Soba Shinn 柑橘拉麵店 》有著獨特風格的台北拉麵店
Last Updated on 2019-10-15 by Foodelicious
ABURASOBA SHIN 油そば専門店近期改名為 Soba Shinn 柑橘拉麵店. 以下文章是我是在2017年二月吃的拉麵Review, 這家位於辦公室林立與繁忙國泰醫院旁, 深受上班族喜愛. 此餐廳的乾拌油麵餐點類似在敦南Sogo旁的東京油組相似, 但美味程度卻截然不同.
ABURASOBA SHIN Ramen restaurant changed its name to Soba ShinN Ramen Restaurant. This article is about my dining experience at 2017. Similar with another restaurant “Abura Soba’s (油そば)” near Dunhua Sogo, it only sells ramen without soup nor dip sauce.
餐廳內部裝潢很明顯與傳統拉麵店不同, 是文青 ; 用餐環境不吵雜, 是愉悅. 坐在高椅聽著美國流行音樂, 當下會讓人覺得回到美國的日本拉麵餐廳, 而不是在台北巷弄間開的日本拉麵店. 簡單的菜單不會讓客人有選擇障礙, 乾拌麵口味只有醬油, 辣味噌, 鹽味, 飲料則是包括不同口味氣泡飲料跟可爾必思.
When walking in the restaurant, the whole atmosphere is delightful instead of busy and stressful. With the American pop music and tall chairs, you wouldn’t have guessed that you are in a ramen restaurant. The menu is simply with only 3 flavors Ramen – Soy Sauce, Spicy Miso, Salted. As for drinks, they have different flavor of sparkling drinks and calpis
醬油拉麵 $190
English Name: Ramen with Soy Sauce Flavor (Large)
Price: NTD $190
Foodelicious 美味程度: 🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜
微黃細拉麵,筍乾, 青蔥, 海苔絲, 和叉燒薄片放置保溫且蓋上鍋蓋的珐瑯鍋裡, 帶殼的半熟有機蛋被放置一旁, 3碟小菜分別為醃蘿蔔, 小黃瓜跟高麗菜.乾拌麵體其實用硬麵體會較適合, 原因為若太軟爛則無法吸收醬汁, “ABURASOBA SHIN 油そば専門店” 煮的麵條結構扎實, 可吸收適量店家特製帶有微甜風味的醬油, 將其他配料拌勻後嚐一口即可感受到日本微甜醬油加上脆筍乾口感和青蔥的點綴, 雖然叉燒較薄, 但有微微肉香味, 若講多層次風味有點牽強, 倒不如說是一碗簡簡單單的拌麵中帶有點不同口感, 別忘了在吃到一半時將整顆半熟有機蛋加進麵裡 將麵的口感更加香醇且濕潤更好下胃. 若朋友喜歡吃日本乾麵, 我會推薦這家餐廳
The ramen is placed with dried bamboo, green onion, sliced seaweed and sliced porks in the temperature-reserved pot with lid. The half-boiled organic egg is placed at the side of the pot. There are three side dishes with pickled daikon, cabbage and cucumber.The thin noodle is a bit hard, which is perfect for dry Ramen. If the noodle is too soft, it might not absorb fair amount of their secret recipe soy sauce with mild sweet aroma. Mixing all together will make the noodle more flavorful and balanced. Even though the sliced pork is thin, your tastebud can feel the meaty flavor. As for the dried bamboo and other ingredients, it just complete this wonderful dish. Out of expectation. the ramen becomes extremely moist and smooth after mixing with the egg yolk. If my friend like Japanese Dry Noodle, I would recommend this restaurant.
至於氣泡飲料, 店家則是用日本人加在剉冰上的水果糖漿 (かき氷)來製作風味氣泡飲料, 水蜜桃氣泡飲料(如圖)則是過甜, 不太適合搭配醬油乾拌麵.
Regarding their sparkling drinks ($55) , they add same Fruit Syrup as Japanese put on the Kakigōri (shaved ice). The drink that I ordered is peach sparkling drink. It is overall too sweet to pair with the dry noodle.
延伸閱讀 1: 2017 台北新開幕餐廳與咖啡店/2017 Taipei New Restaurants and Cafes Guide
延伸閱讀 2: 台北日本拉麵懶人包/Taipei Ramen Guide
Restaurant Name 店名: Soba Shinn & 柑橘
Address: No. 228-6 , Section 4TH, Ren-Ai Road, Taipei City 台北市大安區仁愛路四段228-6號 (Map)
MRT station 捷運站: Xinyi Anhe MRT station 信義安和捷運站
電話:02 2755 6705
營業時間:Call to Confirm