【Costco Kirkland Bagels 】好市多 | 美國貝果

Last Updated on 2017-10-09 by Foodelicious

最近這十年,  台灣消費者因為NY Bagels Cafe 餐廳才開始熟悉貝果(Bagels)這項產品, 美國好市多(Costco)在台灣開分店後, 也開始販售貝果, 以便消費者在家裡就可以享受不同的早餐.
Back in the days, most Taiwanese weren’t familiar with bagels. Before Costco chain stores, N.Y. Bagels Cafe was opened in Taipei City. Under social media marketing influence, bagels became well-known in Taiwan. US Costco eventually opened its chain stores in Taiwan with bread sections that sells croissants, muffins, bagels… etc.

延伸閱讀:  台灣 Costco 購買清單 》TAIWAN COSTCO BUY LIST


Product Name 產品名稱: Costco Kirkland Bagels 好市多貝果
a. Blueberry Flavor  藍莓口味  Foodelcious 美味程度:👍👍👍👍
b. Cheese Flavor 起士口味  Foodelcious 美味程度: 👍👍👍
Channel 購買地點: Costco
Price: NTD $139 for 12 pcs   NTD $139 12個貝果
Total Net Weight 總重量: 1300g
Country of Origin 原產地: N/A
Bar Code: N/A
** 以上Bagel可搭配Costco賣的亞諾綜合奶油乳酪抹醬. The above bagels can pair with Alra Buko Cream Cheese

並不是每個麵包店都有賣: 台灣人喜歡較軟的麵包 ,  所以台灣有些麵包店會稍微修改配發讓法國長棍麵包更軟, 貝果是屬於較硬的口感, 基於研發成本考量 , 大部分的台灣麵包店並沒有販售貝果. 強力推薦藍莓口味, 因為藍莓大部分都是從國外冷凍進口且單價高, 早午餐組合在台灣價格約NTD$250 ~ $350, 但是若在好市多購買則是破盤價不到$12 , 低價位讓自己也可以在家裡享受不同的早餐, 我個人是非常推薦這款產品. 
When you step in Taiwanese bakery, you rarely see bagels. Most Taiwanese still position bagels as the pricy brunch side dish in western restaurants. Also, most Taiwanese like soft breads. Due to the new recipe cost pressure , most Taiwanese bakeries decide not sell bagels. I by far had purchased blueberry and cheese flavors. A brunch set in the restaurants would cost NTD $250 ~ $350. Also, Blueberries are mostly frozen and imported to Taiwan with high price.  Costco Bagels sells less than NTD $12 per bagel!!  Besides blueberry and cheese flavors, there are also wheat, plain, and raisin bagels. I personally recommend this item.
