Taipei Clam Hot Pot 》澳門贏到足-卜卜蜆專門店菜單點什麼?
Last Updated on 2024-05-17 by Foodelicious
(結束營業) 澳門贏到足 – 鍋物私房菜二店是 新開幕忠孝敦化美食餐廳, 在澳門贏到足菜單裡, 可以選擇加價大七酒造清酒加進卜卜蜆鍋裡, 成為具有特色的台北蛤蜊鍋.
(Closed Down ) Yin Dao Zu Restaurant 2nd branch is a new restaurant near Zhongxiao Dunhua MRT station. In the menu, you can pay extra money to pour the Japanese sake into the clam hot pot.
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目錄 / Table of Contents
Yin Dao Zu Reservation
澳門贏到足目前在台北有兩家店 – 信義安和本店與忠孝敦化二店. 我跟朋友去的是新開幕的「澳門贏到足 鍋物私房菜忠孝店 (二店) 」, 地址是台北市大安區敦化南路一段233巷11號, 離忠孝敦化站五號出口只有三分鐘路程, 澳門贏到足二店目前可用 inline 訂位 ( Link: ) .
There are two branches – Xinyi Anhe and Zhongxiao Dunhua. My friend and I went to the new branch – Zhongxiao Dunhua. The address is No. 11, 233rd Lane, 1st Section, Dunhua South Road, Taipei City. It is only 3 minutes walking from the Zongxiao Dunhua MRT station exit 5. The reservation link is ( Link: )
延伸閱讀: 台北東區美食推薦 》Taipei East District Food Guide
ღ 台北例年新開幕餐廳 Taipei New Restaurant List
延伸閱讀: 2025 台北新開幕餐廳 》2025 Taipei New Restaurant Guide
延伸閱讀: 台北朋友聚餐餐廳推薦 》Taipei Restaurant Recommendation For Group Dining
Yin Dao Zu Dining Environment
我蠻喜歡澳門贏到足忠孝二店的用餐環境, 因為座位區布簾可以放下, 跟 “橘色火鍋”一樣隱密度高, 餐廳裡也有八人座位包廂, 適合家庭聚會或是朋友聚餐.
I like the dining environment at the 2nd branch. The curtain can be pulled down. It would become a small private dining room, just like at “Orange Shabu Shabu”. There is a 8-people seating area, which are suitable for family gathering and friend gathering.
延伸閱讀: 橘色涮涮屋 》信義新光三越A9餐廳推薦 | Taipei Wagyu Beef Hot Pot
小鍋 vs 大鍋
Yin Dao Zu Small Pot vs Large Pot
小鍋份量適合 2- 3 人, 蛤蜊盛滿 1.7 台斤 ( 1.02 公斤 ) , 大鍋直徑大, 蛤蜊盛滿 2.7 台斤 (1.62 公斤 ), 大鍋適合 4 人以上.
Small clam hot pot quantity is about 1.02 KG, which is suitable for 2 ~ 3 people. The large clam hot pot is about 1.62 KG, which is suitable for 4 people above.
Yin Dao Zu Clam Hot Pot Set
菜單如圖, 選擇順序都已經標註好.
The menu is stated at the picture, even with steps.
Yin Dao Zu Hot Pot Clam Broth
正宗經典原味 (小)
Original Clam Hot Pot (Small )
Price: NTD $780
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
正宗經典原味蛤蜊鍋小鍋是 NTD $780 , 大鍋是 NTD $1280. 我們點的是小鍋. 店員端上蛤蜊鍋, 此時店員解說澳門贏到足餐廳用的蛤蜊是台灣雲林的冠軍文蛤. 蛤蜊毫不吝嗇地佈滿整個淺鍋, 頗多新鮮蒜末置中, 建議滾後要先喝湯 , 鮮味十足, 蒜末更帶出冠軍蛤蜊的迷人鮮味,蛤蜊肉多汁無庸置疑, 而且之後續加的湯是加蛤蜊湯頭, 並不是白開水, 從頭到尾鮮味不減, 我個人推薦這款原味卜卜蜆鍋.
The small size original clam hot pot price is NTD $780, and the large pot is NTD $1280. We ordered small size pot. The staff mentioned that they use Taiwan Yulin champion clams, which are juicy and medium size. The clams are displayed at the appearance with fair amount of the minced garlic in the middle. I would suggest to drink the clam soup right after boiling. The great part is that they offer original clam broth as the refill instead of water. The great seafood flavor is steady and quite delicious. I would definitely recommend this original clam hot pot flavor.
加價日本清酒入鍋 ⭐
+ Add Extra to pour the sake into the pot
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍👍
澳門贏到足二店的冬季限定是「加價300元, 就可添加 150ml 知名日本大七酒造清酒入蛤蜊鍋 」, 請記得不要滾太久, 些許酒香更能讓蛤蜊鍋湯頭有特色, 我個人推薦加價購.
The restaurant’s winter promotion is「 Add extra NTD $300 , you can pour in 150ml famous Japanese sake into the clam hot pot. 」. Please remember not to boil too long. You will need the fair amount of sake flavor at the clam broth. I would definitely recommend adding the price.
藥膳溫補暖湯 (小)
Chinese medicine Clam Hot Pot (Small )
Price: NTD $880
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
兩家贏到足餐廳菜單不太相同, 藥膳溫補暖湯與秘製麻辣紅湯是二店的新款蛤蜊鍋湯頭,藥膳溫補暖湯蛤蜊鍋小鍋是 NTD $880 , 大鍋是 NTD $1380. 我印象中的藥膳湯頭總是味道過重, 澳門贏到足餐廳的當歸味沒有過重, 店員提到四小時熬煮後有紹興酒入鍋, 這款湯頭屬於溫醇, 別擔心, 蛤蜊依舊有少許鮮味.
The menus are different between two branches. The Chinese Medicine broth and Spicy broth are the new type of broths. The small size Chinese medicine clam hot pot is NTD $880, the large size is NTD $1380. I always think that the Chinese medicine flavor would be too strong. But since after 4 hours of stewing along with Shaoxing wine. The Chinese medicine flavor is less than expected. No worries, the clams still have small amount of seafood flavor.
Yin Dao Zu Meat
USDA Prime Beef
Price: + NTD 1780
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
圖片裡有美國Prime 等級穀飼霜降牛翼板 與 美國Prime等級穀飼無骨牛小排, 因為鍋偏淺, 建議用涮的方式, 七分熟就可以吃, 嫩度高, 牛肉的肉香與蛤蜊鮮味意外地搭配.
The picture is USDA Prime Beef – short ribs and flat iron steak. Please note that the pot is not deep. The beefs taste quite tender. The meaty flavor pairs well with the clam flavor.
Yin Dao Zu Dishes
酥炸黃金甲 (雞皮)
Fried Chicken Skin
Price: NTD $250
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
當時看到菜單不確定黃金甲是什麼, 店員解釋是雞腿肉的雞皮, 油脂豐富, 炸後的口感級度酥脆,吃起來卻沒有油膩的罪惡感, 與椒鹽與蒜酥拌炒後, 增加多重風味. 很適合一開始吃的下酒菜.
The skin is from chicken though skin, which contains lots of fats. It tastes quite crispy along with pepper salt and garlic. It is not too oily. It is a good appetizer, which pairs great with the alcohols.
Set Includes
手工滑 &澱粉
Meatball & Starch
Price: N/A
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
贏到足餐廳菜單的火鍋料皆有標註是手工, 而且種類眾多, 我跟朋友是點手工鮮蝦滑, 吃起來不錯. 澱粉選項可選白飯, 雞蛋, 寬冬粉與烏龍麵.
The menu stated that various hot pot ingredients are hand-made. My friend and I ordered shrimp meatball. You can select rice, egg, bean thread noodle, or udon noodle.
綜合蔬菜& 火鍋料
Mixed Vegetables
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
贏到足餐廳菜單上有單賣這盆蔬菜裡的每款蔬菜, 但是客人通常都直接點一整盆.
Yin Dao Zu offers individual vegetables price on the menu. But usually, customers order the whole bowl of vegetables.
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
Dessert is different every time.
Yin Dao Zu Drink
Chocolate Malted Milk Tea
Price: NTD $120
Foodelicious: 👍👍👍
澳門贏到足餐廳窗口有可以直接點飲料外帶的吧台.店員熟練地製作絲襪奶茶, 濃郁巧克力醬加上阿華田酷脆力, 香甜麥芽加上脆口感, 喜歡港式飲料的人應該會很喜歡這款冬季限定.外帶價格 NTD $110 , 內用為 NTD $120.
Yin Dao Zu restaurant has a window that you can order to-go drink. The silly milk tea is the base, along the Ovaltine crunchy and chocolate sauce. If you like Cantonese style tea drink, you will like this drink. The to-go price is NTD $110, the dine-in is NTD $120.
結論 Conclusion ⭐
忠孝敦化站附近的澳門贏到足二店交通方便, 放下座位區布簾就可以像小包廂., 我會建議 2 ~ 3 人去用餐, 店員會建議兩人起鍋的「 卜卜蜆雙人套餐 」, 整體計算, 「 卜卜蜆雙人套餐 」價格會比較划算. 我會推薦正宗經典原味蛤蜊鍋, 再加價 NTD $300 加日本大七清酒入鍋 (冬季限定).
The traffic at the 2nd branch is easy to access. The curtain can seperate the seating room into small private dining room. I would suggest the clam pot dining set for two people. However, I would suggest 2 ~ 3 people to dine though. I would recommend the original clam broth hot pot and add extra NTD $300 to pour the sake into the broth.
延伸閱讀: 台北火鍋推薦懶人包 (分區) 》TAIPEI HOT POT GUIDE (By District)
♛ 此為邀約文, 但撰寫的是真實感受
♛ This is a promotion article, but state the true and sincere review.
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澳門贏到足 短秒影片
Yin Dao Zu Restaurant Video
Yin Dao Zu Restaurant Information
店名: 澳門贏到足 – 鍋物私房菜忠孝二店
地址: 台北市大安區敦化南路一段233巷11號 (Map)
捷運站: 忠孝敦化捷運站
電話: 02-2711-0117
Restaurant:Yin Dao Zu Restaurant – 2nd Branch
Address: No. 11, 233rd Lane, 1st Section, Dunhua South Road, Taipei City. (Map)
Nearby MRT Station: Zhongxiao Dunhuan MRT station
Tel: 02-2711-0117
Yin Dao Zu 2nd Branch Menu