【 忠孝敦化 | Taipei Food 】 村子口眷村餐廳 | Tsun-Zhi-Co | 中式料理 | 聚餐

Last Updated on 2018-02-11 by Foodelicious

在美國, 各地區都有著名的料理  例如海鮮什錦飯就是代表美國南部知名料理之一. 之前中國移民搬到台灣來後, 改良了食譜 , 間接成為台灣有名眷村料理, 位於台北市市民大道附近的村子口即是著名的眷村餐廳. 少數台灣人印象中的眷村料理都是大家分享一起吃的合菜, 例如砂鍋魚頭, 但是其實也是有一人份的料理 ,最有名的就是大滷麵. 大滷麵的發源地為中國的河北跟天津, 木耳、金針菇、肉片水煮後勾芡,待麵煮好後直接淋上即可享用. 可惜的是村子口並沒有賣這道料理.
Each area in USA has its famous food, such as Jambalaya at the southern area.  Similar with USA, immigrants from China adjusted Chinese cuisine and transformed into another unique and fusion style of Taiwanese cuisine. The most famous fusion food would be “Mixed Ingredients Noodle”.



抵達這家餐廳後, 復古懷舊的裝潢跟附近的豪宅成反比, 用餐人眾多且95%都是男生上班族, 有趣的是這家餐廳還有今日特選隱藏式菜單 , 入座時服務生就會告知隱藏菜單的內容.
When arriving at the restaurant, the old-time decoration is completely different from the outside concrete jungle. It is surprisedly crowded and 95% of the customers are white collar male. The most interesting part is that they sometimes have hidden today special menu. Of course the waitress will inform you what today’s special menu is after sitting down.



English: Stir-Fried Chinese Pancake (Today’s Special)
Price: $80
Foodelicious 美味程度: 🍴🍴🍴🍴

這道菜最原始的用意是將未吃完的蔥油餅加上配料變成另一道料理, 村子口炒餅配料則是有黑木耳, 高麗菜, 豆芽, 豬肉和紅蘿蔔絲, 切片蔥油餅口感較軟, 而不是像普遍都是炒過頭且過硬的蔥油餅, 青蔥味依舊香味迷人並無被蓋過, 其他配菜則是炒得恰到好處且並無沾到任何鍋子黑渣.
The Chinese Pancake is most likely green onion pancake. Long time ago, immigrants stir-fried the leftover Chinese Pancake with bean sprouts, pork, black fungus , cabbage, sliced carrot to make a new dish. Unlike other Chinese pancakes in the market, their sliced pancake is moist on the spot. Your tastebud can feel the green onion strong aroma. The other side ingredients are cooked perfectly with fair amount of the soy sauce.



English Name: Braised Side Dish (Price may vary)
Foodelicious 美味程度: 🍴🍴🍴
村子口的滷味相當有名, 顧客可以直接到小菜區自助選取想吃的小菜, 再拿給櫃檯請他們切, 好處是尚未切片的食物結構尚未接觸到空氣, 大部分滷汁都還是鎖在食物裡, 微鹹的豆干多汁, 豬耳朵則是香脆不會過軟.
Tsun-Zhi-Co Restaurant’s braised side dish is their signature dish. You can choose the uncut side dish near the cashier and ask them to cut it for you. We choose dried tofu and pig’s ear.  Because the side ingredients are not pre-cut, so it is juicy as expected. Even though it is cold, it is still delicious.


English Name: Soybean Paste Noode
Price: NTD $60
Foodelicious 美味程度: 🍴🍴🍴

足夠份量的鹹肉配上濃厚豆瓣醬則是搭配Q彈白麵則是絕配 , 清脆的黃瓜絲則是增加口感且降低所謂的肉味.
Mild salty and well-braised minced pork is the perfect for pairing with the white noodle. The paste is full of meaty aroma. Best way to eat it is to mix evenly with the white noodle. The crisp cucumber on the top would give you refreshing flavor  to complete this dish


村子口之所以會有名除了美味的餐點外, 價格是台北東區應該可以算是最便宜的. 下次我應該會再度光臨 下次應該就會點半筋半肉牛肉麵 , 才$130!!
General speaking, Tsun-Zhi-Co is a hidden jam because of its fair price and deliciousness. I would definitely go there again in the future.



Restaurant Name店名: Tsun-Zhi-Co Restaurant  村子口眷村餐廳
Address: No. 34 , 52th Ale, 12th Lane, 3rd Section ,   Ba-De Road, Taipei 台北市松山區八德路三段12巷52弄34號 (Map)
Facebook: N/A
MRT station 捷運站: Zhongxiao Dunhua MRT Station 忠孝敦化站
Operation Hour: 11:30am ~ 2pm ; 5pm ~ 9pm
Sunday Off 週日公休
