【 格蘭利威品影幻境 】Glenlivet VR & Tasting Event | 活動
Last Updated on 2019-05-12 by Foodelicious
Event Name活動名稱:
《 格蘭利威品影幻境》
Glenlivet VR + Tasting Event
Event Price 活動價格: Free 免費
Location地點:Taipei 台北
不管是少男少女 ,還是熟男熟女, 這次《 格蘭利威品影幻境》活動絕對值得你們去嘗試!
No matter who you are or how old you are, Glenlivet VR + Tasting Event is worth visiting.
1. For Boys 少男: 你遲早有一天需要在餐廳裡跟同事或朋友或客戶喝威士忌, 倒不如現在就開始瞭解大人世界. (我沒寫他們裡面的工作人員很正因為我有種感覺你們早就知道了, 哈哈)
In the future, you might need to drink whisky at the restaurants with colleagues or friends. You might as well start to know about the adult world. (I didn’t write about their staffs are hot because I know most of you already knew)
2. For Girls 少女: 大家應該都還記得之前韓國化妝品牌讓粉絲戴上VR 虛擬眼鏡和歐巴李敏鎬在虛擬實境約會嗎? 格蘭利威也有提供相似的VR有趣體驗, 只是陪伴妳的就是河谷, 麥田和蒸餾器.
Remember Korean Cosmetic Brand invited fans to experience VR with Lee Ming-Ho up close? Glenlivet also provides similar VR experience but with wheat fields, distillers..etc. The VR experience is fun!
3. For Women 熟女: 其實你已經去過好幾次威士忌品酒會, 但是平常都還是跟朋友喝葡萄酒或是下午茶, 格蘭利威品牌大使細心地準備三種甜點來搭配他們三款威士忌 , 甜點包括了芒果鳳梨果乾, 莓果棉花糖, 桂花果凍, 至於哪種配哪款酒, 妳到現場品酒會就會知道囉!
You have been to many whisky tasting events. But, most of the time, you still only drink wines or afternoon tea with your friends. The brand ambassador will prepare savory snacks, such as dried mango/pineapple, berry marshmallow, and osmanthus jelly, to pair with different Glenlivet whisky.
4. For Men熟男: 其實我知道很難去改變一個男人對威士忌品牌的堅持, 但是格蘭利威在這次活動搶先提供亞洲限定版“Excellence金緻雪莉桶12年”試喝樣品, 也許你會是你社交圈中第一個喝到的人囉.
It is difficult to change ones’ whisky preference. Glenlivet offers new Asia Limited Edition -“Excellence Sherry 12 years” sample at the tasting event. You can be the first one in your social circle to try out their new product.
除了以上這些好康外, 格蘭利威活動也有觸控式品牌介紹, 錄下自己聲音的高科技, 打卡送免費一杯酒和酒款展示區. 整個活動加品酒會大約一小時, 會讓你/妳享受到驚喜且無價的體驗.
Besides all the reasons above, Glenlivet also prepares gadgets to record your voice, one free drink if you check-in on facebook. visual and vocal introduction of their history and whisky collections display. Within one hour, you can have one hell of time to experience the unexpected.
延伸閱讀: 關於其他活動 Other Events
警語: 飲酒過量,有害 (礙) 健康 <- 菸酒管理法規定要寫的!