【 新光三越 A11 | Taipei Food 】Miacucina | 西式素食 | 市政府捷運站

Last Updated on 2023-05-16 by Foodelicious

在台灣能找到“非中式”的全素餐廳其實不太容易, 素食者也是需要社交活動的啊,  Miacucina則是有提供具有現代風格的用餐空間和美味的餐點組合, 就連肉食者也會超愛這家餐廳! 除了台北信義新光三越分店之外, 本店則是位於天母.
It is difficult to survive in Taiwan if you are a vegetarian/vegan unless you cook for yourself. However, you would still need to hang out with friends. Miacucina is a vegetarian restaurant that you will find it chic, trendy and delicious even there is no meat involved.

There are many options at the menu, including Flatbread, Panini, mini platters, drinks and desserts. 菜單上從迷你拼盤, 薄餅, 帕尼尼, 飲料到甜點應有盡有.



English Name: Three Cheese Panini
Price: NTD $290
Foodelicious 美味程度:  🍴🍴🍴🍴🍴
** Mozzarella, Sharp Cheddar, and Parmesan 包括Mozzarella 起士 ,切達起士 ,巴馬起士 **

酥脆的土司夾著三種黏稠的起士, 白色的Mozzarella 起士會讓味蕾嘗到少許甜味 , 切達起士則是讓你還沒咬下去就聞到濃稠的奶香味 ,巴馬起士則是帶有點鹹味,  三種不同風味的起士讓這道簡單的料理頓時成為餐桌上最美味的餐點.
All three cheeses crushed together with crispy toast is delicious. It is not easy to distinguish each cheese’s flavor. The white mozzarella cheese brings a bit of sweetness out of your taste buds. Cheddar has its charm to let you smell thick milky aroma. Parmesan’s saltness offers the balance. It is simply enough to offer you the complexity of flavors.




English Name: Bacon with Smoked Gouda
Price: NTD $315
Foodelicious 美味程度:  🍴🍴🍴🍴🍴
** Homemade Veggie Bacon, Arugula, Caramelized Onion, Smoked Gouda Cheese with Aioli 自製素培根 ,芝麻葉, 焦糖洋蔥, 燻荷蘭高達起士和蒜泥蛋黃醬**

中式料理常有“素肉”, 但是西式料理倒是不常見到“素食培根“ ,大部分都是素食火腿. 三明治夾層裡的高達起士有濃厚煙燻味 ,往往饕客會誤認那是煙燻培根肉的味道, 台灣人對高達起士較不熟悉,  其實高達起士大部分是由荷蘭生產, 只帶有點微微的奶香味 ,荷蘭人單吃高達起士通常都會配帶有果香的啤酒, 例如Leffe Blonde.  芝麻葉則是義大利料理常見的蔬菜 ,也可歸類為辛香料 ,濃烈的芝麻香氣帶有點苦味間接平衡了煙燻味.
It is veggie bacon!! Yep, it has successfully tricked the consumers’ brain even though there is no meat flavor. The reason is that the smoked gouda cheese has this smoked wood aroma that often mistaken of BBQ smoky flavor. Gouda Cheese, which was originally from Netherlands, has a hint of milky aroma. Dutch usually eat Gouda Cheese pairing with fruity beer, such as Leffe Blonde. As for Arugula, it is a well-known healthy flavored vegetable in Italian cuisine. Its sesame flavors and bitterness would brings out the uniqueness of a salad or main course.



English Name: The Cowboy
Price: NTD $280
Foodelicious 美味程度:  N/A (My friend ordered it 朋友點的)
**Grilled Bell Pepper, Caramelized Onion, Smoked Beans, Grilled Corns, Pepper Jack Cheese with sweet BBQ Sauce 烤青椒, 焦糖洋蔥 ,熏豆, 烤玉米  ,胡椒傑克起士, 甜燒烤醬**

燻豆在台灣餐廳菜單上較少見, 但是若喜歡嘗試新料理的朋友們可以嘗試看看囉
Smoked Beans are rare ingredient in Taiwanese Dining Market. If you feel adventurous enough, you should order this dish to try it out!



English: Blueberry Coconut Slush
Price: NTD $185
Foodelicious 美味程度:🍴🍴 (My friend ordered this drink)

當這杯飲料送上桌時, 外表看起來就很像台灣的芋頭冰沙 ,當嘗了一口 ,滿滿的椰香甜味蓋住藍莓應有的酸味, 整體嚐起來就很像紫色的椰子冰沙.
By the judge of the appearance, it is often mistaken for Taro Slush. When tasting one sip, it is full of coconut sweetness. The sour flavor of blueberry was completed covered.


English Name: Latte
Price: NTD $150
Foodelicious 美味程度:🍴🍴🍴

這家餐廳也有提供茶,咖啡和冰沙等飲料, 雖然要價$150, 但是至少比星巴克和小七的咖啡好喝!
It is a basic drink in every restaurant that has afternoon tea. Comparing with Starbucks and 7-11, this Latte’s price is decent since the taste is better.


延伸閱讀: 台北市政府捷運站附近餐廳&咖啡店 & Bar 



Restaurant Name店名: Miacucina
MRT station 捷運站:  City Hall MRT Station 市政府捷運站
Address: No. 11, Song-Shou Road, Taipei 台北市信義區松壽路11號2樓 (新光三越A11 2F) (Map)
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Miacucinafamily/
Tel: 02 2722 3120
Operation Hour: 11am -9:30pm
