餐酒 Naked Bistro “ , 其他在西餐廳吃的幾乎都是軟絲 (Cuttlefish). 從我的座位區, 可以看到主廚正在將 Romesco 醬 裝飾在澎湖小卷上,「 發酵甜椒番茄辣醬( Romesco) 」的番茄基底與辛香料很適合用來搭配海鮮. 上次在 “SEA TO SKY” 吃到 Romesco 醬偏稀釋, 串串 23 的 Romesco 醬則是比想像中地濃郁辛香, 醬料特色並不會被啤酒蓋住, 我會建議一人一份小卷剛剛好, 幾乎每桌都有點這道西班牙紅椒小卷.
Last time I had squid was at “Naked Bistro”. I always have cuttlefish at other Western restaurant though. From my seat, I can see the chef displayed the Romesco sauce on the squid. The romesco sauce at “SEA TO SKY” is too watery. I like 23 Grill’s romesco sauce since it is flavorful and thick. The heavy spice flavor will not covered by the beer. I would suggest ordering one dish per person. Almost every table has one of this dish.

延伸閱讀: SEA TO SKY 台北 》 菜單除了點巨大藍絲絨蛋糕還能點哪些菜餚? (非業配)



Padano Zucchini
Price: NTD $80
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

幾乎每一桌都有點串串23 的招牌秘製茭白筍, 我則是點帕達諾櫛瓜. 串串 23 的櫛瓜串燒並沒有炸過, 而是單純直火炭烤. 櫛瓜水分跟 “Mooo Burger “ 的櫛瓜條一樣飽滿, 主廚將帕達諾起司灑在櫛瓜上, 難怪吃的時候有自然甜香外, 還有一些起司風味, 可另外沾一旁的中東大蒜醬 , 讓這道蔬食串燒更有趣.
Almost every table ordered their signature water bamboo. I order another dish -Padano Zucchini. The zucchini is not fried, instead, it is grilled. The juicy level is as high as the zucchini at “Mooo Burger”. The chef spreads the Padano cheese on the zucchini, which adds another cheese flavor. You can also dip into the Toum sauce on the side. It makes this vegetable skewer more interesting.

延伸閱讀: Mooo Burger 》菜單如果不點山裡的牛排漢堡要點什麼?



Asado Beef Chuck Flap
Price: NTD $160
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

這道串烤的主角很明顯就是「 串串 23 自製新鮮的阿根廷青醬 ( Chimichurri )」, 我喜歡阿根廷青醬裡的巴西利草味, 橄欖油與醋讓阿根廷青醬與義大利青醬有明顯的不同. 可惜牛翼板微硬, 我個人比較喜歡串串23牛肋條. 如果沒試過阿根廷青醬, 可考慮點這道.
The main character of this dish is restaurant self-made fresh chimichurri sauce. I like the herbs aroma from the Parsley. The olive oil and vinegar also made this sauce multi-flavorful. However, the beef is a bit hard. I prefer their rib skewer. If you never try Chimichurri sauce before, you can order it to try for the first time.



Dirty Rice
Price: NTD $240
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

髒髒飯是美國路易斯安那州著名的靈魂料理 (Soul Food), 串串 23 做了一些改變, 讓用泰國香米做成的髒髒飯口感偏向蓬鬆, 不喜歡內臟的人不用擔心, 因為雞內臟 (雞胗與雞肝) 已經攪拌在飯裡, 與香料混合在ㄧ起, 很難察覺他們的存在, 我個人蠻喜歡主廚加進的湖南臘肉代替香腸, 香辣肯瓊香料與酥脆炸雞皮, 份量可供 2 ~ 3 人吃.
Dirty Rice is the famous Soul Food at Louisiana, USA. 23 Grill restaurant made a few adjustment. The Thai rice is stir-fried and toward dry but puff texture instead of moist and gooey texture. You don’t need to worry about the chicken internal organs (chicken liver & gizzard ) since it already blends in with the rice , Cajun spice and crispy chicken skin. The quantity is suitable for 2 ~ 3 people.



Winter Moon Dessert
Price: NTD $240
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

冬月計畫與串串 23 聯名這道甜點, 冬月計畫有名的甜點皆是磅蛋糕, 這次聯名主題很特別, 以燒烤靈感, 薑味磅蛋糕搭配醬油甘納許與柴魚鮮奶油. 品嚐完這道甜點後, 如果醬油甘納許可以置放在一旁裝飾會更好.
Winter Moon cooperates with 23 Grill to develop this dessert. The famous dessert from Winter Moon is pound cake. The inspiration is grill related. The ginger pound cake pairs with soy sauce ganache with bonito cream. After tasting this dessert, I think that if the soy sauce ganache would be better on the side instead of on the top.


23 號精釀啤酒

23 Grill – 23 Brewing Craft Beer

# 1 經典美式淡色艾爾

#1 Pale Ale
ABV: 5.5%
Price: NTD $170
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍

23 串串有精釀啤酒的酒單, 這一杯是 330ml, NTD $170 是不錯的價格, 店員會附上一張啤酒介紹的卡片, 可以帶回家做紀念 , 柑橘香豐富, 麥芽香頗為迷人, 重點放超過15 分鐘也不會變過苦, 畢竟我要搭配食物慢慢喝, 適合精釀啤酒初學者, 我蠻推薦這一款啤酒.
23 Grill restaurant has a beer menu. NTD $170 is a fair price for 330ml draft beer. The beer introduction card can be considered as a souvenir. The citrus flavor is full along with hoppy. The most important part that it will not become bitter after 15 minutes. After all, I want to pair this beer with the food. This beer is suitable for beer newbie. I recommend this beer.



Blonde Ale
ABV: 5 %
Price: NTD $170
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍

我很久以前就喝過這款23號啤酒的招牌金色尤物艾爾, 這次再喝一次回顧, 熱帶水果的香氣十足, 如果沒喝過, 可以點來喝. 我倒是希望 23 號精釀啤酒可以研發出一款專屬串串23 的精釀啤酒.
Long time ago, I tried the blonde ale, which is No. 23 Brewing Company’s signature draft beer. So, I re-try again. The tropical fruity flavor is full. If you never try it before, you can order to drink. I personally hope that the company can develop a beer specifically for 23 Grill restaurant.

♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受

♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.

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串串 23 短秒影片

23 Grill Restaurant Video



串串 23 資訊

23 Grill Western Izakaya & Taproom Information

店名: 串串 23
地址: 台北市萬華區開封街二段10號 (Map)
捷運站: 北門捷運站 or 西門捷運站
電話: 02-2388-0918
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/23Grill.TW/
Restaurant:  23 Grill Western Izakaya & Taproom
Address: No. 10, 2nd Section, Kaifeng Street, Wanhua District, Taipei City (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Beimen MRT station or Ximen MRT Station
Tel: 02-2388-0918



串串 23 菜單

23 Grill Menu

