【台酒花雕雞泡麵 】TTL Ramen | 台灣十大泡麵 | 全聯 PX Mart
Last Updated on 2017-04-26 by Foodelicious
台灣菸酒泡麵其實這兩年開始火紅, 將酒加進泡麵成分的一部分, 已經成為台灣泡麵界的傳奇.
TTL brand Ramen is the rising star in Taiwan! TTL stands for TAIWAN TOBACCO & LIQUOR. At my previous article about Taiwan Beer, it is actually the same corporation. Shocking?!? Well, Ramen demand is high in Taiwan. Every corporation wants a piece of the demand. And TTL did it successfully by adding the wine into the recipe and became the legacy.
Product Name 產品名稱: TTL Ramen Series 台酒花雕雞泡麵&麻油雞泡麵
a. High-Grade Shaoxing Wine Flavor with Chicken 花雕雞泡麵
Foodelcious 美味程度:🍜🍜🍜🍜🍜
b. Sesame Oil & Rice Wine Flavor with Chicken Flavor 麻油雞泡麵
Foodelcious 美味程度: 🍜🍜🍜🍜
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Channel 購買地點: PX Mart 全聯TTL Ramen
NTD $42 per bowl 每碗$42
Net Weight 總重量: 200g per bowl 每碗$200g
Place of Origin 原產地: Taiwan 台灣
High-Grade Shaoxing Wine Flavor with Chicken Bar Code 花雕雞泡麵: 4710199104507
Sesame Oil & Rice Wine Flavor with Chicken Bar Code麻油泡麵: 4710199077849
製造商: 台灣菸酒
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1. High-Grade Shaoxing Wine Flavor with Chicken Ramen 花雕雞泡麵
中國酒可分為黃酒與白酒, 花雕酒則是黃酒的一種, 台酒的行銷專員提到花雕酒是台灣製且放15年! 越陳越香.
I gave a 5 Stars. Google stated that there are two types of wine in China- dark brown and Transparent. Shaoxing Wine is the dark brown type. TTL marketing specialist mentioned that their wine was made in Taiwan and each of their high-grade Shaoxing Wine are stored 15 years. The aroma became thicker and along with better quality.
花雕酒讓整個湯底成為更多層次,不再只有死鹹 ,喝過的人大部分都會給蠻高的評分.
With this great ingredient, this ramen soup base has more complex flavors. The hint of aroma at least is not completely covered with all the powders and paste. It is the only ramen soup that I wish I can have more after eating the ramen.
2. Sesame Oil & Rice Wine Flavor with Chicken Flavor 麻油雞泡麵
米酒則是白酒的一種, 兩張照片很明顯看得出來湯頭顏色不一樣 ,湯頭裡也加上麻油, 讓整個湯頭成為香氣十足.
Rice wine is the transparent type of Chinese wine. Clearly, you can see the different color of soup base between the high-grade Shaoxing wineMost Taiwanese use the rice wine to stir-fry or broth. TTL balances its soup base with sesame oil. Many Taiwanese are familiar with this dish. However, you usually pay more than NTD$60. But with this ramen, you only need to pay $42 at PX mart.
將雞肉包裝打開時, 會有薑片和枸杞, 唯一美中不足的地方就是雞肉很柴, 所以通常我泡的時候會將雞肉盡量泡在湯裡久一點囉!
Also, when you open the chicken pouch, don’t be surprised to see the ginger (yellow slice) and wolfberry (the red dot). Both are essential. The only flaw of both ramen are the dried chicken breast meat. But, I still love both Ramen.
1.High-Grade Shoaling Wine Flavor was elected as Number 1 most wanted ramen in Taiwan. 台酒花雕雞泡麵被選為台灣人最愛的No. 1泡麵
2.TTL wine are manufactured in Taiwan. 台酒的酒皆為台灣製